(2 of 3) - the Palo Alto dump is home to a nice pile of mattresses - I really enjoy how the mattresses themselves are turned into signage for future dumpers
The Untouchables!
wim commented on 10.13.07
perhaps he could not read, as the autor could not write
Lindsay commented on 01.12.04
I love the irony. "Nothing but mattresses" right next to a reclining chair. I guess someone didn't heed the signage or else didn't care. Or used their chair as a mattress.
deadguy commented on 11.18.02
HEY! This is a mattress party. Who invited the chair?
tikifish@rogers.com commented on 07.09.02
'Nothing But Mattress' could very well become the new slogan for this site. I could also envision it on a T-Shirt!