while witnessing a blue moment of this sad matt, tears dropped on the concrete...hard decission to take, choosing for a great pic or try to save the matt? sorry, I'm just not that heroic!
*Mattress de Milo*
Smart Set commented on 08.09.05
Suicidal? I think this mattress was pushed!
wim commented on 04.27.04
this is "waauww", one can hear the "oumphph" as it touches the ground
dirty steve commented on 04.27.04
blue commented on 04.27.04
tragic,very sad
Ernesto commented on 04.27.04
Amazing. What a triumph!
ART-chitect commented on 04.26.04
it's like the story of a national geographic photographer who can save the president who is standing on a tree in the middle of a overflowed river or just let him go and take a winner-picture...the biggest decission to take at that moment is: choose colour or black&white