mattress counter
APL - 07.23.10
submitter: Sleepeasy
location:Brentfield Road
This picture would be much enlivened by Wim's presence. Or even by just his jaunty shirt.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 08.03.10
I did Jaak, and the next day they departed to get back to Italy, we walked in Italy, Switserland and France, great experience!

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 08.03.10
I hope you left the donkeys at the Mont Blanc Mountain.

wim commented on 08.03.10
hey folks, I am back after a seven days walk in the Mont Banc Mountain with r eal donkeys, feels asd if I have been away for months instead of days, I appreciate you liking my shirt, SE, reactions were very contradictory