mattress counter
submit|showcase|notables|locations|comments|about|links was activated June 27th 2001 by Noonan and Adam. Streetmattress is running on slackware linux with apache, php, and mysql. Any questions and comments are welcomed. Here are some statistics.



How many mattress submissions are currently on This field is required (anti spam)

busterblood said on Sat Nov 13th 2010
glad to share info on pic' res'..

wim said on Fri Oct 29th 2010
I blow the small ones up to 400k, 500k makes them blur

Adam said on Sun Oct 17th 2010
I can do the resize by individual user as well.

DVD Dan said on Sat Oct 16th 2010
I like bigger. So is it not possible to do a conditional resize on the old ones that are larger than 640?

wim said on Thu Oct 14th 2010
I still have a few old ones, but I'll try to make the new ones up to 499k

Adam said on Mon Oct 11th 2010
Ok, so then moving forward we set pics to the larger 640 max size (and leave previous submissions @ the old size). As far as file size goes, anything less than 500k should do fine.

wim said on Sun Oct 10th 2010
I try to get them as close to 200k as I can get, even when I take them smaller

Smart Set said on Sat Oct 9th 2010
Will the "images under 200k" rule still apply? And will there be a maximum image size when submitting?

Smart Set said on Sat Oct 9th 2010
Great news, but I'd rather the full images were not retrospectively resized where they were only 400 max to begin with, as 99.9% of mine were, because it makes them look lower quality, as you can see with my latest three pics. I'm looking forward to the new era, though! Thanks, Adam.

Horse said on Fri Oct 8th 2010
Hi Adam. Sounds good about the picture resolution. When are you thinking of putting it in place?

Wycliffe Barrett said on Fri Apr 30th 2010
I have been away for 5 years, rather ihave been doing other stuff, I have always kept an eye on MTA and decided to do some submissions today, I shall continue to submit as I still think this is one of the most random sites on the net.

Smart Set said on Wed Jan 6th 2010
First in 2010. Soon to be second.

wim said on Thu Dec 31st 2009
and a happy new year

Jaak graaf van Stokkem said on Thu Dec 24th 2009
Merry Christmas to the SM family

wim said on Sat Oct 17th 2009
and they all came back

wim said on Sat Oct 17th 2009
a lot of my friends went to australia as a tourist

wim said on Sat Oct 17th 2009
I'll let you know, Steve

DIRTY STEVE said on Sat Oct 10th 2009

wim said on Thu Oct 8th 2009
so would I, together with Horse and SS and Robert and Dan, even with Vogon

Horse said on Mon Sep 21st 2009
No Steve. But I would like to one day

DIRTY STEVE said on Sat Sep 19th 2009

DIRTYSTEVE said on Sat Sep 19th 2009

wim said on Mon Aug 3rd 2009
we stop using the about for some reason

jen nugent said on Mon Aug 3rd 2009
this website saved my life. thank you.

Ben Lubick said on Wed Jun 10th 2009

Smart Set said on Wed Jun 10th 2009
Now GB edges 2 ahead. It's neck-and-neck, ladies and gentlemen!

Smart Set said on Mon Jun 8th 2009
USA edges ahead of GB by 7231 to 7229.

Smart Set said on Sat May 23rd 2009
Should be somewhere in Bill's showcase.

tammy said on Fri May 15th 2009
where's the picture Bill took of my mattress?

Horse said on Thu Jan 1st 2009
Happy New Year All

Chaf said on Wed Dec 31st 2008
Happy New Year!!!!

Horse said on Sat Oct 18th 2008
Not Me

wim said on Sat Oct 18th 2008
OK Horse, You win

Horse said on Wed Oct 8th 2008
I've just added up the Submissions from the UK (England, Wales & Scotland, there are non from N.Ireland). It now seems that UK has the most number of submissions with 6811

wim said on Thu Aug 21st 2008
at least it remains the ony way to kep in contact with A&N

Horse said on Wed Aug 20th 2008
Rarely used, often viewed

DVD Dan said on Wed Aug 20th 2008
RIP: RestroomArchive

wim said on Mon Aug 18th 2008
this about thing seems to be a bit a forgotten instrument

Smart Set said on Sun Apr 6th 2008
Thanks. The maths didn't take long, but collecting the data took about five hours. No idea about site views.

Horse said on Sat Apr 5th 2008
As they might say in Cardiff " Fairplay SS!" How long did it take you to work this lot out ? The number of single submitters is interesting. I wonder how many views the actual site gets ?

Smart Set said on Tue Apr 1st 2008
I've been doing some streetmattress stats. Here are the results: to date (April 1st, 2008, with 18080 matts) there have been 353 submitters, not 396. Of these, 165 (46.7%) have only a single submission, 37 (10.5%) have two submissions, 18 (5.1%) have three, and 13 (3.7%) have four. So, those with less than 5 submissions form 66.0% of the total.

Smart Set said on Sat Dec 29th 2007
St George - patron saint of England - 23rd April is St George's Day. That day in 2006 was the last time Christine submitted a real live matt.

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Dec 26th 2007

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Dec 26th 2007

Smart Set said on Thu Dec 20th 2007
Very busy, Christine! No matts since St George's Day, 2006! Happy Christmas, and get those matts submitted post haste.

ChristineLarsen said on Thu Dec 20th 2007
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays ol' Mattress Chums! I've been BUSY BUSY BUSY but have matt pics I need to upload. I hope everyone has been behaving themselves! No monkey business on the street mattresses!

DVD Dan said on Tue Nov 27th 2007
Have you folks seen this site: marumushi dot com/apps/newsmap/newsmap.cfm pretty cool.

DVD Dan said on Thu Nov 22nd 2007
Happy Turkey Day to those of that persuasion.

wim said on Fri Aug 31st 2007
steve, correct, I'll submit on with finger soon

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Aug 8th 2007

Smart Set said on Wed Jul 4th 2007
Very moving, Chaf. Just submit the frikkin' matts, willya? :-D

Chaf said on Mon Jul 2nd 2007
So I was out yesterday with my wife, daughters and 8 year old niece. While in our travels we stopped several times to take SM pics. My girls are used to this by now and so by the third stop my niece asked "why are we taking pictures of mattress'?" My wife said it's a hobby of mine, my youngest said "it's for the internet" My oldest said "it's what you do when you're middle aged and have no friends." To which i replied "that's not true, I have friends all over the world and we share the same interest in streetmattress'" So whatever you call it, photography, art, or just taking pictures of garbage, it's what we do and we do it the best. Have a great day my fellow streetmattress hunters!

DVD Dan said on Wed Jun 27th 2007
Welcome to the silly sixes Street Mattress dot com.

Chaf said on Wed Jun 27th 2007
Hooray for us, being a part of such an extreme secret society.

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Jun 27th 2007

Smart Set said on Wed Jun 27th 2007
Happy birthday, streetmattress! 6 years old today.

Chaf said on Tue Jun 26th 2007
Up by 5

Chaf said on Tue Jun 26th 2007
USA on top by 1

Smart Set said on Sat Jun 23rd 2007
Correct. I'm still hoping V3 will come riding over the hill...

Chaf said on Fri Jun 22nd 2007
Correction, 21 to go. (all inclusive)

Chaf said on Fri Jun 22nd 2007
15 to go.

Chaf said on Thu Jun 21st 2007
19 to go.

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Jun 20th 2007

DVD Dan said on Sat Jun 16th 2007
V3 must have gone home to the mother planet.

Smart Set said on Thu Jun 14th 2007
....unless Vogon3 can come to the aid of his country and submit some of his undoubtedly vast backlog. Are you there, V3?

Chaf said on Wed Jun 13th 2007
I say within the borders only. No outside world rule stuff.

Smart Set said on Wed Jun 13th 2007
Whether Adam can do this or not, the US will overhaul the UK very soon, unless...

Smart Set said on Tue Jun 12th 2007
Don't forget that the UK includes Scotland and Wales so you need to add 88 to our total. Adam, could you make the UK figure be the sum of the three totals?

Chaf said on Tue Jun 12th 2007
Notice that the USA is only 57 behind the UK right now. I'm doing my part...go RK go!

ART said on Mon Jun 11th 2007
PS:soon it will be their 6th birthday

ART said on Mon Jun 11th 2007
Adam, you're bringing us back into business...thanks for keeping it alive

DVD Dan said on Sun Jun 10th 2007
I think Adam is going to need some Advil for his Carpal-tunnel.

Smart Set said on Sun Jun 10th 2007
Good, eh? 600 or so matts up in 3 days.

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Jun 10th 2007

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Jun 10th 2007

Chaf said on Fri Jun 8th 2007
Go Adam! It's going to be to hot to go outside this weekend so you might as well stay inside and keep posting!

DVD Dan said on Thu Jun 7th 2007
Thanks Adam, that ought to shut us up for awhile ;)

ART said on Wed Mar 28th 2007
yes sir, we are back in business

Smart Set said on Mon Mar 19th 2007
Good luck with the server move, Adam. Hope it's glitch-free.

DIRTY STEVE said on Fri Feb 23rd 2007

DIRTY STEVE said on Sat Feb 17th 2007

Smart Set said on Sat Feb 17th 2007
Did the counter go up by about 25 without any new matts appearing, or am I imagining it?

wim said on Sat Feb 17th 2007
I agree; What happens?????

DIRTY STEVE said on Sat Feb 17th 2007

frans said on Fri Feb 16th 2007
Why get we no update or is this a dead site

Frans said on Thu Feb 1st 2007
Plaese more update's

G.W. said on Thu Feb 1st 2007
This Site needs to Be up Dated.

Smart Set said on Mon Jan 1st 2007
Happy New Year!

wim said on Wed Dec 27th 2006
Glad to read your safe, Steve

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Dec 27th 2006

wim said on Tue Dec 26th 2006
7PM now

wim said on Mon Dec 25th 2006
steve, make that 10 hours

wim said on Mon Dec 25th 2006
steve, m

Smart Set said on Mon Dec 25th 2006
No worries. Hey, Steve, what did Santa bring you this year?

DIRTY STEVE said on Mon Dec 25th 2006

Smart Set said on Mon Dec 25th 2006
It's now twelve minutes to Christmas. Merry Christmas to all streetmattressers!

wim said on Mon Dec 25th 2006
steve,this gives you 9 hours advantage with the gifts

wim said on Mon Dec 25th 2006
hello steve, merry christmas, it is 00h37 over here

DIRTY STEVE said on Mon Dec 25th 2006

DIRTY STEVE said on Mon Dec 25th 2006
MERRY XMAS TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smart Set said on Sun Dec 24th 2006
I've just discovered that Adam has blocked the name of that drug that's argaiv spelt backwards. Well done, Adam.

wim said on Thu Nov 30th 2006
so am I

DVD Dan said on Thu Nov 30th 2006
Up late actually.

Smart Set said on Thu Nov 30th 2006
You're up early today, Dan.

DVD Dan said on Thu Nov 30th 2006
Oh glorious missed opportunities!! My mother just told me of a streetmattress sighting from a day or two ago. Some teenage girls had a mattress with apparently some skateboards underneath rolling down the street. They would run and hop on and roll a ways then jump up and down some and continue on down the street with it. What a great second SM video that would have been. I guess that is what video phones are for. Of course my mother doesn't roll with a video-camera phone much less any camera at all. In her defense she does alert me to stationary SMs in the neighborhood.

kieran said on Thu Nov 30th 2006
When's the next update, dear mattressons? I have a great shot waiting to be discovered by mattress-spotting folk worldwide..

zzy said on Sun Nov 26th 2006

wim said on Fri Nov 10th 2006
and earwax

Smart Set said on Mon Nov 6th 2006
Using ultrasound?

wim said on Sun Nov 5th 2006
I spotted part of the "army of invisible" yesterday.

wim said on Sun Nov 5th 2006
christine, tonight I am wearing nail polish, glittering in the dark. This is what happens if you have a 14 year old girl as godchild. So you can spot me in the dark. I am glowing with happiness anyway, since I know you are bringing your squirl along

Smart Set said on Sat Nov 4th 2006
I like the "an entire army of invisible ." bit. Very clever.

ChristineLarsen said on Thu Nov 2nd 2006
You know that little pub at the end of your street, the one with the pink flamingo lamp shade in the window and the red flashing light? I'll meet you there. I'm the one wearing the squirrel fur jacket and bright purple lipstick.

wim said on Wed Nov 1st 2006
my 2:01 AM was 8:01 AM over here, how is your 12:15 AM?

wim said on Wed Nov 1st 2006
I've dressed up, what time shall we meet? This place friday?

ChristineLarsen said on Wed Nov 1st 2006
MIA gets ya 5 years in the slammer here, Wim! :) Happy matt hunting my friend!

wim said on Mon Oct 30th 2006
I once was MIA too, but the army did not mind, no offence in my comments Christine. Ciao

ChristineLarsen said on Mon Oct 30th 2006
Sorry I've been MIA but I do have some new matt pics to post, maybe tonight! I haven't forgotten you, my little mattress friends!!

ART said on Wed Oct 18th 2006
sje guys, it has been a while, things are going fast overhere, our building is in it's final episode, my office already moved there, I'm not spending that much time on streetmattress (even got no internet for the moment) but you're reactions to my submissions made me smile again which I missed the last weeks with life speeding so fast, thanks and hopefully we'll meet next week when they bring me "the internet"

DVD Dan said on Sun Oct 15th 2006
"STAPLED TO THE MATTRESS by Scarling" It's over you're sober -pants around your ankles You're ship wrecked - You've gone mute Nothing there to say You're naked and shaking like a 2 bit Judas You fall down closefisted and end up in my way You're the people who just want me to notice You're the people I try so hard to ignore You're the coward who demands me to save him You will smother - under covers- stapled to the mattress.

DVD Dan said on Sun Oct 15th 2006
"MATTRESS MAMBO by Anvil" My favourite type of dancing is done upon a bed Moving to the music that plays within my head Learning all the dance steps, point flex plie tendu Bending over backwards, on point I ll be for you Tarantella A midnight dance for me [Chorus:] Mattress, mattress mambo Mattress, do the mattress mambo

Chaf said on Fri Oct 13th 2006
Bullet In The Mattress by The Gadjits "Let me tell ya a story that's a little bit gory About a woman and her cheating man She believed in the Glory of Love And the cheating she just would not stand He came home one night to a terrible fight Because he smelled of anothers perfume Darling he said you know that I love you More than a born again Jew Theres a bullet in the mattress You can hear it go ring a ding ding ding Theres a bullet in the mattress This time I wanna hear ya sing"

Smart Set said on Thu Oct 12th 2006
Then there's Alan Fletcher, who plays Dr Karl Kennedy in Neighbours. He's in a band called Waiting Room and they have a song called "Mattress on the Floor" with thess lines: "Please give me one nights lovin'/ Don't show me the door/ Another night alone/ On my mattress on the floor". Pretty spiffy!

Smart Set said on Thu Oct 12th 2006
Bob Dylan's old song "Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat" has this: "You know it balances on your head/ Just like a mattress balances On a bottle of wine/ Your brand new leopard-skin pill-box hat"

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Oct 11th 2006

gregory said on Fri Sep 1st 2006
love this site

wim said on Mon Aug 28th 2006
you are right,it makes no sense

DVD Dan said on Sun Aug 27th 2006
Searching Google "Images" smart set

wim said on Sun Aug 27th 2006
and what did you google, da, I 'll give it a try from Belgium

DVD Dan said on Sat Aug 26th 2006
Well I'm sticking to my theory as all of SS's 59 pix are from the front page, based on their size.

wim said on Thu Aug 17th 2006
I don't think so, it is at random

DVD Dan said on Wed Aug 16th 2006
I think it is related to which matts are on the front page when the Google spider comes by.

wim said on Wed Aug 16th 2006
those pictures aren't even his pictures, but sometimes just comments

wim said on Wed Aug 16th 2006
on the other hand "jaak graaf van stokkem" results in 12 pictures

wim said on Wed Aug 16th 2006
I have no idea, same things happens when you search for "wim rutten", but if you search "smart set" there are no pîctures of mattress, at least not in belgium, no result on "dirty steve" either

Smart Set said on Wed Aug 16th 2006
If you search for "streetmattress" on Google Images, it returns dozens of seemingly randomly selected images from this site, but are they really random? Does anyone know on what basis they are selected?

wim said on Tue Jul 25th 2006
i just boiled my brain

DVD Dan said on Tue Jul 25th 2006
Okay enough screwing around, for you new folk, finding a particular matt number is as easy as: streetmattress dot com/sm.php?mattress=13954 just change the number to the matt you want to view.

DVD Dan said on Sun Jul 23rd 2006
Just put this in your google box: 12345

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Jul 23rd 2006

DVD Dan said on Fri Jul 21st 2006
I can.

sleepeasy said on Thu Jul 20th 2006
D'oh! I've just worked it out.

sleepeasy said on Thu Jul 20th 2006
Can anyone tell me how to search for a particular submission number?

wim said on Mon Jul 10th 2006
steve, don't throw them in in one submission if you can

wim said on Mon Jul 10th 2006
hey, more or less together, over here 12 am = 6 am on the site

wim said on Mon Jul 10th 2006
here goes my dream of staying ahead

DIRTY STEVE said on Mon Jul 10th 2006

wim said on Sun Jul 9th 2006
Steve, how many this time?

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Jul 9th 2006

wim said on Sat Jul 8th 2006
more or less 4 weeks

DIRTY STEVE said on Sat Jul 8th 2006

wim said on Wed Jul 5th 2006
fantastic, let's find out how fast you make your jump, just as McEwan does with Boonen.

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Jul 5th 2006

ART said on Tue Jun 13th 2006
13 new matts in belgium, business is going well

ART said on Wed Jun 7th 2006
today arrived a package in a strange box with a ivory enveloppe. It contained some beautifull words and an even nicer thingy for our daughter. What a surprise! We loved it (some people have bad taste but this one is fantastic)...thank you, definitly no "return to sender", kisses : ART, Gwen & Maud

ART said on Wed Jun 7th 2006
boy oh boy, Adam is about a month behind scedule, I guess I've send in my last submissions about 8th May, but I'm not sure. Wouldn't it be great that you got a mail right after you have submitted to say Adamm has it. Than he still can reject it but at least you know he's got it and especially when

ART said on Fri Jun 2nd 2006
boy, the commenting is up again on full speed....maybe it just need a little boost

wim said on Tue May 30th 2006
tried to find you christine, but no match

ChristineLarsen said on Fri May 26th 2006
Hey even though I've had a dry spell, I did make a page on myspace! ha ha. Any fellow mattress hunters with a myspace page? Please come be my friend!

ART said on Wed May 10th 2006
I'm sending in a catastrophe, I don't know if it's category : do not use for matthunting as respect to the victims, so Adam/Noonan can kick it out, but I can send you the site so you can watch what I mean, it's in the beginning (of video 3)of "maandag 08/05 19u breedband" about the big crash, visit vtm dot be/nieuws/index_bekijkonline.htm

ART said on Mon May 8th 2006
passing by to say hey...Maud is doing great; 6 weeks now, asks alot of energy but as a parent you seem to like that...greetings from Belgium

nate103016 said on Sat Apr 15th 2006
Ok just trying to get it, i see the humour in it,nate

Chaf said on Mon Mar 20th 2006
So I'm off by a year...or two...anyway a kid that young definitely keeps a parent busy.

Smart Set said on Sun Mar 19th 2006
See #10958.

Chaf said on Sun Mar 19th 2006
Didn't Adam have one last year?

ART said on Sat Mar 18th 2006
at the moment I'm printing my birthcards (at least what I can, ceuse the cild is still in the pipelin), but my printer goes crazy, I hate it when it doesn't do what you want, and that happens a lot, not?

wim said on Sat Mar 18th 2006
what child,chaf? Is there more than one hunter expecting bearth?Is Adam like Art? Or is he a fresh father?

Smart Set said on Thu Mar 16th 2006
Counter on 12345! Nice one, Adam.

Chaf said on Wed Mar 15th 2006
Adam is probably very busy with the child these days.

Smart Set said on Tue Mar 14th 2006
20 days.

wim said on Sun Mar 12th 2006
There is a 10 days wait I think

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Mar 12th 2006

Vogon3 said on Fri Mar 10th 2006
he was in the pub

psychobabble said on Fri Mar 10th 2006
well spotted V3 - "Dumped Rubbish" - I couldn't see Charles K there!

Smart Set said on Thu Mar 9th 2006
A bit pathetic that they can only manage two mattress pics from the teeming Willesden area, but any party that posts large pics of dumped mattresses deserves votes. However, I did not like the dumped freezer and washing machine pics as much.

Vogon3 said on Thu Mar 9th 2006
and also......

Vogon3 said on Thu Mar 9th 2006
and also......

Vogon3 said on Thu Mar 9th 2006
The British Lib Democrats party witch most of you overseas matt hunters would never have heard off seem to be trying to get into the

psychobabble said on Thu Mar 2nd 2006
I don't do links but go to .... on the site there is a large musicbox with downloads one of which is 'Rusty Pillow'

Vogon3 said on Thu Mar 2nd 2006
PB link don't seem to work

psychobabble said on Wed Mar 1st 2006
V3, check out Rusty Pillow

wim said on Sun Feb 26th 2006
so Steve, we will soon see you overtaking DVD ?

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Feb 26th 2006
I'M BACK!!!!!

Vogon3 said on Tue Feb 21st 2006
It is rather quiet

ART said on Tue Feb 21st 2006
it seems everybody has gone on a vacation

wim said on Mon Feb 6th 2006
a good equation = zero

Smart Set said on Sun Feb 5th 2006
I was sorry to hear about òÆÞÇ©¶© though. Poor guy. That must have hurt like hell on a jet ski.

DVD Dan said on Sun Feb 5th 2006
Gee I heard Àë»éÍø was dead. Well good for you.

Vogon3 said on Fri Feb 3rd 2006
of course I knew that that hence my joke

wim said on Tue Jan 31st 2006
Vogon, I gues you know the dutch word for potato is "aardappel", pronounced like "artapple"

Vogon3 said on Sun Jan 29th 2006
ARTApple always

Smart Set said on Sun Jan 29th 2006
My computer has been fixed now. The video card had died. Thanks, V3, for trying to help, and to Adam for kindly emailing me suggestions on how to diagnose the fault.

Chaf said on Sat Jan 28th 2006
Thanks Wim. A couple of months of decent paychecks and hopefully back in a house this spring. The apartment life is getting old. My matts are powered by DELL at home but I run a MAC at work. I suggest a PC full size for the bill paying and an IBook with superdrive for play.

ART said on Sat Jan 28th 2006
Mine by AMD and Intel...I've chosen for windows for the last 10 years but still am looking at because I just love the concept. An I-pod is the closest I've got :-)

Rebecca said on Sat Jan 28th 2006
My mattresses are powered by AMD.

wim said on Sat Jan 28th 2006
Can anyone explein me this DVD DAN/ART thing? Art? I am glad for you Chaf, I know what is feels to be out of work. And Rebecca? I am trying to catch up with you, but life is a strange thing and matresses seem to be hiding these days.

DVD Dan said on Sat Jan 28th 2006
That is what I figured you meant, but windows has nothing to do with it. Intel isn't just windows. It also runs most smaller web servers which run some flavor of unix, which happens to be what the new mac os is built on. So it really isn't that big a deal. Other than all those Mac Heads won't have megaflop envy anymore. It should be a positive thing as you'll have faster more powerful macs with a steady development pipeline. Once all that software gets ported and the bugs squished that is.

ART said on Fri Jan 27th 2006
I mean the choice for Intel

DVD Dan said on Fri Jan 27th 2006
PC-windows way? What have you been smoking ART?

ART said on Fri Jan 27th 2006
yep, that's the big difference, although my profession screams for Apple I still use Windows in a network. It's "Alt" than. How do you feel about Apple going the pc-windows way?

Vogon3 said on Thu Jan 26th 2006
ART the cmd key is the "apple" key on a mac keyboard

ART said on Thu Jan 26th 2006
Vogon...what's the cmd-button? no command on my machine....Rebecca:with the cold here in Belgium it's better to have an inside job

DVD Dan said on Thu Jan 26th 2006
Hey Rebecca - good to see you alive and kicking

Rebecca said on Wed Jan 25th 2006
Greetings everybody. I now have a desk job and won't be seeing all that many mattresses. However, I will try to come out of my cave and resume normal communications, lest I turn into an eyeless newt.

Smart Set said on Wed Jan 25th 2006
Looks as though January is going to be a new low point for submissions. If submissions continue to fall at this rate we'll be down to five or six mattresses per month in six months' time!

Smart Set said on Wed Jan 25th 2006
Ctl+shift+power had no effect. It does 3 long beeps then after about 30 secs the computer turns itself off.

Vogon3 said on Tue Jan 24th 2006
SS does it power up but wont boot? if so try from off. hold down ctl-cmd-shift-and power. that will reset power manager (with computer off)

Vogon3 said on Tue Jan 24th 2006
my new laptop power management system was burnt out by a power surge when our bit of Acton went out a couple of weeks back.

Smart Set said on Tue Jan 24th 2006
Oops! ..ntime I am struggling on using a better computer, but without access to certain data, like email addresses...

Smart Set said on Tue Jan 24th 2006
It just won't boot up. Power supply failure? Hope it's fixable. Mea

Vogon3 said on Tue Jan 24th 2006
what happened SS

Smart Set said on Fri Jan 20th 2006
Could any SM people I have emailed in the past please email me now as I have lost your addresses because of a computer disaster.

DVD Dan said on Wed Jan 18th 2006
Congrats ART.

ART said on Wed Jan 18th 2006

Nancy Dumpling said on Tue Jan 17th 2006
DVD Dan/Art! I can't believe that!? How odd!

Chaf said on Sun Jan 15th 2006
All that sales and technical stuff is fine but we need a picture to prove it. Who will be the first submitter for the moottress category?

psychobabble said on Sun Jan 15th 2006
try this one for more info...

DVD Dan said on Sun Jan 15th 2006
Don't know about any new law but there is such a thing as a cow mattress

Vogon3 said on Sat Jan 14th 2006
That sounds like a lot of Bull

Chaf said on Sat Jan 14th 2006
mootress...a new category.

psychobabble said on Sat Jan 14th 2006
Brrrreaking Euro news... Farmers (in Europe) have been forced to buy their cows mattresses to sleep on under a new EU law - based on research that cows sleeping on matts produce 10% more milk compared to bare floor cows! Anyone intersted in a potential matt recycling business venture?

Smart Set said on Sat Jan 14th 2006
Nice one, Chaf. Did you mention SM at the interview?

psychobabble said on Fri Jan 13th 2006
wow, life can be stranger than fiction, good luck with the job, C!

Chaf said on Thu Jan 12th 2006
Just want to share a little irony with you folks. I had been unemployed since a layoff in March, attended a semester at the local community college to help pass time (Uncle Sam paid for it) and have recently gotten new employment. My profession is a Graphic Artist primarily working for printing companies. As you know for the past year this site has become somewhat of a hobby for me. The ironic part is that the company I now work for produces...mattress labels...from design to finished product for many different name brand companies. Does anybody believe in destiny?

Vogon3 said on Tue Jan 10th 2006
or this

Vogon3 said on Tue Jan 10th 2006
Ok then what about this one then

DVD Dan said on Tue Jan 10th 2006
V3 - close only counts in Horseshoes and Hand-grenades and (post 1945) nuclear weapons. But a valiant effort nonetheless. BTW those little buggers aren't so little.

Chaf said on Tue Jan 10th 2006
This makes me speechless V3, where do find the time?

Vogon3 said on Mon Jan 9th 2006 8th picture down shows a mattress that was nearly used by a penguin

Gruntwilligar T. Honkeoffski said on Wed Jan 4th 2006
Do you have any mattresses that are in use by a Penguin? Gruntie

wim said on Mon Jan 2nd 2006
Good hunting to all of you, perhaps we'll go for a group meeting in 2006. Is there nowhere a sponsor on line?

Chaf said on Sun Jan 1st 2006
Newpy Hap Year...hiccup!:~)

Smart Set said on Sun Jan 1st 2006
Good luck to all mattress lovers for 2006.

DVD Dan said on Sat Dec 31st 2005
Same to you DS and all your downunder kinsmen. I've got another 16 hours to go.

DIRTY STEVE said on Sat Dec 31st 2005
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem said on Wed Dec 28th 2005
With some time to spend .

wim said on Wed Dec 28th 2005
And me working, but them I am a ""aholic

Smart Set said on Wed Dec 28th 2005
Christmas holidays, wim?

wim said on Tue Dec 27th 2005
SS, explain in a vintage manner, why is everything soh ho calm?

DIRTY STEVE said on Tue Dec 27th 2005

Smart Set said on Mon Dec 26th 2005
Who is you callin' a ho?

wim said on Mon Dec 26th 2005
ho ho ho

DIRTY STEVE said on Mon Dec 26th 2005
OH OH OH !!!!!!!!

DIRTY STEVE said on Mon Dec 26th 2005
OH OH OH !!!!!!!!

Smart Set said on Sun Dec 25th 2005
Happy Christmas, everyone!

DVD Dan said on Sun Dec 25th 2005
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year to all you SMites.

Chaf said on Sat Dec 24th 2005
To all streetmatt hunters, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanza, Happy Festivus...whatever your holiday celebration entails, I hope it's a good one with peace and prosperity to you and all your families in the coming new year! Remember, don't drink and may hit a bump and spill beer on your pants!

wim said on Sat Dec 24th 2005

wim said on Sat Dec 24th 2005
Dan, why don't you invite us all for your new front door next month.In Belgium your neighbours would put minimum 1, but usually 4 doors in front of your house. Every time we pass a decennial we say to have received a new front door. In Holland people are unaware of this custom, as in the rest of Europe

DIRTY STEVE said on Fri Dec 23rd 2005

DVD Dan said on Thu Dec 22nd 2005
wim you got the why, PB you got the when.

psychobabble said on Thu Dec 22nd 2005
17th January 1966?

wim said on Thu Dec 22nd 2005
your birthday? 11 july 1966? november the 7th 1966?

DVD Dan said on Thu Dec 22nd 2005
Hey I just noticed the mattress counter is a very significant number to me.

Salinger said on Thu Dec 22nd 2005
Smart Set - how about coming to the Pillow Fight? Thursday 22nd @18.47 in Covent Garden.

Smart Set said on Tue Dec 20th 2005
Sadly, I don't think it would help much, V3. People should just do as they would be done by.

wim said on Mon Dec 19th 2005
I am in favour V3

Vogon3 said on Mon Dec 19th 2005
Adam why not have a time of comment showing like the time here in the about section could be useful sometimes What you say SS

Smart Set said on Mon Dec 19th 2005
"All talk and no presence"... ironically, that kind of describes you rather than me, doesn't it, "santa claws", posting a gratuitous insult while hiding behind a name that is not your usual SM name.

Santa Claus said on Mon Dec 19th 2005
It will certainly be "no presence" for you this Christmas, "santa claws", as you have been very rude to Smart Set!

santa claws said on Mon Dec 19th 2005
typical Smartset - all talk and no presence

Smart Set said on Sun Dec 18th 2005
'Fraid not, Salinger. Good luck with it though!

Salinger said on Sat Dec 17th 2005
Only a few hours until London (and NYC) Santacon!! You coming Smart Set?

Dr Freud said on Mon Dec 5th 2005
disappointing - thought it was going to calculate biorhythms or related 'matt'ers

Smart Set said on Sun Dec 4th 2005

Smart Set said on Sun Dec 4th 2005
Number freaks, here's an interesting site which calculates many cool figures when you input your birthdate and time.

SM fans said on Sat Dec 3rd 2005
Salinger please control your friends.

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem said on Fri Dec 2nd 2005
Art , didn't you know that matts don't like our Belgian winter , they rather stay inside .But sometimes on a sunny day ...

ART said on Fri Dec 2nd 2005
makes me lonely

Smart Set said on Thu Dec 1st 2005
Looks like you're the only one, ART.

ART said on Tue Nov 29th 2005
It seems to me that all the matts are in their wintersleep, or am I the only one who thinks they aren't that much on the street as the used to be lately?

Chaf said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
To much to organize wim. How about a New Years day planned time when we're all online and we have an awards show of sorts... "The Matties"?

wim said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
Donovan, I would suggest for each one of his his own favourite and his favorite 5 other submitters, althougthis is getting difficult, loosing track and next year a meating , or o fixed chat date, after all around 11pm in most parts of europe it is about 5pm in most parts of the usa and 11am in australia, we then could organise "best shot of the past"

Salinger said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
It wasn't Le Creuset but looked very similar. Can't remember the name.

Nancy Dumpling said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
I have to go - being dragged to the Queenshilling....BYE!

Nancy Dumpling said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
Huh?! How did that happen!? Pink casserole hey? Make?

Nancy Dumpling said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
Yes....but unfortunately I give our Business Manager and admin team such stick, I haven't dare requested an upgrade would require begging. Anyway, suacepans are the only pink kitchen thing left that I need!

Salinger said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
I saw a pink casserole dish yesterday...

Nancy Dumpling said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
Yes....but unfortunately I give our Business Manager and admin team such stick, I haven't dare requested an upgrade would require begging. Anyway, suacepans are the only pink kitchen thing left that I need!

Smart Set said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
Nancy, have you seen the lovely new pink Motorola mobile phone?

Nancy Dumpling said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
Pink saucepans please. That's all I want from Father Christmas this year.

Smart Set said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
Egg and chips twice, a Tizer and a Wagon Wheel.

Chaf said on Sat Nov 26th 2005
I'll have a pasrtami on rye, mustard and a pickle on the side.

FOD40UK said on Fri Nov 25th 2005
And I'll have a Harley {'58 panhead bobber, please!)

ART said on Wed Nov 23rd 2005
Adam, if you're doing all this, can you arrange me a chevy '69, for free of course, I let you know the shipping address

Rebecca said on Wed Nov 23rd 2005
I like your idea too, Donavon. It would also be interesting to be able to browse comments by commenter.

Chaf said on Wed Nov 23rd 2005
Sounds good, but I agree, browsable titles also for in between perusing.

Smart Set said on Tue Nov 22nd 2005
Nice idea, Donavon. I suppose it all turns on how difficult it would be to implement. But it gets my vote. I still want a browsable titles database though...

DVD Dan said on Tue Nov 22nd 2005
ADAM, Looks like the online casinos have caught up with you. It might be time to install captcha for comment submissions.

ART said on Tue Nov 22nd 2005
Me too, frappr could be a start in that direction but on streetmatt would be better, you could fill in some personal stuff also but that's me I guess. I can imagine people enjoy living in a grey area

Salinger said on Tue Nov 22nd 2005
Donavon, I like the idea very much.

Salinger said on Tue Nov 22nd 2005
Donavon, I like the idea very much.

Donavon said on Tue Nov 22nd 2005
Hey, got an idea. Has anyone thought about asking the Gurus to come up with a user defined "favorites" link on your own showcase page? Let me explain: there are quite a few pics (not necessarily de Milos) that never show up on the main page and get buried in your own showcase pages without ever seeing the light of day. Or the light of your peers. You could take 30 pictures and have "the one" that you're most proud of (that doesn't de Milo) that gets buried under a wave of submissions. I don't know how hard it would be for Adam or Noonan to implement it. I know they periodically update the site with something new and exciting. If nothing else, it'd be interesting to see what other people regard as their own favorite pics. What do you guys think? Is it a go?

Smart Set said on Mon Nov 14th 2005
It was very quiet with no new matts up. The guy from another planet was from Hong Kong, I think. The site couldn't cope with Chinese characters.

? said on Mon Nov 14th 2005
Everybody take the weekend off? Except the nut from another planet.

ART said on Sat Nov 12th 2005
SS, I'm innocent on fraprr

Smart Set said on Thu Nov 10th 2005
They already are here, Chaf. ART, did you post all those numbered pics from around the world on Matworld?

Chaf said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
Ba dum bum to you SS. I think some of the numbered Frappr submits are misdirected, they should be here.

ART said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
Wycliffe I meant, oops

ART said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
Chaf, I mapped myself, but was to enthousiastic, excuse me!

Smart Set said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
Chaf, as long as you don't switch to de-Chaf you'll be OK.

Nancy Dumpling said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
Art - You are joking!!!??

ART said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
my english is too bad to understand what's there to laugh about, what's defeat?

Nancy Dumpling said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
I still chuckle at french military victories..very good Dan! and this new one is rather entertaining too!

Chaf said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
I recently switched to de-caf?

Smart Set said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
Chaf, what are you on, dude?

Chaf said on Wed Nov 9th 2005
Now the type looks small...ooh I feel woozy...

DVD Dan said on Tue Nov 8th 2005
1 type phrase "French military victories" 3 click :I'm feeling lucky

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem said on Tue Nov 8th 2005
1 hhtp:// 2 type word "FAILURE" 3 click :I'm feeling lucky

Smart Set said on Tue Nov 8th 2005
Maybe someone has altered the text size in your browser.

Rebecca said on Tue Nov 8th 2005
Chaf, take off your glasses - there is no big bold type!

Chaf said on Tue Nov 8th 2005
Where's all the big bold type coming from? Did someone lose their glasses?

Nancy said on Sat Nov 5th 2005
No, I mean lengths!!?

Smart Set said on Fri Nov 4th 2005
Until then, I think 12345 will have to do.

FOD40UK said on Fri Nov 4th 2005
Aw shoot! Guess we'll just have to wait till 22222!

Smart Set said on Fri Nov 4th 2005
Did anyone see the mattress counter on 11111? Only the best of all possible numbers - and I missed it!

FOD40UK said on Thu Nov 3rd 2005

DVD Dan said on Thu Nov 3rd 2005
ND you meant heights, right?

Nancy Dumpling said on Mon Oct 31st 2005
Dan - that link is crazy!!?? Can you believe he would go to such lengths....

Chaf said on Mon Oct 31st 2005
Didn't realize, had I known I would have looked him up and thrown a few back. Sarasota is big enough for my few. I'm not going back for awhile.

Smart Set said on Mon Oct 31st 2005
The spelling wasn't precise, but it was to show that the SM clock is 10 minutes fast.

Smart Set said on Mon Oct 31st 2005
Thos message posted at 12.24am GMT precisely.

Smart Set said on Mon Oct 31st 2005
Chaf, I think you've been poaching in Adam's backyard.

Chaf said on Sun Oct 30th 2005
I've been in Sarasota Florida all weekend visiting the folks, when out hunting with my brother and got some good shots, can't wait to get home and submit...

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Oct 30th 2005

Chaf said on Sat Oct 29th 2005
Dan, that is a great story! I always appreciate when someone can "recycle" garbage. My favorite category is yard art.

DVD Dan said on Thu Oct 27th 2005
Mattress shoes:

DVD Dan said on Tue Oct 25th 2005
Well SS was correct, October is a record breaker.

Smart Set said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
Sorry, Dan (and Adam) I'm with you now. So that's the mystery solved. And it makes sense, because all the people who are "rotton" spellers are the ones who leave the brainless comments. But it doesn't quite explain it, because nearly 80% of the idiot comments were made *before* Theresa's "ROTTON" comment was added (which is the one that AOL's search - not Google's - finds. But, if we look all the way down at the 8th comment (after 7 sensible ones), which was left, sadly, by SM's own DjEsky, we find that he spelt it "rotton" first, which then opened the floodgates!

DVD Dan said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
You're missing the point. The link people are following is from the search result page on Google when they search for I imagine they then poke around when " doesn't work. Any link on the first page of a Google search is going to attract some collateral clicking.

Smart Set said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
Dan, show me exactly where on the direct link to Coco's pic is.

DVD Dan said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
Told you so.

Adam said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
That is how the majority of direct links to coco's mattress are being refered from. (according to my logs).

Smart Set said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
Adam, that's not the link to the mattress from another site, that's just the search finding a misspelling of "rotten" as "rotton" which appears in a comment on Coco's mattress. Are you able to do what Dan suggested - look at the "referring URL report" - to solve this mystery?

Adam said on Mon Oct 24th 2005 search for and it links directly to coco's mattress.

Smart Set said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
Dan, I was being kind. I thought it would be mean to point out that you'd made two spelling mistakes in the one comment.

Smart Set said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
Dan, Rebecca's right. I had many a false "Eureka!" moment like that until I realised.

Rebecca said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
I don't think that shows anything except that someone commented here and said ""

DVD Dan said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
Hey SS it looks like Coco's link is from a Google search page

DVD Dan said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
Well at least I caught it before SS did, or he was being kind.

Rebecca said on Mon Oct 24th 2005
They were board.

DVD Dan said on Sun Oct 23rd 2005
Why did they have to make english so damn hard?

Rebecca said on Sun Oct 23rd 2005
I really don't like the idiot comments on such a fine picture. Coco didn't seem to mind too much though.

DVD Dan said on Sun Oct 23rd 2005
Maybe if Adam gets really board he'll take a peak at the referring URL report, to solve the mystery.

Smart Set said on Sun Oct 23rd 2005
I've been trying to track down the site that has the direct link to Coco's "Too Old For School" (#2609), and though there are numerous links (many on really LCD sites) to the front page and the showcase page, I can't find any links straight to the picture. has a link to us, and I thought "Aha!" but again, not to the pic. Google can't find it via its links search, so it's a bit of a mystery.

DVD Dan said on Sat Oct 22nd 2005
Of course, too bad those Hollywood producers don't have their priorities straight when it comes to background authenticity. I guess I'll just have to wait for our current spy satellite photos to go commercial then I'll be able to cherry pick Acton matts from the comfort of my office chair via Google Earth.

Smart Set said on Sat Oct 22nd 2005
There's probably one leaning against the far side of it.

DVD Dan said on Sat Oct 22nd 2005
Imagine this A London skip without a mattress

Smart Set said on Sat Oct 22nd 2005
Have a look at this site.

Smart Set said on Fri Oct 21st 2005
Found this at Streetmattress 3/4/02 Description: a web based outlet for urban art hunters Comment: Only on the web, baby! It's global – it's real – it's fun! Today's pick comes to you from street-level and you've got to give Noonan props for coming up with such a unique concept – streetmattresses as art. Okay – so it really does sound silly at first. Who would possibly be interested in such goofiness? You'd be surprised. There's almost 300 submissions from people all over the world – photos of all kinds of mattresses spotted on the street. About 20% of the submissions come from Noonan and Adam, the guys behind the site, but there's 17 other people who have submitted at least 3 entries. A guy named Matthew in Australia has already spotted 30 streetmattresses and Sunnydazeuk seems to have Sarasota, Florida covered nicely with 27. Oddly enough, Adam also has spotted a number of streetmattesses in Sarasota while Noonan is busy spotting 'em in NYC. Five more of the participants have at least 10 spottings to their credit – this is absolutely amazing! A grandfather who visits the site says "this is a fun way to have the fun of hunting without whacking anything." Good point! Another visitor says "Man I LOVE stupid web sites, but holy god this one is a piece of donkey feces. And the fact that it seems well programmed makes it even worse." Yeah, right – I'll betcha he's out there looking for mattresses, too! It's nice to see people having such fun on the web by taking it to the streets, dontcha think?

Chaf said on Fri Oct 21st 2005
I'm off to the races for the weekend, NASCAR, beer, party girls...Be back Monday...Happy Hunting!

Ken said on Thu Oct 20th 2005
Great jorb guys! Looks like submissions are getting approved very quickly!

FOD40UK said on Tue Oct 18th 2005
Don't worry Art, Kirkham UK is just as blurry. Good site tho'.

ART said on Mon Oct 17th 2005
I've google earthed to NY, pretty impressive, with 3D buildings...try Stokkem, Belgium and you'll end with a blurry 2D-city, I guess in some way we are ;-)

DIRTY STEVE said on Mon Oct 17th 2005

DVD Dan said on Mon Oct 17th 2005
Any of you folks tried Google Earth? I didn't get it at first; I thought it's just another satellite view. Then I discovered the view angle function. This will be bloody unbelievable in 3 to 5 years.

Smart Set said on Sat Oct 15th 2005
Look at those stats. October is going to be the month that breaks all records.

Adam said on Sat Oct 15th 2005
That depends on the amount of submissions. location categories have been considered on the front page, I just need to get some time to put it in.

Rebecca said on Fri Oct 14th 2005
Yes, thank you.

DIRTY STEVE said on Fri Oct 14th 2005
good work adam and noonan!!!

Salinger said on Thu Oct 13th 2005
Adam, how much time (per day/per week) does this take you? Is there a way we could do the locations bit for you??

Adam said on Thu Oct 13th 2005
I have a form that shows all submitted info that is editiable. The category and location are chosen and then....submit. The pictures are generated at the same time (with branding). Submitted info is inserted into the streetmattress DB.

ART said on Wed Oct 12th 2005
now, Adam, you must inform us about how it all works now; do you have a pay-him-with-a-banana-monkey now who decides what category?

FOD40UK said on Wed Oct 12th 2005
I liked the comma, didn't like the big nav. buttons (didn't you try that once before, a couple of years ago?)

DVD Dan said on Wed Oct 12th 2005
Hey Adam, now that you seem to have so much free time on your hands how's about turning the BB back on. Purty Please.

DVD Dan said on Wed Oct 12th 2005
HEY WHERE'S THE COMMA? just kidding I don't care. I do prefer the nonghetto navigation font size though.

Adam said on Wed Oct 12th 2005
I did'nt like the changes either.

Smart Set said on Wed Oct 12th 2005
Hey, the comma has just vanished and the text has gone back to its original size! The listening site. Thanks, Adam

Al G. Bra said on Tue Oct 11th 2005
Use both hands when you count ART.

Einstein said on Tue Oct 11th 2005
surely 10.502 is 0.498 LESS than 11, ART?

ART said on Tue Oct 11th 2005
I don't, as a European 10,502 is less than 11, 10.502 is much more than 11 (10.491 more)

Salinger said on Tue Oct 11th 2005
So. Who likes the comma?

ART said on Tue Oct 11th 2005
for two days I kept on wondering what went wrong with my text-size, assuming my PC's were the problem, indeed I don't like it, but I'm happy that it isn't me.

Smart Set said on Tue Oct 11th 2005
This is a feedback page.

Vogon3 said on Tue Oct 11th 2005
I don't believe it watch out Adam he's starting on you...

Smart Set said on Tue Oct 11th 2005
Adam, don't much like the larger text across the top. It looks a bit cheap, somehow. Can we have the smaller size back, please? :)

DIRTY STEVE said on Mon Oct 10th 2005

Smart Set said on Mon Oct 10th 2005
I see we now have a comma in the mattress counter and larger clickable headings across the top. This site never sleeps! Donavon, when you've clicked on a pic its # should be displayed as part of the URL in the address bar if you have one enabled/showing. It's usually(?) at the top of the page,(mattress=#####) but you can also see it as you pass the cursor over the pics on the "latest submissions" page. In my browser the numbers then appear down at the bottom of the page in the status bar. You can enable the status bar in "View".

Donavon said on Mon Oct 10th 2005
Question...I always see you guys referencing mattress #XXXXX, where in the heck on are you able to search/browse for a mattress by number? And for that matter, how can you tell what number a mattress is?

DVD Dan said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
Fancy that, you two agreeing on something and over a fake no doubt. Your relationship is certainly too complex for me to comprehend.

Smart Set said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
No, it's #6174.

Vogon3 said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
No and it shouldnt it is a classic

DVD Dan said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
speaking of withdrawn "matts" did the one with the Spiderman figures get tossed?

Vogon3 said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
I Can't help it

Smart Set said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
Vogon3, you deliberately misunderstand me, don't you? You are talking rubbish.

Vogon3 said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
Chaf you should submit the pic you like if they are rejected ask why and learn from that. but remember the matt police may get together later and have a pic withdrawn as eventhough it was put up by the holders of the site it did not fit the standards of the self appointed. So come on Chaf united we stand streetmatts forever, and don't fall into the close up camp...Splitters

DVD Dan said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
WOW up to date, amazing!

Smart Set said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
I wasn't really debating with V3 about what should and shouldn't get posted, I was just trying to find out why he sometimes submits pics in which the matt is kind of hard to make out. We *are* all participating equally, since all we can do is send the stuff in and hope Adam likes it, but maybe after many submissions the "old hands" have more of an idea about what will be accepted and rejected. I don't see why following along would make you "inane", but aren't we all internet junkies here?

Chaf said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
I am confused about the integrity of this site. There are pictures posted with obvious photoshop work done to them as well as pics posted in the Sans category. While this goes on I have had some that would fall under these areas rejected. At the same time there has been massive "debating" going on by participants about what should or should not get posted. I just think the lines for submission should be clearly drawn so we can all particiapate equally, or maybe I should just not worry and follow along like some inane internet junkie?

Smart Set said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
Incredible! We're now up to date. Fantastic work, Adam.

Smart Set said on Sun Oct 9th 2005
At least 788 matts in 13 days.

Nancy Dumpling said on Thu Oct 6th 2005
It has been a rather exciting few days in mattland.....tarnished only by ND'sM's superior placing in the showcase....

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Oct 5th 2005
thanks all!

Smart Set said on Wed Oct 5th 2005
Adam has now posted at least 500 submissions in the last 8 days. Respect! (And thanks).

Smart Set said on Wed Oct 5th 2005
Well, you were right, ART. Submission #10000 *was* in da house on Sept 24th.

DVD Dan said on Tue Oct 4th 2005
It's back, kind of puts the Mystery Spot to shame.

Rebecca said on Mon Oct 3rd 2005
Must have been a heavy gravity day.

DVD Dan said on Mon Oct 3rd 2005
Australia has dropped off the "map".

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Oct 2nd 2005

FOD40UK said on Sun Oct 2nd 2005
Honey,I'm home!......Crikey O'Reilly!!....I leave you alone for a couple of weeks and what happens? Hundreds of submissions!Pages and pages of comments!Man, It's gonna take me all week to catch up!

Rebecca said on Sun Oct 2nd 2005
Here at streetmattress, the excitement is really in the air as everyone watches to see when the big counter will change. The front page flies by as we watch breathlessly. I will remember this time forever.

Vogon3 said on Sun Oct 2nd 2005
right matt masters I have noticed that on the locations page the USA is still at the number 1 slot this should now be corected i think....

Smart Set said on Sun Oct 2nd 2005
Er... make that at least 339 now.

Smart Set said on Sun Oct 2nd 2005
Adam has posted at least 329 submissions since Sept 27th. These are exciting times to be a streetmattresser.

Rebecca said on Sat Oct 1st 2005
No false humility; I hope it's ME!

ART said on Sat Oct 1st 2005
nr 10.000 is definnatly in the house! who is it gonna be? some small fish or one of the uppergods?

Smart Set said on Sat Oct 1st 2005
For number of submissions per month.

Rebecca said on Sat Oct 1st 2005
I'm confused about this broken record.

Smart Set said on Sat Oct 1st 2005
It's broken!

DVD Dan said on Fri Sep 30th 2005
12 more to break the record.

Smart Set said on Thu Sep 29th 2005
What's your problem, Mr Spit? (BTW, I believe you misspelt your surname.)

Brad Spit said on Thu Sep 29th 2005
Hey, Mr.Smarty Set.You dont want to get all *arty* and go and spoil your 3·5% De Milo statistic.

Smart Set said on Tue Sep 27th 2005
SMART SET TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH HIS FAMILY!!! I've just submitted my 1111th pic, and I'm now going to slow right down/stop for a while, as the preparation and submission of the pics is taking up too much of my time. I will continue to comment to an excessive degree, and will try to take pics only of matts I think have something noteworthy about them, and submit a modest batch occasionally. I don't know if I'll be able to manage such abstemiousness, but we'll see.

DVD Dan said on Sun Sep 25th 2005
I think DIRTY STEVE has been spending too much time at the local tip.

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Sep 25th 2005
i have mat #10000 and 20000.

Smart Set said on Sun Sep 25th 2005
I think ART meant the matt that shall bear the #10000 rather than the matt which will tip the counter from 9999.

DVD Dan said on Sat Sep 24th 2005
I don't think so ART we're probably 200 short at this point, unless DIRTY STEVE has 200 in the pipeline.

ART said on Sat Sep 24th 2005
I think nr 10000 already has arrived at central-matt-station

Rebecca said on Thu Sep 22nd 2005
I just bought myself a new hard drive yesterday, sort of a pre-emptive move I suppose, although I might not have if it weren't for the noise the old one is making. Sorry about your misfortune, I will take a lesson from it.

Chaf said on Wed Sep 21st 2005
Just make sure you take a picture of it V3 when it's out on the curb.

Vogon3 said on Wed Sep 21st 2005
Not an option PB

PSYCHOBABBLE said on Wed Sep 21st 2005
ditch the Mac and get yourself a PC, V3!!!!

Ken said on Wed Sep 21st 2005
I'm not affiliated with that company, BTW.

Ken said on Wed Sep 21st 2005
Vogon, you're gonna need more than just a G5 to save your data. Check this link out for Adding a mirror drive to your G5:

Nancy Dumpling said on Wed Sep 21st 2005
I kinda like the waiting - with you Vogon.

vogon3 said on Wed Sep 21st 2005
oh a sad day G4 hard drive died loss of 62 matts, it has gone to a disc doctor for hope of recovery but not looking good now have G5 to protect matt pics but I am not sure where I am at the moment

Vogon3 said on Mon Sep 19th 2005
I think a good way of doing the submissions is that we all take pics of matts and submit them then wait for them to be put up on the site and while we wait take more pics of matts. If the new submitters (as we all were once) can't wait a while so be it. lets not fix what is not broken. keep up the good work A&N

Rebecca said on Wed Sep 14th 2005
I have heard a little bit about some of the unacceptable pictures and believe me, you don't want to see them.

ART said on Mon Sep 12th 2005
is that 4 years ago...time goes fast

Smart Set said on Mon Sep 12th 2005
Was it a coincidence that the matt count was increased to 9110 on the 4th anniversary of 9/11?

ART said on Sun Sep 11th 2005
indeed there's a risk, or some solution in between, that we submitters have to put the pic in place, with some check list, I mean, that we do all the work and that they just have to give there permission to put it online...I have no idea what they need to do for the moment to put our pics online, but I can imagine it is a lot of work when you look at the waiting time

DVD Dan said on Sun Sep 11th 2005
While possible, I don't know if giving free rein to the pillow perverts lurking out there is a good idea. Only A&N know what was in those 491 pictures we didn't get to see.

ART said on Sun Sep 11th 2005
couldn't there be a way that pictures automaticly would be posted and seen on the net (as our comments)...but with a built-in possibility that Adam/Noonan kick them out anutime they think it's not a streetmatt, or even with some kind of voting or whatever...the only risk you have is that people send in "sick" pics...

Smart Set said on Sat Sep 10th 2005
I agree with Ken. Not sure how I could help, being a total web dunce, but let me know if there's anything I could do (apart from not submitting so many, of course!).

Ken said on Fri Sep 9th 2005
It's just not as much fun to post pics anymore because it takes a month+ for them to show up on the site. I would gladly donate my time to resize/upload pictures if you would let me. Im sure there are a lot of others that would also. I bet it is really hard for newcomers to get interested because they dont see their pictures up there. Adam/Noonan, If you cant spend time on it, I completely understand, but let us help please! Don't let the popularity of this great hobby die!

DVD Dan said on Wed Sep 7th 2005
Gee Adam/Noonan how come we don't have a flash map anymore? ;)

FOD40UK said on Wed Sep 7th 2005
OOPS!!Sorry Dan(+SS),It was Smart set who gave us the pavement artist link!!I'm a great fan of pavement art.That and when you go to Fuertaventura/Majorca/Tenerife etc.+ some geezer has sculpted a castle or fiery dragon out of sand on the beach!He always gets a couple of euro's off me!!

FOD40UK said on Wed Sep 7th 2005
WOW DAN!,That guys amazing!Adam/Noonan!Check him out!!!

Smart Set said on Tue Sep 6th 2005
This is an interesting site. Amazing trompe l'oeuil pavement art.

Smart Set said on Tue Sep 6th 2005
I remember finding that site a while back, and that's why I thought the SM computer was in NYC. I wonder why it's still up.

DVD Dan said on Tue Sep 6th 2005
Hey lookie what I just dug up.

JonnyRoasta!! said on Mon Aug 29th 2005
Wow it's good to see the site still going XD I came by once and it was down. I cried XO

Smart Set said on Sun Aug 7th 2005
Make that 222! A good number.

Smart Set said on Sun Aug 7th 2005
209 matts up in 2 days. Respect. Feels like July's on fast-forward.

DIRTY STEVE said on Sun Aug 7th 2005

Chaf said on Sun Aug 7th 2005
I'm back...hey somebody turn on the lights!!! Give me a day or two, I was able to score some hunting shots from my trip, so stand by!!!

Smart Set said on Sat Aug 6th 2005
124 matts posted today. Superb work, boys!

FOD40UK said on Sat Aug 6th 2005
And still they come!

FOD40UK said on Sat Aug 6th 2005
Sure are!Perhaps they should add a "paypal-donate now" button to the site.I'm sure that most of us would be happy to add a couple of dollars to the fighting fund??!

Smart Set said on Sat Aug 6th 2005
Wow, you MTA guys are working hard today!

ART-chitect said on Fri Aug 5th 2005
I'm of for a short weekend Apeldoorn, Holland, hopefully I can stap in the hunting game of noel...although we're visiting a monkey-island there. See U, and FOD? Don't turn off the light on me please, I'm afraid in the dark. Like Norah Jones: I'm just waiting to turn me on.

DIRTY STEVE said on Thu Aug 4th 2005

FOD40UK said on Thu Aug 4th 2005
Now that Chaf's out of the way, shall we turn out all the lights and give him a fright when he returns?

Chaf said on Sat Jul 23rd 2005
Hello Everyone, I'm off for a two week vacation with the family, so if my submits show, have fun and I'll be back in two weeks hopefully with some from the US west coast!!! Happy Hunting!!!

Smart Set said on Tue Jul 19th 2005
Stacey, I can't recommend a hotel from personal experience, but the Acton Town Hotel is just around the corner from me and would probably qualify as cheap and safe; I just have no idea what its standards are like, or what your friends would expect. Anyway, check it out at and see what you think. There is currently a streetmatt just two minutes' walk from the hotel, though they fail to mention this in their list of plus points. Good luck.

Stacey said on Mon Jul 18th 2005
Hey Smart Set, my friends arrive in London tomorrow - the 19th and since I'm performing the Miss Moneypenny role, I was wondering in you knew a cheap, yet relatively safe hotel for them to stay at? I know, I ask too much, feel free to tell me to shut up at any time. S

ART said on Sat Jul 16th 2005
Stacey, Belgium is waiting for you, when you find my dad you find the other hunters too.

wim said on Sat Jul 16th 2005
Belgians tend to pretend that shorter is not better, but who are we to judge

Stacey said on Fri Jul 15th 2005
Yeah! Thanks so much for the information. Adam sent me Wim's addy so I'll be contacting you shortly Wim. Glad you like the new word, I'm a lazy, lazy girl and shorter is better although I think that one might be courtesy of Noonan. Thanks Salinger for the bar site. Thanks SmartSet, when I get a more concrete plan I'll definitely be in touch! Mmmmmm...chocolate.

wim said on Fri Jul 15th 2005
and don't forget the chocolate

Smart Set said on Fri Jul 15th 2005
Stacey, if you get to the UK I'll be happy to show you the London matt scene. Ask wim about my chauffeured matthunting service.

Salinger said on Fri Jul 15th 2005
Stacey - check out - the site usually has some good advice.

wim said on Thu Jul 14th 2005
S, I like the new word "addy"

Stacey said on Thu Jul 14th 2005
Thanks Wim! Adam, can you send along Wim's addy? Thanks man, yer the best. My love to everyone. S

wim said on Thu Jul 14th 2005
Stacey, Adam has our adress, just inform us about your friends preferences, when they come and where want to go, Belgium is small, but not that small

Stacey said on Thu Jul 14th 2005
Noonan's sister here! He's given me the go ahead to hit you guys up for some info on Europe, street mattress locations and otherwise. I have two friends who are currently winging it through Europe (right now in France, next stop Belgium - I think) and would love information on anything cool to do, cool to see, places to know, the usual. I'll be joining them at some point and I really like the idea of a global Street Mat Summit if it can be arranged. Anyway, if you'd like to send some ideas please send them to - Thanks for your help!

Smart Set said on Wed Jul 13th 2005
That made me laugh. Nice try, Dan, but I'm afraid it's already too late.

DIRTY STEVE said on Wed Jul 13th 2005

DVD Dan said on Wed Jul 13th 2005
Hey SS hasn't this whole mattress thing gotten a little old? Maybe time for a new hobby? :)

PSYCHOBABBLE said on Tue Jul 12th 2005

FOD40UK said on Mon Jul 11th 2005
Thanx, Nance!

Nancy Dumpling said on Sun Jul 10th 2005
In case he doesn't get on here for a while - and you worry, Salinger is ok too.

DIRTY STEVE said on Sat Jul 9th 2005

Rebecca said on Fri Jul 8th 2005
I'm sad to see that some people view revenge as an acceptable premise for getting their message out, and I'm glad that at least two of you seem to be okay.

FOD40UK said on Thu Jul 7th 2005
Salinger? Nigel? Kev?

FOD40UK said on Thu Jul 7th 2005
Glad to see you're safe SS! (pb?,V3?)

Smart Set said on Thu Jul 7th 2005
Thanks, Dan.

ART-chitect said on Thu Jul 7th 2005
the world has gone crazy

DVD Dan said on Thu Jul 7th 2005
I hope that all of the Greater London MTA's crew and family are safe and sound.

Smart Set said on Thu Jun 16th 2005
Yeah, stick it on, FOD. "Country Girl"'s my favourite.

DVD Dan said on Thu Jun 16th 2005
No thanks, I'm not hungry.

FOD40UK said on Wed Jun 15th 2005

DVD Dan said on Wed Jun 15th 2005
Sheeesh 95 matts in one shot. I've got matdigestion.

Smart Set said on Mon Jun 13th 2005
Interested in what? I'd support Salinger's Olympic bid.

psychobabble said on Mon Jun 13th 2005
SS, there's a new challenge for you, interested?

Salinger said on Mon Jun 13th 2005
With so many matts in the pipeline, I couldn't bring myself to ask A & N to increase their workload.

psychobabble said on Mon Jun 13th 2005
Sal, think its about time for another election, what do you reckon?

Salinger said on Mon Jun 13th 2005
Well. Now there's a question. And although I don't know for sure, I think a long long time ago there was only one location listed and that was the United Kingdom. Then, when a few Scotish people started submitting mattresses, a separate location for Scotland appeared. My guess is that they were Scottish Nationalists who asked A+N for independence. Incidentally, although (I think) my poll indicated a slight preference for the Olympic categorisation (3 votes to 2), nothing was changed.

psychobabble said on Mon Jun 13th 2005
So, Sal, how did Scottie get it's own category then??

Salinger said on Mon Jun 13th 2005
Psycho, do you know what??? back in the day when we had a forum, I raised this question and ran a poll. UEFA classifications, in which we have entirely separate entries for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland vs. the Olympic variation where we are all the United Kingdom. I favoured the Olympic version (but with subsets for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - much like the way America is split in to states.)

psychobabble said on Sun Jun 12th 2005
Hi A & N, I've noticed that under 'locations', you have a category for 'United Kingdom' and also a seperate category for 'Scotland'. Well, Scotland is still actually part of the UK, but it would make more sense to integrate Scotland back into the UK totals and create a new and seperate category for the "Matt Republic of Acton"...

Rebecca said on Sat Jun 11th 2005
Hi Ken, nice to see you here!

Ken said on Sat Jun 11th 2005
BTW, Hey everyone. I haven't posted in over a year.

Ken said on Sat Jun 11th 2005
What happened to the dates? I should have some in the queue before Jun 10. Were they lost?

Smart Set said on Thu Jun 9th 2005

Smart Set said on Thu Jun 9th 2005
At last! Thanks. Please keep 'em coming. More! Encore!

DVD Dan said on Wed Jun 8th 2005
I reckon so

Smart Set said on Wed Jun 8th 2005
I've just noticed that the USA matt total stands at 2999. Will Dan's 700th be the USA's 3000th?

Smart Set said on Wed Jun 8th 2005
I am a little happier, now I know that N & A are still alive! Please may we have some more, o omnipotent ones?

ART-chitect said on Wed Jun 8th 2005
you got 3, happy now? ;-) I stopped submitting, hoping that my old matts get online...I think they have chosen a life above the matt-site

Smart Set said on Wed Jun 8th 2005
Dear Adam/Noonan, any chance of some new matts? It's been eight days now...

ART-chitect said on Fri May 27th 2005
it's unavoiable that there will be one day a matt-hunting-conference with all the leaders of the world, talking about policy and rules, with selections and shit like that

wim said on Thu May 26th 2005
I prefer expensive women and slow booze, why did you invite only 10 people, invite all hunters and find out where it gets you...

Smart Set said on Wed May 25th 2005
I hope your lack of a social life is not because of streetmattress.

FOD40UK said on Wed May 25th 2005
Hey, Noonan its great to hear that you're just like one of us!!(and there was me thinking that you were some sort of archetypal party animal,always liquored up on cheap women and fast beer!?............or something!!)

noonan said on Wed May 25th 2005
Let's get this straight right now, I neither have nor ever had "a life". I do however have a new apartment and 10 people visiting this week which has kept me busy. Please do not confuse this with having any semblance of a social life what-so-ever.

wim said on Tue May 24th 2005
they became rich and famous and forgot all about us

DVD Dan said on Tue May 24th 2005
Oh the torture. Don't tell me Adam and Noonan went and got lives on us.

wim said on Wed May 18th 2005
so that's why the sound stopped

ART-chitect said on Wed May 18th 2005
the cables aren't long enough to go that far...duh?!? ;)

wim said on Tue May 17th 2005
I have one, but he took it along

Rebecca said on Tue May 17th 2005
Don't you guys have telephones?

ART-chitect said on Tue May 17th 2005
the ZOO was great, visit streetmatt soon, and you'll find out!

wim said on Sun May 15th 2005
so kid, how is the hotel?

FOD40UK said on Sun May 15th 2005
Cool! I got 422!

Smart Set said on Sun May 15th 2005
Thanks, Dan. I get 160 if you include variations on my name. Rebecca gets 1290 pages.

ART-chitecta said on Sat May 14th 2005
greetings from marche-en-famenes

DVD Dan said on Sat May 14th 2005
use this format in the search box [Acton] Google seems to be a few months behind for you new folks, however they do seem to crawl around the site more than I suspected. Using my name it brought up almost 800 pages. Your mileage may vary.

Smart Set said on Fri May 13th 2005
How does one do the "site:tag" thing, Dan?

DVD Dan said on Fri May 13th 2005
Never occured to me ART-chitect I'm surprized how well it works using the "site: tag".

ART-chitect said on Thu May 12th 2005
if I wanted to find something here I simply use google

Adam said on Thu May 12th 2005
pooshoter: This entire website is dynamically created from a relational database. Locations are pulled from this database. "Updates" occur the moment a submission is accepted into this database. I did a search for your Robina queensland mattress and found none. Here are what submitters have described as queensland submissions:

Karalee Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
Toombul Rd ,Northgate , Brisbane Queensland Australia
Palm Beach, Gold Coast, Queensland, AUSTRALIA
Roma St Brisbane Queensland Australia
Brisbane,Queensland, Australia.
Pacific Motorway, Beenliegh, Queensland
East bound Warrego Hwy, Dinmore, Queensland
Rocklea,Bne Queensland, Au
Browns Plains, Queensland, Australia
Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia
Caboolture, Queensland, Australia
Nerang , Queensland, Au

If You are going to use the contact us form, please enter an email.

wim said on Wed May 11th 2005
pooshooter must think we are deafdeafdeaf, or perhaps he is aus austria australia

pooshoter said on Wed May 11th 2005
friggin shite! should allow searchin by any detail. I know there was one from Robina queensland australia on here but I cant seem to find it anywhere........ EVEN AFTER USING THE "COUNTRY SEARCH" (hasnt been updated in about 2 years)

wim said on Tue May 10th 2005
just put new zealand on the map, and we will stop wondering

Vogon3 said on Tue May 10th 2005
Hi Freebie...Take your pick of any of the mattresses that are on the site leave a comment to reserve your chosen matt I will then work out the delivery cost that you will have to pay then your free matt will be on the way. said on Mon May 9th 2005
Hi There I Found Your Website Interesting & Fun And Was Wondering If You Have Anykind Of Free Stuff You Giveaway? For Example: Stickers, Pens, Magnets, Posters, Postcards, Mousepads, Etc Etc? To Help Spread The Word About This Website. I Am Located In Hamilton, "NEW ZEALAND". Regards Mal Freebies4Me@GMail.Com

ART-chitect said on Mon May 2nd 2005
if you have RM, and you click on "HERE", than take a break, get some coffee cause it takes a while before RM starts up, so patience is the word

Adam said on Mon May 2nd 2005
Videowrangler: You need to email me!

Adam said on Sun May 1st 2005
RM: Real Media

dirty steve said on Sun May 1st 2005

ChristineLarsen said on Sun May 1st 2005
Well it was great! Didn't want to elaborate on your profession, which means you're part of the European mafia, right? Am I right? ;)

wim said on Sat Apr 30th 2005
Christine, the name of the programme is "man bites dog", it is a small item on national tv, daily. A camerateam picks up people and tries to find peculiar items. I was picked up by sheer cöincidence.As I did not want to be elaborate on my profession, I talked about streetmattress. It was good enough to be on the show. A few days later we were interviewed by a national newspaper.

ChristineLarsen said on Sat Apr 30th 2005
YEAH WIM! Love your footage. I'm curious...what exactly was that footage from? News story? Social commentary?

Smart Set said on Sat Apr 30th 2005
Now now, pooshooter, that's not very polite, is it? Do you think that calling this site "shithouse" will endear you to the streetmattress crew and send them rushing to their computers to remedy "pooshooter's problem"?

DVD Dan said on Fri Apr 29th 2005
That would be more of a browse than a search. It would be cool to have a full search of all the fields. That way wim can quickly find all the NTORs or search for all matts from Brooklyn.

Vogon3 said on Fri Apr 29th 2005
I think you will find you can search by locality.. TRY CLICKING LOCATIONS

ART-chitect said on Fri Apr 29th 2005
another challenge for our webdesigners...this will be a supersite!

pooshooter said on Fri Apr 29th 2005
this site is sh!thouse! we cant search by locality or even rough date, name etc...

ART-chitect said on Fri Apr 29th 2005
SS: just said: "who was that female?" I've also such a voice but she's smarter :-)

wim said on Fri Apr 29th 2005
ss, the voice in the back is my gps

ART-chitect said on Fri Apr 29th 2005
it's a show, everyday, with short movies about little, ordinairy, just not normal things happening in Belgium, Man in the street I mean. You never see the reporter but indeed he sat in the back. "E40" is a serie of interviews shot in a car driving the road "E40" about people telling what they do. Which can be interesting as you've seen. ;-) About his driving style: it's always a mixture of eyeglasses, photocamera, cellphone, paperfiles, something to drink or normal I guess

Smart Set said on Fri Apr 29th 2005
Enjoyed wim's TV appearance. Thanks for the subtitles, ART. Some questions about it: why was it all shot in the car? Why was it so short? Who is that talking in the background at one point (not the reporter)? Why were you looking so solemn? Do you always drive with one hand, wim?

wim said on Thu Apr 28th 2005
it makes people wonder

Kevin37uk said on Thu Apr 28th 2005
Wim, just saw the video of you, what a blast, excellent.

wim said on Tue Apr 26th 2005
hey adam, are ther still submissions from february in hold, I am missing about 10 submissions

Adam said on Sun Apr 24th 2005
The old message board was causing security issues. A new solution is in the works.

wim said on Sat Apr 23rd 2005
we told the newspaperman we were postmodern futurists, the cat is sheeba, a coïncidence, she is not ours, and yes we wanted to look absurdly serious, and did not want the churchtower in the back (it is on several of our pictures); as the mat is faked, we don'tsubmit it. And yes I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE MESSAGEBOARD COME BACK

FOD40UK said on Sat Apr 23rd 2005
I second that emotion.

Rebecca said on Fri Apr 22nd 2005
I care and I would love to see it come back.

ART-chitect said on Fri Apr 22nd 2005
SS: it's the picture made by the man from the newsletter, nobody recognized us while mostly everybody knows everything around here...that futon came from my old teener room, so it's kind of fake streetmatt but the photographer wanted one and you know how hard it is to catch one

dirty steve said on Fri Apr 22nd 2005
does anyone care????????

DVD Dan said on Fri Apr 22nd 2005
Oh where, oh where has the message board gone, oh where, oh where could it be?

Smart Set said on Thu Apr 21st 2005
I had to laugh when the word "uitgebreide" from the caption "Klik HIER om een uitgebreide reportage te zien" (Click HERE to see a vast coverage") was translated as "vast". I was expecting pages and pages of text, plus dozens of photos!

Smart Set said on Thu Apr 21st 2005
What a brilliant, but weird picture of you and your dad, ART. You both look so serious, as if at a funeral. I suppose the idea is that the mattress is dead. This rather contradicts what wim says about the hobby being purely for fun. The cat is good, but where did that fancy mattress come from?

ART-chitect said on Wed Apr 20th 2005
our hometown is online and they mentioned us hunters, PS: click left under on "HIER" underneath picture with matt

dirty steve said on Sat Apr 16th 2005

Rebecca said on Wed Apr 13th 2005
I'm staying in the office more now these days anyway, so who knows.

ART-chitect said on Wed Apr 13th 2005
are you looking for another job? that would change your hunting, just look at Adam and Noonan, they haven't got many matts themselves

Rebecca said on Wed Apr 13th 2005
They will need an employee. Like me.

ART-chitect said on Wed Apr 13th 2005
record? if you look at the exponential evolution of the last 3 months, Adam & Noonan can expect about 4107 matts in december 2006, which means we will have 50000 matts in january 2007

DVD Dan said on Mon Apr 11th 2005
Another monthy record about to be broken.

Smart Set said on Mon Apr 11th 2005
It's the Night of a Thousand Matts and I'm witnessing it alone...

Smart Set said on Mon Apr 11th 2005
Yet more matts and another category! It just gets better!

Smart Set said on Mon Apr 11th 2005
70 new matts up, and a new category! You're spoiling us, MTA. Thanks.

FOD40UK said on Sun Apr 10th 2005
Yeah!Futons like, suck!

Smart Set said on Sun Apr 10th 2005
Thanks to this website I have come to relish - nay, revere - the spectacle of the discarded streetmattress - perhaps standing proud and defiant against a wall (more likely drooping and despondent), bending stained and drunkenly around a pole, maybe lying fatally ripped and holed, even perched atop a skipful of scrap - for its almost unlimited artistic potential and great poignancy. The wayside futon, however, while undeniably a mattress of sorts, has, through no fault of its own - for purely structural reasons - but one posture: the slump. Unaesthetic, uninspiring, uninteresting. That is the reason I renounce it, Rebeccca. So, no disrespect, but the traditional western mattress is my favourite, and I can't be bothered with futons any more.

Rebeccca said on Sat Apr 9th 2005
I don't see any significant difference between a futon and any other kind of mattress but then again I grew up in Japan.

Smart Set said on Sat Apr 9th 2005
Indeed. Futons, cot mattresses and sofabeds (and sonofabeds) - I eschew them all. Yes, now that I've got what I wanted from them I just don't want to know them any more. Typical. Right, girls?

wim said on Sat Apr 9th 2005
fair thinking SS, it is like the futons, but wait till you get desperate and you'll submit anything even unrelated to a bed, and thanks Dan, I visited the site and had Fod's thougts

FOD40UK said on Sat Apr 9th 2005
And there was I thinking Cafe Press to be some sort of espresso machine!

FOD40UK said on Sat Apr 9th 2005
I dont do futons!

Rebecca said on Sat Apr 9th 2005
I have a similar stance on sofabeds.

Smart Set said on Sat Apr 9th 2005
As of today, I have decided not to submit pictures of bedbases (boxsprings). I will submit them only if they are with a mattress/mattresses. My reasons for this are: 1) they are not mattresses, and 2) I am fed up with them because they are ugly. Wow, I feel strangely liberated.

DVD Dan said on Fri Apr 8th 2005
Cafe Press

wim said on Fri Apr 8th 2005
That still does not still my hungry feeling wanting to know what a "cafépress" is

DVD Dan said on Fri Apr 8th 2005
wim I think you have our Street Mattress Queen confused with someone else. If milk is to be served, it should be you serving it to her majesty.

wim said on Thu Apr 7th 2005
I'll leave some milk outside my doorstep Rebecca, and then I'll let you in, so you can pour it in my CafePress (if I knew what it was)

DVD Dan said on Thu Apr 7th 2005
Can't sleep clowns will eat me!

FOD40UK said on Thu Apr 7th 2005
You'd be welcome anytime, Rebecca(just give me 5 mins to tidy up)

Rebecca said on Thu Apr 7th 2005
They'd understand if I showed up on their doorstep.

DVD Dan said on Thu Apr 7th 2005
Yes I do, I just wanted to make sure our friends across the pond knew.

Rebecca said on Wed Apr 6th 2005
I just AM hottsy tottsy special and you know it, Dan.

FOD40UK said on Wed Apr 6th 2005
Really?We hadn't noticed, Dan!

DVD Dan said on Wed Apr 6th 2005
Rebecca so why are you so hottsy totsy special to know the whereabouts of the SM server?

BTW I whole heartedly agree with the CafePress idea. I know I would have already if it was my baby, but then again I am a cold hearted capitalist pig.

wim said on Mon Apr 4th 2005
Be gentle to your knee Rebbecca, I imagine it to be a long walk

Smart Set said on Sun Apr 3rd 2005
Way to go, guys! You're really getting through the backlog now. Well done and keep it up!

Rebecca said on Sat Apr 2nd 2005
What I'm saying is I could probably walk up to the exact location and find the actual machine housing streetmattress if I wanted to. However, I don't have executive clearance to reveal its whereabouts so my secret dies with me. SS, you must know that there are saboteurs and assassins around every corner, and the walls have ears!

ART-chitect said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
Dad, I can officialy say that's nothing for this month. We'll keep you informed.PS: even the Pentagon is looking for the exact position of the server.

Smart Set said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
Does the location of the SM server need to be classified information?

wim said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
woildn't you if you'd have to prepare a grandfathership

DVD Dan said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
wim is getting colder

wim said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
I think it is in MMNNDA

Rebecca said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
Mm mipss rr sllld.

Smart Set said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
One more guess. Is it in Florida?

Rebecca said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
Yep. That's all I'm gonna say though.

Smart Set said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
Are you saying it's not Noo Yoik, Rebecca?

Rebecca said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
I know the secret location of the SM server but you'll never get it out of me, not even with torture.

wim said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
I stopped submitting, waiting to have mine on screen and then submit again, but it makes no sense, just continue Wycliff, with a bit of luck and a big city you are in no time top 20

Smart Set said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
Yes. New York, I think.

Wycliffe said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
Hey Cool Smartset, thanks for the info, makes me feel a whole lot better. I just noticed the time stamp on the comments, so where is the held. Would I be right in saying stateside.

Smart Set said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
I meant 21 days ago. I was thinking it was still yesterday.

Smart Set said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
Wycliffe, thanks for the remark about my great body! There's no favouritism on streetmattress - all pics (except Vogon3's) get processed in strict order of submission. My latest pics were submitted on March 10th - 20 days ago. Be patient, your matts will appear about three weeks after you submitted them. Glad to hear you've sent some more, too!

Wycliffe said on Fri Apr 1st 2005
Love the site, I have been adopted as [part of the UK crew, with my one solitary submission from The Land of My Father (Wales). Why is it submissions I put up last week or so have not been processed when Smartset, someone I admire for his great body of work. Gets a mountain of mats placed all from the day of submission. I know your busy but come on guys a little bit of equality wouldn't go amiss.

wim said on Thu Mar 31st 2005
well, we could be in touch without passing through the comments

Rebecca said on Thu Mar 31st 2005
Can you explain?

wim said on Thu Mar 31st 2005
perhaps a new version where we can leave our address behind

Rebecca said on Wed Mar 30th 2005 the message board coming back?

Salinger said on Mon Mar 28th 2005
I saw Doctor Who last night. almost jumped out of my chair when the streetmattress appeared! there may have been a second later on, could have been wood though. hard to tell.

Smart Set said on Mon Mar 28th 2005

Vogon3 said on Mon Mar 28th 2005
hey lady boy how come you only comment about smart set are you not interested in the matts

Smart Set said on Sun Mar 27th 2005
I don't think lesbians use terms like "Mrs".

Lady Boy said on Sun Mar 27th 2005
Mrs Smart Set! are you now telling us you are a lesbian SS

FOD40UK said on Sun Mar 27th 2005
Yes I still use a video 2000 set!(a Philips VR2022)originally it had a very good freeze frame, but I'm down to my last couple of tapes now so they're wearing a bit thin.I generally find new(to me)tapes at car boot sales but they're scarse lately.

Smart Set said on Sun Mar 27th 2005
FOD, somehow I knew you'd be watching! Time travel - nice one. No, Mrs Smart Set was doing the subtitles for the DVD version and she happened to get a copy of the episode a couple of days before the prog went out on BBC1. You're joking about the video 2000, though, surely?! Try a photo without freeze-framing - have a steady hand and use a shutter speed slower than 1/50th sec. Did you notice the BBC's blunder when Graham Norton's voice from the dance programme which preceded Dr Who breaking in to the programme early on as Billie Piper's character is being menaced by the Autons? "Am I out there or on the sofa?" he said, then "Am I here?" Some lowly operative's head will roll at TV Centre for that! I liked certain aspects of the programme and disliked others, but the mattress stole the show. It's a pity each episode is self-contained, though - no cliffhangers.

FOD40UK said on Sun Mar 27th 2005
Hey,SS!Spotted the matt before noticing your comment(How did you know it was coming?Insider info?Time travel?)I'd taped it so I tried to photo it, but my ancient video 2000 has a diabolical freeze-frame!p.s.The new series looks every bit as good as the originals Rebecca(I know you're a big fan!)

Smart Set said on Fri Mar 25th 2005
UK matt fans! BBC1 7pm tomorrow (Sat 26th), Dr Who. Excellent streetmattress 13 or 14 mins in. Peep round the sofa and thrill to it!

JimmyLee said on Wed Mar 23rd 2005
when will we see (dead cars) or perhaps maybe even streetpeople (dodgey street people?) hrmm tops

Rebecca said on Wed Mar 23rd 2005
It was presumptuous of me to put it in those terms - my personal experience was that I didn't much care until I suddenly found myself there. But then I'm the one Jeff described as only having some competetive cartilage.

ART-chitect said on Tue Mar 22nd 2005
3 pieces each isn't enough I guess for the people who find more than 3 matts pro day

wim said on Tue Mar 22nd 2005
I type too fast, sorry

wim said on Tue Mar 22nd 2005
Me to I am inn for the idea of a maximum of three submissions at once by one and the same submitter. I am slowing down because I wait for the next round of itures untll I am on the frontpage again, after all, it must reamin fun not only to the ones on top but for the new starters as well, and I like this suspense, in ly case not knowing how much Steve has in his sleeves

Rebecca said on Mon Mar 21st 2005
Well, for those of us at the top, it adds an element of suspense because I don't know how many mattresses Dan has waiting to be posted. It's a little different but it's okay. I personally still like the idea of selling streetmattress mugs and t shirts and whatnot - a little extra money would be well-deserved for our hardworking mattress mentors.

Smart Set said on Mon Mar 21st 2005
Vogon, I'm not over-excited...just thinking. After all, it's largely we Actonians' fault that it's now two and a half weeks before pics appear. Not very instant for the internet, is it?

Vogon3 said on Mon Mar 21st 2005
smart set just calm down the system is fine just wait ... your pics will appear I like them on the front page and I like the not knowing when factor.....

Smart Set said on Sun Mar 20th 2005
I imagined that not having to put them on the front page would save some time, but I suppose you're right - it probably wouldn't. Maybe if boxsprings/bedbases were banned... After all, they ain't mattresses.

DVD Dan said on Sun Mar 20th 2005

Rebecca said on Sun Mar 20th 2005
But I think the work lies in the accept/reject and category-designation stages. The rest all sorts itself out accordingly.

Smart set said on Sun Mar 20th 2005
Dan, I didn't mean that any submission would bypass the accept/reject and category- designation stages, just that some submissions from big batches would never be on the front page. Three pages is a good idea, though.

Rebecca said on Sun Mar 20th 2005
I already volunteered to sort for a close-up category once.

DVD Dan said on Sun Mar 20th 2005
I'd suggest expanding the latest submissions to span say 3 pages. Or just change it like you did the lastest comments. That way the latest 105 matts can be quickly viewed and you don't have to worry so much about flooding the front page. I don't think there is anyway around that as it doesn't look like the Acton Gang is going to let up on you Adam/Noonan.

Interesting ideas SS but they don't address the need for a Matt Maestro to accept/reject a submission and select a category for each submission. Which takes precious free time from our founders who are finding their little hobby is turning into unpaid labor. Hopefully still a labor of love.

Maybe some help is in order. When Rebecca was laid up I was thinking of nominating her as an assistant Mattress Maestro.

Just my $1.25.

Smart Set said on Sun Mar 20th 2005
A refinement to this would be that if someone submits, say, 10 or 20 matts at once, only the first 5 would make it to the front page, the rest straight to the showcase, as it were, plus the index would be updated.

Smart Set said on Sun Mar 20th 2005
Adam/Noonan, what about a new way of posting submissions in order to reduce the enormous mattlog and return the "turnaround time" to what it was in earlier days? Here's the deal: put the whole backlog up ASAP, along with an index e.g. Wetspot +44, SS +157, Vogon +95, Nigel +4,303 etc. Then in future put big batches from individuals up in a similar way while keeping the front page refreshed with pics from submitters who have sent in only a few that day (and occasional/new submitters, who in any case probably need the exposure more). What do you (and my fellow SM-ers) reckon to this idea? Sorry, A & N, if my ignorance of the amount of work this would involve for you makes this seem an unreasonable request.

Smart Set said on Sun Mar 20th 2005

Smart Set said on Sun Mar 20th 2005

DVD Dan said on Sun Mar 20th 2005
Here is an egg catching game to pass the time

DVD Dan said on Sun Mar 20th 2005

dirty steve said on Sun Mar 20th 2005

Smart Set said on Fri Mar 18th 2005
511 submissions in February - a new record.

Smart Set said on Fri Mar 18th 2005
Sorry, I haven't. Someone sent me the link.

psychobabble said on Thu Mar 17th 2005
OoooooWoooooo....where did ya find the singing donkeys, SS? Got anymore like 'em?

DVD Dan said on Thu Mar 17th 2005
Rebecca You sure don't look 21 more like 14.

wim said on Mon Mar 14th 2005
Rebby, I miss you, you don't look like a horse to me, give me a sign

ART-chitect said on Sun Mar 13th 2005
mmm SS, you're wright, I should defragment my brain, cause it's really slowing down lately. I hope to find some time to make a job out of the article and video.

Smart Set said on Sun Mar 13th 2005
ART, that's because submissions from Feb are still coming in. Can't wait to see the newspaper stuff.

Rebecca said on Sun Mar 13th 2005
No, more like the third.

Smart Set said on Sat Mar 12th 2005
I'm the one on the left. I hope your voice isn't quite as deep as your lookalike's.

Rebecca said on Sat Mar 12th 2005
I think I most resemble the second horse from the left - how about you?

ART-chitect said on Sat Mar 12th 2005
Adam, in the statistics there's no March. I will try to send the movie soon and today my father and I made it in our local newspaper with a brilliant picture! We'll keep you informed.

Smart Set said on Sat Mar 12th 2005
I make that a total of 73 submissions on February 21st 2005. That's the same number as in the entire 31 days of October 2002. I propose that henceforth this day be known and celebrated as M-Day or something.

DVD Dan said on Sat Mar 12th 2005
They sang for you? Damn persnickity USB speakers!

Rebecca said on Sat Mar 12th 2005
They sing along to David Bowie.

Smart Set said on Fri Mar 11th 2005
Something to while away the

ART-chitect said on Fri Mar 11th 2005
we should send some forces tot Adam and Noonan, they must have an explosion in their mailbox. The latest submission is from 21/02 and today we are 11/3. Hey guys...everything okay there?

Grand Matt Negis said on Thu Mar 10th 2005
It warms my lobes that a group of British amputees can overcome their disability and contribute so much to SM. It must be hell typing all those comments with only one hand. Anyway, keep up the good matt hunting. I tip my scepter to you: Smart Set, Vogon3, Psychobabble & Nigel

Rebecca said on Sat Mar 5th 2005
Check yer PM.

DVD Dan said on Sat Mar 5th 2005
No, someplace else.

Rebecca said on Sat Mar 5th 2005
We all did back in the day of the email address. Is that what you're talking about?

DVD Dan said on Sat Mar 5th 2005
No, that you have an alias.

rebecca said on Sat Mar 5th 2005
What, that I use the word "rococo" as an insult?

DVD Dan said on Sat Mar 5th 2005
Well that confirms my suspicions.

Rebecca said on Sat Mar 5th 2005
Funny you should ask. You may recall that I was an Art History major, so unsurprisingly I have some rather strongly developed opinions when it comes to schools of art. Rococo just makes me choke-o.

DVD Dan said on Sat Mar 5th 2005
So Rebecca what do you have against rococo?

Vogon3 said on Fri Mar 4th 2005
Sorry rebecca. but I loved the word nessage

Rebecca said on Fri Mar 4th 2005
Write discriptions. After you gave me a hard time about nessage board.

Vogon3 said on Thu Mar 3rd 2005
Rebecca "Do what"

Rebecca said on Thu Mar 3rd 2005
I've seen you do it a couple of other times as well!

Vogon3 said on Wed Mar 2nd 2005
Rebbeca "You should give me a hard time about writing discriptions

DVD Dan said on Wed Mar 2nd 2005
ART-chitect - I'm going to have to say no to that and leave it at that.

wim said on Tue Mar 1st 2005
I am happy with 1 minute, as long as you pronounce it right

ART-chitect said on Tue Mar 1st 2005
Dan, is that some kind of vibrator?

Kevin37uk said on Tue Mar 1st 2005
Wim sounds like your 15 minutes of fame.

DVD Dan said on Tue Mar 1st 2005
Adam FYI the mouseovers don't work on my wife's machine WIN2000 IE5.5 just get [Object Error]

jeri 2 WIM said on Tue Mar 1st 2005
Hi Wim, Could you please contact me at, I'd like to meet you for a short interview for the paper concerning your rather 'special' hobby. Please leave your number, so I can contact you. Thanks a lot, bye bye!

wim said on Sun Feb 27th 2005
who is "pieter"?

ART-chitect said on Sun Feb 27th 2005
hey there..I've got my dad on video, transferred it already on pc, so I have it in avi, with pinnacle I can make it in about every size I want to so it's up to Adam & Noonan to tell me how we can do it, if they are interested of's about 2 minutes and maybe I can do the efford to put some english translations underneath it...bad luck that the site was out at that moment, a lot of visitors will have said: bullshit ;-)

pieter said on Sun Feb 27th 2005
i've seen wim on national TV here in belgium, and found it funny. if you mail "man bijt hond" you can ask them for a digital copy, and mayby upload it here?

wim said on Sat Feb 26th 2005
I hope Peter has it on video or DVD, have to try out how it works

Smart Set said on Sat Feb 26th 2005
Tell us more, wim.

DVD Dan said on Sat Feb 26th 2005
Why not wim?

wim said on Sat Feb 26th 2005
Hey all of us, I have been on national tv with streetmattress, but I cannot submit a ridiculous interview I guess

FOD40UK said on Wed Feb 23rd 2005
Why, because she's got a crook(injured)leg of course!

wim said on Wed Feb 23rd 2005
explain, Rebecca

Rebecca said on Wed Feb 23rd 2005
It's all my fault.

Smart Set said on Wed Feb 23rd 2005
And we'd have four more if the United Arab Emirates would release them!

DVD Dan said on Tue Feb 22nd 2005
Well the Actonians have pushed the UK ahead of "sunny" California.

Mr T Set said on Sat Feb 19th 2005
If you a fan of The A Team, check this out, sucka!

Smart Set said on Thu Feb 17th 2005
Hey, it's mysteriously gone up to 454!

Smart Set said on Tue Feb 15th 2005
So, 453 pics posted in January 2005. Will this record stand for all time?

Rebecca said on Mon Feb 14th 2005
V3 should I give you a hard time about writing "discriptions"? Or should I give you a break?

FOD40UK said on Mon Feb 14th 2005
MOTD work a treat!Thank-you WOO(any takers?)

Rebecca said on Mon Feb 14th 2005
My mouseover descriptions seem to linger after the mouse leaves, although that may just be my browser acting quirky.

Smart Set said on Sun Feb 13th 2005
Some of my mouseovers don't work, Adam. e.g. Page 2, # 1 of my showcase.

Rebecca said on Sun Feb 13th 2005
Yeah, they're awesome. Very fun. A long time ago I asked if the names of pictures might be put under the thumbnails in the showcase, since I thought it would help find things. In my own showcase, I wanted to look through my submissions so as to not double-name them. I solved that by going through all my pictures and renaming them all to match the names I gave them here, which I now do as a matter of course. The mouse over feature is not only fun, it will facilitate searching, which I do sometimes when I want to refer to something.

DVD Dan said on Sun Feb 13th 2005
Never mind I get it now. Just needed to RTFM!

DVD Dan said on Sun Feb 13th 2005
Vogon3 ????? what did I miss?

Vogon3 said on Sun Feb 13th 2005
Love the mouse over discriptions

Vogon3 said on Sat Feb 5th 2005
I think the "nessage" board will have a welcome return

Rebecca said on Sat Feb 5th 2005
Well, I just got finished watching "The Filth and The Fury" twice in a row, if that's any answer.

DVD Dan said on Sat Feb 5th 2005
Street Mattress the Movie

See a matt come alive and walk the streets, actually hear ADAM the Mattress Maestro!

I laughed, I cried, I wet my pants.

DVD Dan said on Sat Feb 5th 2005
So how is our shut-in doing?

Rebecca said on Sat Feb 5th 2005
I think members of the British Invasion Team would particularly appreciate having the nessage board back.

dirty steve said on Fri Feb 4th 2005
i am slowly as you know it takes time....

Smart Set said on Thu Feb 3rd 2005
Well, don't just SHOUT about it, Steve - submit them.

DVD Dan said on Wed Feb 2nd 2005
Well the one month comment record was smashed. I reckon in a few days the one month submission record will fall as well.

dirty steve said on Tue Feb 1st 2005

Vogon3 said on Mon Jan 31st 2005
Thought you guys would like this.

Adam said on Wed Jan 26th 2005
Mattresses stolen from the web are far less interesting than a submitter going out into the world and creating their own art. So yes, just stealing pictures found on the web probably wont get in from now on.

Smart Set said on Tue Jan 25th 2005
Hi, Noonan and Adam. Is it now streetmattress policy to reject photos lifted of the web, or does it depend on certain criteria? Cheers.

Smart Set said on Sat Jan 22nd 2005
Way to go, Mattress Man - gotta live up to your name!

Mattress Man said on Fri Jan 21st 2005
I just found this site, but from now on i'll look out for a good mattress.

dirty steve said on Mon Jan 17th 2005

Smart Set said on Sun Jan 16th 2005
Having looked at all the "streetmattress in media" pics I can't see any duplicates, and certainly none of Dirty Steve's. Trouble is, if a webpic is made a "de Milo" it won't appear in the media category. Which pics of yours are you referring to, Dirty Steve?

ART-chitect said on Sun Jan 16th 2005
I once made that mistake but now I will never submit a webpic again... I even have some more but it's hard to say if they are already submitted unless indeed there is another way to overview quickly all the submissions. But there are more important things then that so Adam: it's great as it is at this moment, no changes required

dirty steve said on Fri Jan 7th 2005
since i asked about mats off the web everyone has got the pictures i have

Smart Set said on Fri Jan 7th 2005
It may seem an odd request, but I would really like to see a searchable, clickable, alphabetical list of titles, to help with naming submissions and to provide a different way of exploring the site. Would anyone else find this interesting or useful? Adam? Noonan?

FOD40UK said on Fri Dec 31st 2004
Happy New Year fellow mattfans!

dirty steve said on Sun Dec 26th 2004
I THIRD THAT!!!!!!!!

DVD Dan said on Sat Dec 25th 2004
I second that.

wim said on Fri Dec 24th 2004
I give my wishes for the new year to come, to all of you out there, not only the hunters, but also the fans and not to forget noonan and adam the invisible godfathers of mta

FOD40UK said on Fri Dec 24th 2004
Merry xmas and a very happy new year to all matt hunters out there!Take care, FOD

dirty steve said on Fri Dec 24th 2004
all the best for the new year mat lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wim said on Wed Dec 15th 2004
I think is it very difficult to get permission, some of the black and white pictures are from before 1920

DVD Dan said on Mon Dec 13th 2004
dirty steve
I try to get permission of the owner before submitting, unless it's off a newswire. Either way I give credit to the photo's source.

wim said on Sun Dec 12th 2004
steve, I think you can, but you have to be certain that it is not allready among the submissions. Perhaps we should create a new listing, with mattress found on the net and throw the foundlings out of our submissions, as are all the mats in medialand

dirty steve said on Sat Dec 11th 2004

Salinger said on Thu Dec 2nd 2004
hey mattress lovers. if you're in NYC or London on the 11th December, you betta watch out... /

DVD Dan said on Sun Nov 28th 2004
I was googling for some easy finds.

FOD40UK said on Sun Nov 28th 2004
Hey,thats only 253.4 miles from my house! I could be there by lunchtime. James! Warm up the Bentley!

dirty steve said on Sun Nov 28th 2004
dan how on earth did you find that???????

DVD Dan said on Sat Nov 27th 2004
Attention UK hunters a matt was spotted at Kingscroft Road, Leatherhead.

just some dutch dude said on Sun Nov 21st 2004
good stuff here. me likes

wim said on Fri Nov 5th 2004

FOD40UK said on Fri Nov 5th 2004
Do you still hear the lambs,Clarice?

wim said on Fri Nov 5th 2004
It is good to find out that more or less half of you were at least thinking, the other half was probably brainwashed, an easy proces in an empty shell. Do you grieve for the squirrel?

ChristineLarsen said on Fri Nov 5th 2004
I agree, wim. Most of us (well okay, HALF of us) probably were just thinking, "ANYONE but Bush." So we had Well-I-Guess-He's-Gotta-Do Kerry. Squirrel fur burning is a ritual that can only be done during the grieving process. Dan, in one of Gore's speeches he specifically said that he wouldn't altogether ban this practice, just regulate it somewhat. I'll try to find the transcript somewhere, I'm sure I heard it.

wim said on Thu Nov 4th 2004
I hope you let the squirrel out first, mind you, we are not convinced that you had a real choice, you start getting a real choise as soon as poor people can run for president in stead of run for a president

DVD Dan said on Thu Nov 4th 2004
FYI: If Gore had won in 2000 Squirrel Fur burning would now be illegal.

ChristineLarsen said on Thu Nov 4th 2004
I'm in mourning. Been wearing black all day and burning squirrel fur.

FOD40UK said on Thu Nov 4th 2004
Well,it looks like ole Gee Dubya dunnit agen,God help us all!!!...

FOD40UK said on Wed Oct 27th 2004
Glad you feel the same way about ole Gee-Dubya!(never trust a man with eyes like a shark!)He forced us into his oil war,and our weak puppet government followed him like sheep.Lets get rid of him and get your(and our)boys home!! Sorry to rant on, but its a subject that I(and most Brits I know)feel strongly about.

ChristineLarsen said on Tue Oct 26th 2004
YEAH FOR STREETMATTRESS.COM! NOT supporting GW is nearly as cool as the Streetmats themselves! Don't think just because GW managed to snag my beloved to Afghanistan that I think he should be there for even a second. VOTE! VOTE KERRY! ;) (Noonan, Adam, you're just too cool for words).

DVD Dan said on Sat Oct 23rd 2004
I should have known.

FOD40UK said on Sat Oct 23rd 2004
Now you just give them right back!

Rebecca said on Fri Oct 22nd 2004
I took them.

DVD Dan said on Fri Oct 22nd 2004
Oh where oh where have all my little matts gone, oh where oh where could they be?

FOD40UK said on Fri Oct 22nd 2004
OOPS!A Foidian slip!

FOID40UK said on Fri Oct 22nd 2004
You're quite right Dan,Tiki really is the de Milo queen.Personally I'm so excited when I spot a new matt,that I dont always take time to think about the composition.

DVD Dan said on Mon Oct 11th 2004
Being a realist, I'll leave the milos to the reigning queen tikifish. I've got my hands full trying to keep up with Rebecca.

FOD40UK said on Sun Oct 10th 2004
Seek!And thou shalt find...FOD(10% de milos)

DVD Dan said on Sat Oct 9th 2004
I've been disappointed by a few submissions that didn't get recognized. Overall I'm not bothered. My suburban hunting grounds of strip malls and tract homes limit my milo opportunities.

Salinger said on Sat Oct 9th 2004
Dan, I was just thinking. Are you bothered that you only have 13 de milos?

FOD40UK said on Mon Oct 4th 2004
Oll Korrect?

dirty steve said on Fri Oct 1st 2004

DVD Dan said on Wed Sep 29th 2004
ha ha, probably a little up and down too!

Rebecca said on Wed Sep 29th 2004
I was wondering how to answer that question...but I rather thought it was going back and forth, especially today.

DVD Dan said on Wed Sep 29th 2004
dirty steve Round and round last time I checked ;)

Ed said on Mon Sep 27th 2004
This is interesting.... Never seen anything like this.

dirty steve said on Mon Sep 27th 2004

Kevin37uk said on Mon Sep 20th 2004
SM's ISP seems to be a little flaky recently. Not a good situation.

FOD40UK said on Thu Sep 16th 2004
HEY!,I've missed youse guys(you dont know what you've got till its gone)

DVD Dan said on Wed Sep 15th 2004
Thank heaven SM is back, my thumb was getting pretty raw from all that sucking, curled up in a fetal position in the corner of my room trying to cope with the withdrawl symtoms.

Rebecca said on Wed Sep 15th 2004
*shudder* 14.4 I can't imagine. The only thing worse is No Internet at all or perhaps No Streetmattress, leaving me wandering in the lonely mists for the last couple of days. I'm so glad it's back, even though I have to go out of town now.

DVD Dan said on Sun Sep 12th 2004
Ahhhhh back in the Megabit saddle and a day early no doubt.

Kevin37uk said on Fri Sep 10th 2004
I remember 14.4, god how did I put up with it? Now I fortunately have cable which comes in at have 768K. I know it's an odd speed. but that's Telewest for you. It's actually because I was a 512k user but we all get 50% extra for free now.

dirty steve said on Fri Sep 10th 2004

FOD40UK said on Fri Sep 10th 2004
Hey Dan,Welcome back to the real world.Just wait till you try sending a coupla matts!(I once made a cup of tea and tuned up my banjo before a submission had finished)

DVD Dan said on Fri Sep 10th 2004
Better log off now - only 1043 free hours left.

DVD Dan said on Fri Sep 10th 2004
OH the horror, my cable is out and I can't logon to my old backup ISP. I'm now an AOHeller for the 1st time. At least until Sunday when they fix my cable (I hope) Took 16 minutes to fetch my 396 emails. It is hard to believe I actually used to surf at 14.4.

dirty steve said on Thu Sep 9th 2004
i will start to submit my 80 soon!

DVD Dan said on Wed Sep 8th 2004
dirty steve are you trying say you caught 80 in 3 days? Heaven to Betsy. The most I've gotten in one day is oh 15 maybe 20.

FOD40UK said on Tue Sep 7th 2004
Apart from stumbling across the occasional surprise matt,I tend to go out and get 8 or 10 at a time and then submit them over the next week or so.

Kevin37uk said on Tue Sep 7th 2004
I've done about 5 before. Nowhere near 80.

dirty steve said on Tue Sep 7th 2004

Adam said on Tue Jul 27th 2004
Thanks for letting us know.

spaceyscorpion said on Tue Jul 27th 2004
I also got your link from winxp...I think your site is awesome !!

Travis said on Tue Jul 27th 2004
WinXPNews. Seems to be the norm

andy said on Tue Jul 27th 2004
my e-mail newsletter linked you guys up in their latest edition. Maybe that's why you're getting all the traffic

Fraser said on Tue Jul 27th 2004
I did a Google image search on "stained mattress." The pic from your site was the most stained, so I clicked on it.

Don L said on Tue Jul 27th 2004
Heard about you on WinXPNews

Greg said on Tue Jul 27th 2004
I also got the link from WinXPNews letter!

Jack said on Tue Jul 27th 2004
Got a link to your site from newsletter. You can thank them.

art-chitect said on Wed Jul 21st 2004
thanks noonan, cought a few, returning home tomorrow so you will see them come! it`s hot here, burning maddness

Dj Esky said on Mon Jul 19th 2004
yo yo, G-day from sydney, haha, woohoo, buy my cd, and i might c sum of u'z @ helter skelter this saturday, or @ FANTASIA. woohoo.

noonan said on Sun Jul 18th 2004
Hey Art-chitect, welcome to NYC!

Rebecca said on Fri Jul 16th 2004
Greetings to you from the other side. How is it there?

ART-chitect said on Fri Jul 16th 2004
this is from NY, hello fellow americans...

ART-chitect said on Tue Jul 13th 2004
humhum, I guess matthunters are shy, self-oriented, modest & don't dear to look someone in the eye..something to put in statistics?

ART-chitect said on Mon Jul 12th 2004
leaving this thursday for a week...without digital equipment and a lousy hotel I you'll have to wait until after the trip..I once went there and only took black&white, will try it again but no high hopes for matts...if anyone wants to be a guide there, let me know!!!! or are there no NY-matt-hunters?

Rebecca said on Sun Jul 11th 2004
Surely you can submit pictures from NY? Which week are you going, anyway?

ART-chitect said on Sun Jul 11th 2004
fod40uk...that's life i guess, I will be out for a week so good luck, no hard (?) feelings, I will survive (unless some idiot wants to fly the airplane in some kind of building)

FOD40UK said on Sun Jul 11th 2004
Hey Adam!,I've caught you up!Watch out Art,you're next!!

wim said on Sat Jul 10th 2004
we should do something about the other continents, or install an extra ranking per continent. It is more fun for those who are not in front, as it is more fun not to submit more than 3 picture at once.

DVD Dan said on Sat Jul 10th 2004
Ever notice that there are three continents covered by our top 4 submitters?

ART-chitect said on Tue Jun 29th 2004
ladies and gentlemen, because of the good result by finishing her kindergardeneducation, Gwen and I are coming over to visit the Big Apple in July. I hope to find some matts there!

DVD Dan said on Fri Jun 25th 2004
RebeccaSorry to hear that.

You aren't seeing Dr. Nick Riviera are you?

Rebecca said on Thu Jun 24th 2004
Funny you should ask...I just had ANOTHER root canal, same darn tooth. If this doesn't work, endodontist. If I wasn't paying for all that, I could probably afford counseling for my pillow issues, right?

DVD Dan said on Wed Jun 23rd 2004
Rebecca you're within normal limits as long as you aren't drizzling chocolate sauce on said pillows. BTW how are the chompers?

Rebecca said on Wed Jun 23rd 2004
Um...I have posted a picture of a street pillow in the message board but I can't afford professional help.

DVD Dan said on Tue Jun 22nd 2004
Street Pillows?? That's just perverted. You should seek professional help.

Yus said on Tue Jun 22nd 2004
How about showing picture of "street pillow"?I think they too somtime share the same "fate" as other mattresses.I would like to see them.

Rebecca said on Fri Jun 11th 2004

Salinger said on Fri Jun 11th 2004
The next Mobile Club will be Friday, 18th June at 6.11pm. The location will be released 36 hours before the start time!

Salinger said on Fri Jun 11th 2004
By the way, last Wednesday's Mobile Club was amazing. We gained a full page story in a national newspaper which you can read here and have since received coverage in Signapore, Taipei, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and India.

DVD Dan said on Fri Jun 11th 2004
Looks like 8% were Melinda's, while you had 10%.

Rebecca said on Thu Jun 10th 2004
Which one of us is responsible for that huge spike? Without having looked, I suspect Melinda.

Salinger said on Wed Jun 9th 2004
It's very interesting looking at the charts. May has always been a good month.

DVD Dan said on Tue Jun 8th 2004
320 matts in a month, we've been some busy beavers.

Salinger said on Fri Jun 4th 2004
For London or near London mattress hunters, can I interest you in a little mischief? Mobile Club IX is taking place next Wednesday, June 9th at 6.58pm on the main concourse of Victoria Station. very basic details can be found at - and very basic details are all that you need.

ART-chitect said on Mon May 24th 2004
hello, this is Belgium, still working on a Sunday evening, or Monday morning, because it's 1.35 am...that means over there in matt-paradise-usa about 5.35 pm, still Sunday...anybody online? greetz and goodnight!

wim said on Mon May 17th 2004
rufus really is a fine name forrafurrybeast

Rebecca said on Mon May 17th 2004
They have a bad attitude and use a lot of swear words.

ART-chitect said on Mon May 17th 2004
aaah, felis rufus, if you had said his real name I would have know it immediatly ;-)

DVD Dan said on Mon May 17th 2004
We have those mini-dozers as well as the furry kind.

ART-chitect said on Sun May 16th 2004
anyone a picture of your bobcats?

ART-chitect said on Sun May 16th 2004
over here a bobcat is a small working device, let's say a mini-bulldozer

Rebecca said on Sat May 15th 2004
I saw that article in the Santa Cruz Sentinel! No, I haven't but I was thinking of going back to Native Animal Rescue where I used to volunteer just so I could work with that bobcat. They can be extremely difficult though.

DVD Dan said on Sat May 15th 2004
Seen any Bobcats lately?

dirty steve said on Fri May 14th 2004
since moving to the bush things are a little slow to say the least. but i am goin to the big smoke today so i hope to get a few mat's

wim said on Wed May 5th 2004
I tend to look ahead, but it feels illy chilly if someone is right behind you, as did Steve with his long fast run, but then again, it remains a virus, and it takes a lot of luck in the good season

Rebecca said on Wed May 5th 2004
Then you start looking at the numbers, you can't help it. I'm sure Wim is looking over his shoulder...

FOD40UK said on Wed May 5th 2004
TRUE-it kinda sneaks up n grabs ya!After a couple of weeks of no sightings(or even worse that old loop of camera,no.mattress.Mattress,no camera.Return with camera,mattress gone)Its real uplifting to finally come across a suitable candidate.Then your family and friends join in and before you know it you're hooked.

ART-chitect said on Wed May 5th 2004
FOD40UK: you are infected with the matt-virus isn't it? least it's better then Sasser

FOD40UK said on Sun May 2nd 2004
Hey,April was agreat month for submissions!Now if we all hunt really hard we might reach the big 4000 by the end of May.Martha!Fetch me that cam-era,I'm a goin' huntin'!

DVD Dan said on Thu Apr 29th 2004
--insert shiver up spine here--

Rebecca said on Thu Apr 29th 2004
It does not add up to a multiple of three so I don't know. Speaking of numbers, I noticed that I had 420 mattresses on April 20th. I didn't want to bring it up though.

DVD Dan said on Thu Apr 29th 2004
Is there some cosmic significance to the number 224?

Rebecca said on Wed Apr 28th 2004
Gay traffic rats anybody? As for me, I like my chocolate very dark and barely sweet.

ART-chitect said on Wed Apr 28th 2004
somebody interested in a job as traffic warden for crossing rats?

Camp David said on Wed Apr 28th 2004
Whats wrong with being the only gay in the village?

Justin Cider said on Wed Apr 28th 2004
wots wrong wiv being a rat catcher?

ART-chitect said on Wed Apr 28th 2004
what's wrong with being a traffic warden? father is indeed a black lover, i love white the it isn't genetic determinated. I heared our Belgian chocolats and "pralines" are sold per piece in the States...and quite expensive

FOD40UK said on Wed Apr 28th 2004
Wim,you're quite right of course,the English pallette prefers chocolate with a higher % cocoa oil and a lower % cocoa solids.The American tastes are differant again(Hershey bars-yuk!)Of course,if we all had the same tastes,the life of a chocolatier wouldn't be quite so thrilling(sic)and I'd have to go and be a traffic warden or rat catcher

wim said on Tue Apr 27th 2004
FOD40UK we think French chocolate is not the real stuff, it has anotehr composition, more fat and less chocolate.As for me, I am a "fondant" fan or better still "noir de noir"

FOD40UK said on Tue Apr 27th 2004
Cheers,ART!.....WIM,Most of the chocolate I work with comes from France.I've never been to Belgium.Though Belgian chocolate is exquisite

wim said on Mon Apr 26th 2004
I kind of like the race aspect, but it realy does not matter, we had on eastern only monday as an extra day of. FOD40UK if you are a chocalatier,you must have been in Belgium.

ART-chitect said on Sun Apr 25th 2004
i left the scene as well for a long period..but i am trying to come back...frank compernolle seems vanished, a shame indeed...FOD40UK..welcome, there is a great man inside you (althought you might be a woman) father has great competition in the top 10...i know, i'll never reach that top...just remember me as a small fish in this matt/mad world...beye..until the next matt appears for me!

DVD Dan said on Fri Apr 23rd 2004
Boy oh boy Pablo and tikifish submissions in the same week. Gee that takes me back to the old ought twos.

FOD40UK said on Wed Apr 21st 2004
Hey,its great to see Tikifish back on the scene,but wheres Frank Compernolle gone?Some of his snapshots are awesome,pure art!

DVD Dan said on Wed Apr 21st 2004
Happy 2nd anniversaries to Rebecca & Pablo and a belated 2nd to Christine.

FOD40UK said on Tue Apr 13th 2004

dirty steve said on Sat Apr 10th 2004

FOD40UK said on Fri Apr 9th 2004
Just got my showcase!I feel like part of a large(if not slightly bizzarre)and happy family

Rebecca said on Fri Apr 9th 2004
For third place, my money is on...oooo, I can't choose! All three of you have your own special place in my somewhere.

Rebecca said on Fri Apr 9th 2004
I get a couple extra days of hard work actually.

FOD40UK said on Fri Apr 9th 2004
Me n my fellow chocolatiers get 5 days off-back on wednesday

ChristineLarsen said on Fri Apr 9th 2004
Guess I'm moving to the UK. A four day weekend? You're talking CRAZEEE! ;)

DVD Dan said on Fri Apr 9th 2004
other street crap: devoid of any mattress, bed or trappings there of.

I don't think the SM Gods are accepting any more OSC.

dirty steve said on Fri Apr 9th 2004
what is consided as other street crap?

DVD Dan said on Thu Apr 8th 2004
Ladies and Gentlemen - We have a real horse race for third place.

DVD Dan said on Thu Apr 8th 2004
Not in the US, some get Good Friday off, but there is no Easter Monday here.

Salinger said on Thu Apr 8th 2004
In the UK yes.

dirty steve said on Thu Apr 8th 2004

said on Sat Apr 3rd 2004
funniest site i ever saw!!!! guck! guck!! guck!!!

Rebecca said on Mon Mar 22nd 2004
It's just human nature. Woo hoo!

wim said on Sun Mar 21st 2004
for some reason we all turned gay

Rebecca said on Wed Mar 10th 2004
I want better mobile access!

Salinger said on Wed Mar 10th 2004
worse case scenario; we'll still have access to the internet.

wim said on Tue Mar 9th 2004
only if there are streets in heaven, and streetworkers and so on

Mark Gustav said on Sat Mar 6th 2004
Will there be mattresses in Heaven? And, if so, will they ever become Street Mattresses?

Rebecca said on Fri Mar 5th 2004
The more you use it, the better it works.

wim said on Wed Mar 3rd 2004
I don't think the forum functions quite well

Rebecca said on Sat Feb 28th 2004
Ask in the forum, you can even include a poll.

wim said on Sat Feb 28th 2004
does anyone have an idea about our average age ?

spunky ablewhite said on Sat Feb 21st 2004
I actually sell worse mattresses than most of the sh!t you see here from my shop in Brighton

DVD Dan said on Tue Feb 3rd 2004
Oh where oh where have all my little matts gone oh where oh where could they be? With one matt a week Rebecca's gunna eat my lunch and then some!

dirty steve said on Sat Jan 31st 2004

wim said on Sat Jan 31st 2004
Actually it was 5:34 PM, when I had 10:57PM.

wim said on Sat Jan 31st 2004
someones watch gives a problem, I thought hours changed by the hour. Over here it is now almost 11 PM, but you entry this as 5:45 PM. Is that possible?

wim said on Sat Jan 31st 2004
I am from Belgium from a village about 8km from Opitter, the place where Kim Clijsters lives and where everybody knows her father, who was a good football(soccer)player. I hope she wins the Australian Open, although I am a fan of Justine.

Julian of the band Ataxia said on Fri Jan 30th 2004
Whoa, interesting site... your from Canada? Join the crowd. Any ways you guys rock those mattresses are a tad arousing

DVD Dan said on Tue Jan 27th 2004
I meant happy belated Australia Day.

DVD Dan said on Tue Jan 27th 2004
Happy Australia Day

dirty steve, carl, maarten, chuppa and all the other aussie matt hunters.

i am megan said on Mon Jan 26th 2004
and i dont get it yet!

wim said on Fri Jan 23rd 2004
Thanks Dan, now I now what we of all of is in me suffer from. I should have known, but we say MPS = Multiple Personality Syndrom

DVD Dan said on Sun Jan 18th 2004
MPD = Multiple Personality Disorder.

wim said on Sat Jan 17th 2004
What on mattress is "MPD" ? Dan, can you explain ?

Rebecca said on Thu Jan 15th 2004

Rebecca said on Tue Jan 13th 2004
Yes, a prolific source of lysergic commentary.

DVD Dan said on Tue Jan 13th 2004
We appear to have a new visitor with MPD and alot of spare time.

dirty steve said on Thu Jan 1st 2004

DVD Dan said on Wed Dec 17th 2003
Nice Beard.

Rebecca said on Tue Dec 16th 2003
Ooh, I always wondered what you looked like. Now I know!

Salinger said on Tue Dec 16th 2003
I am the one dressed as -santa- in the middle of this photo.

DVD Dan said on Tue Dec 16th 2003
So Salinger, which Santa is you?

Rebecca said on Tue Dec 16th 2003
That's pretty cool, Salinger. Are you in any of the pictures?

Salinger said on Mon Dec 15th 2003
I was part of Santacon on Saturday. It was fantastic. The only disappointment was the lack of streetmatts in central London. Enjoy the photos anyway.

dirty steve said on Sun Dec 14th 2003
i will dan when i get some time to do it! i promise.

DVD Dan said on Sat Dec 13th 2003
Come on dirty steve give the forums a try.

Rebecca said on Thu Dec 11th 2003
I know...I liked him, too.

DVD Dan said on Thu Dec 11th 2003
So what happened to Ken? He was talking some smack in April, that he surely hasn't lived up to.

dirty steve said on Wed Dec 10th 2003
thanks dan

DVD Dan said on Sun Dec 7th 2003
dirty steve
It was created to give us better way to discuss on/off topic things that don't relate to a particular mattress. Which is what many of us were doing here (feedback) before the forums.

Don't be scared just poke around, register and join in if you feel like it, you won't break anything ;)

dirty steve said on Sat Dec 6th 2003
how does the forum work and whats it about????? please

Chris said on Thu Dec 4th 2003
Great site! Loved it. Although after seeing all those mattresses I did get a little sleepy.

Rebecca said on Sun Nov 23rd 2003
I thought that's what he meant and I was really worried.

Kevin37uk said on Thu Nov 20th 2003
Dan, good job you said SM and not S+M, you 'd have us all worried otherwise.

DVD Dan said on Wed Nov 19th 2003
Yes, but all is well in SM Land now.

Kevin37uk said on Tue Nov 18th 2003
Are you trying to say there was a performance issue?

DVD Dan said on Tue Nov 18th 2003
Takes one to know one.

Rebecca said on Tue Nov 18th 2003
Damn that's obscure.

DVD Dan said on Tue Nov 18th 2003
Yes it was slower than molasses at Shackleton's camp.

dirty steve said on Mon Nov 17th 2003
hi all

Rebecca said on Mon Nov 17th 2003
You mean the time it takes to load? I was away, see photos.

Rebecca said on Mon Nov 17th 2003
You mean the time it takes to load? I was away, see photos.

DVD Dan said on Mon Nov 17th 2003
Is it just me or has SM been slower than Photoshop on a 286, this weekend?

wim said on Fri Nov 14th 2003
Don't use the word "lul" too much, it means "penis" in Dutch, or rather " Dick", so lull would be teh same as Dickk

DVD Dan said on Thu Nov 13th 2003
It was probably back in March? When Rebecca blew Pablo out of the water with like a million at once.

noonan said on Thu Nov 13th 2003
I'm pretty sure you just jinxed us.

Salinger said on Thu Nov 13th 2003
While we're talking about numbers, I was wondering what is the record number of submissions in one day? There's been a lot of mattresses posted today.

DVD Dan said on Thu Nov 13th 2003
I wonder why November historically has a lull in submissions?

DVD Dan said on Thu Nov 13th 2003
Oh yes, I've always loved that one. Why don't those Oxford folks make it so inflamable only pertains to personalities and not combustion?

Kevin37uk said on Thu Nov 13th 2003
OK what's the deal with flamable and inflamable, when both are clearly capable of burning?

wim said on Wed Nov 12th 2003
So an unemployed indertaker is one who does not dertake ? And an inemployed undertaker as well ? Just pull the chain DVD and it will unfill.

DVD Dan said on Wed Nov 12th 2003
Teacher can I be excused?

My brain is full.

Michael said on Tue Nov 11th 2003
To DVD Dan, my understanding, as the useless bearer of a Master's in German, is that some English words are negated with the prefix un- and some with in-. No rhyme or reason, just depends on the word. My matt just sneezed. That is strange. I didn't even know it had a cold.

DVD Dan said on Sun Nov 9th 2003
I resemble that remark.

Salinger said on Sun Nov 9th 2003
two dyslexics walk in to a building. one says, "can you smell gas?" the other replies, "smell gas? I can't even smell my own name!"

DVD Dan said on Sat Nov 8th 2003
Any Engish majors out there?

Can someone explain why you say inopportune instead of unopportune. Keep in mind I was born without a spelling gene.

DVD Dan said on Sat Nov 8th 2003
The matts out here are teasing me. I've never had such a run of matts popping up at unopportune times (can't snap the pic). It would be much easier if my optic nerve had a USB port.

Zabbo said on Wed Nov 5th 2003

ART-chitect said on Fri Oct 31st 2003
it's getting a bit silly with the mystery man who doesn't understand in what kind of environment we live, don't you think?

Salinger said on Tue Oct 28th 2003
I have no idea what Art Man is talking about. This site is all about documenting mattresses who for one reason or another have left home. Occasionally garbage makes appearance but the matter is both contextual and incidental.

Art Man said on Tue Oct 28th 2003
This site proves what I always thought, there is beauty and art in all we see, even garbage.

Confused Net Surfer said on Tue Oct 28th 2003
Who are you people and what is this site all about?

Internet freedom fighter! said on Mon Oct 27th 2003
Internet Police Agent should take his gestapo tactics elswhere and leave us used mattress lovers alone. This is a free internet and we will not stand for Big Brother watching us while we sleep. Go away you Jerk, and never come back!

Mattress Tagger said on Mon Oct 27th 2003

Internet Police Agent said on Mon Oct 27th 2003
All you people will be fined a small fee for supporting worthless trash like this site. Latest studies have shown that the Internet, once believed to be limitless, actually has an end in the confines of pea-brained idiots who do nothing at all but read worthless garbage like this site. This site has the retail value of a pee-stained, dust mite infested, coil popping street mattress used by a hobo in the streets of Los Angeles' Skid Row. Please see included links for a clearer understanding; , . Because I am a fair enforcer of internet code, I will also fine myself $26, for the twenty-six minutes I was drawn to this fecal matter. Please send a self addressed stamped envelope with your name, e-mail address, date of birth, along with a copy of your social security card and current state issued ID, to: Internet Police Headquarters P.O. Box 12345 Idiotville, Az. 85123 Please include a check or money order to cover your fine of $1 per minute, for every minute you spent on this site. This fine should be paid on your honor. Be fair, you know you are guilty. P.S. #1 Rebecca and Pablo, I will accept payment plans from both of you. P.S. #2 The founders of this site are herby notified that this internet site is in direct violation of Internet Code; C179-TRSH1; Sec. CRAP234.(Fair use of internet space), and have been summoned by this governing body to present yourself to a public hearing to be held at a remanufactured mattress store of your choice at a date of your choosing. Valuable retail space is scarce and you are hereby notified of your right to seek legal counsel in the defense of your site. All viewer responses will be taken in to consideration while deciding this case in a fair and just manner.

A fool with time to kill. said on Mon Oct 27th 2003
Michigan girl should remove all piercing jewelry from you know where! Her sheets will last longer.!

MichiganGirl said on Mon Oct 27th 2003
I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, upon the slitted sheet I sit. Say that 5 times fast.

Rebecca said on Sun Oct 26th 2003
Yeah, can we get it on tape?

ART-chitect said on Sat Oct 25th 2003
NOONAN and ADAM.... tell some more about that show...was it TV, radio,... you are making us curious out here in belgium!

wim said on Sat Oct 25th 2003
k-dawg, kyour klanguage kis k-particular, k-but k-thanls kfrom kall kof kus

k-dawg said on Tue Oct 21st 2003
undoubtably, and, i don't think i am alone in this thought, but undoubtably the finest website i have have the great privlidge to lay eyes on. kudos, kudos to you all!

Hellvis said on Fri Oct 17th 2003
I sleep on the floor but I drink to much!!!!!!

Salinger said on Thu Sep 18th 2003
I think we should take some streetmattresses to flash mobs.

Frank said on Fri Sep 12th 2003
Adopt a commentless mattress. Going back to see older mattresses, you find a few of them orphan of any comments. Let us adopt them and give them their moment of glory.

Frank said on Fri Sep 12th 2003
Nothing is so funny as mattresses!

Rebecca said on Thu Sep 11th 2003
Sorry Dan, I should have known that your sense of humor was up to the job!

Salinger said on Thu Sep 11th 2003
I thought fridges were the way forward for a while but mattresses are much more fun. The car park pictures... indeed. I still have them. I'll get to it.

DVD Dan said on Thu Sep 11th 2003
Just what kind of neighborhood do you hang out in?

Come on Rebecca I got it, if not I would have bought that domain. Hey how about

artshole said on Thu Sep 11th 2003
Bloody brilliant! Best website ever!! I use them (mattresses, that is) so I noticed there's never one around when you need it. Now, I know where to check for latest update.

Rebecca said on Thu Sep 11th 2003
Dan, I suppose it's just a matter of personal taste as to which makes more sense. Anyhow I was being sarcastic.

ART-chitect said on Thu Sep 11th 2003
it's easier to get a used condom on the street then an I think what we are doing now is far more difficult...

DVD Dan said on Thu Sep 11th 2003
If I only knew. Spotted one a couple weeks ago baking in the sun at my work's parking lot.

BTW: Rebecca wouldn't make more sense than Unless the cc stands for condom central of course.

That domain is available, however I'll resist the urge to buy it despite my weakness for collecting domain names.

Rebecca said on Thu Sep 11th 2003
Hey, used condoms! What a great idea, thanks! Now I know what I can do with my website!

Camille Noire said on Thu Sep 11th 2003
I don't understand. WHY?!? Who gives a rat's ass about other people's rubbish? What's next? Used condoms in public places? Have you cretins no lives? This is the lamest website EVER.

DVD Dan said on Tue Sep 9th 2003
What ever happened to those car park mattress pile pictures?

wim said on Fri Sep 5th 2003
wijwater, (it welled up, a fraction after the why what ands euurps (franks beer), so: wijwateurr, when windy : waaiwateurr (as the dutch would pronounce it)

wim said on Fri Sep 5th 2003
why what ?

Mimi said on Fri Sep 5th 2003
What I want to know is...why?

noonan said on Fri Sep 5th 2003
The worst thing you can do at a time like that is panic.

ART-chitect said on Thu Sep 4th 2003
is this going to be a site where belgium battle against the US, in a friendly way I mean, like the Olympics....I started to check the site every hour...really stressing

Rebecca said on Thu Sep 4th 2003
I can't even talk about it.

Frank said on Thu Sep 4th 2003
I'm happy the site is back, I had lot of abstinence problems during 24 hours or more without my favorite site. If I would have an American, i alreayd would have gone to a psychoanalyst. As I am a Belgium, i took a good dark beer from the abbey of Val Dieu: cheaper and better.

ART-chitect said on Tue Sep 2nd 2003
hello there...the bird has left the nest... wim's son has a new life of his own as ART-chitect...I became one of you...crazy I'll try to infect the rest of the world around me...greetz

Salinger said on Sat Aug 30th 2003
there's a whole world of rankings if we think about it. how about number of streetmatts per nonstreetmatt? or streets per streetmatt? or GNP per streetmatt-ita?

DVD Dan said on Fri Aug 29th 2003
That would narrow the gap a bit, but it should still leave Belgium on top.

fotologger said on Fri Aug 29th 2003
hey ryan, stop talking with your mouth full, little daisy.

wim said on Fri Aug 29th 2003
In my opinion the count has to done per person (pp) and not per square something, we are about 10.000.000 in Belgium, and lots of us share a mattres

DVD Dan said on Thu Aug 28th 2003
According to my calculations:
Belgium: 30,528km2
The matt density is .0067 vs .0001, Belgium is 67 times more SM dense than the States.

wim's son said on Thu Aug 28th 2003
DVD Dan : do you have any idea how big the US is? I'm gonna see how big we are but I thought Belgium was 3180 km2, so that's about 0.0065 M/KM2

DVD Dan said on Wed Aug 27th 2003
Belgium seems to be in the lead for M/KM2 (mattresses per square kilometer)

wim's son said on Wed Aug 27th 2003
i know this is not meant to be a game or race but I must say that i am proud to see belgium rising in the world list of countries at the site here

wim said on Tue Aug 26th 2003
Frank, how do you prefer the naked chief? Rare, medium or well done ?

OZBOY said on Tue Aug 26th 2003
A big shout out from the boyz of the Land Down Under. This site is REALLY popular here on th southeast coast of Australia and we are hunting for mattresses all over. Great job Guys!

Frank said on Tue Aug 26th 2003
Couldn't we organise a cooking contest, with Jamie Oliver in the Jury? “The naked chief” on a streetmattres, or on a bed of fresh lettuce, that could give nice picture! By the way, is a bed of fresh lettuce in a vegetable garden along a street, a streetmattress? And what about flowerbeds?

wim said on Sun Aug 24th 2003
no, put on a cd by heavy metal and wait until the mat softens up, punch at every new number on the cd

Rebecca said on Sun Aug 24th 2003
Let me guess, put a mattress in a skip and boil until soft?

Salinger said on Sun Aug 24th 2003
the best way to cook a British Matt is to use the 'a la skip' method. it dates back to the time when metal first became popular.

Christel said on Sat Aug 23rd 2003
Yes usually, the mattresses i've missed were moving too fast... but sometimes, because I am a new mattress-hunter, i am not yet very emancipated, and so, when I was with people i am not very familiar with, I had to keep my yearn for me... I know that it is a stupid excuse

wim said on Sat Aug 23rd 2003
Christel, it becomes worse, all my friends came back from their hollidays, with wild stories about mats they saw, but it only reminded them of me, they never had a camera, or forgot it, or the mat moved too fast, or the bus, or or or, I never heard so much excuses lately. Lucky for us Frank plans his hollidays in function of places where there are mats to be found.

Christel said on Fri Aug 22nd 2003
I was looking for a place like that to tell my disappointment about all the mattresses i've missed. I didn't expect to find it in "about", that's why I was never come here before. I am back from the US and the hunt will be harder again. United States are full with street mattresses. I have missed at least 20 nice mattresses and it is a pity, i am very sorry about that...

Frank said on Fri Aug 22nd 2003
Anybody here who'd know a good recipe to cook a wild streetmattress the British way? As you can see on the locations list, the nouvelle cuisine de matelas from France isn't very rich, so we'll have to stuck to the United Kingdom if we want to eat something.

Rebecca said on Fri Aug 22nd 2003
...hee hee hee...

Rebecca said on Fri Aug 22nd 2003
Acidic? Have you taken a ph strip to him then? As for cooking, all I can pass on is what I learned as a child, which is that any and all vegetables are best boiled until soft and then eaten with butter and salt. I suspect this is a British cooking secret passed down from my foremothers.

wim said on Thu Aug 21st 2003
What do you mean by acidic ? Ans seemingly acidic ? Does it imply that it is not acidic at all ? or only occasional. Anyway, british cooking is not bad at all, the only prblem I have is that I never kwow wether it walks, swims or flies when I am looking into the menu.

Salinger said on Thu Aug 21st 2003
DVD Dan, you're correct. I was just delving into Wim's occasional & seemingly acidic world.

wim' son said on Wed Aug 20th 2003
frank, welcome to our beautifull country, we missed your contribution...

DVD Dan said on Sat Aug 16th 2003
I was refering to this photo. Or am I mistaken about that particular British slang?

Salinger said on Fri Aug 15th 2003
we like to call it undrained cooking. which dates back to the time when all cooking was done in the open air irrespective of the weather. undrained cooking took place in inclement weather. it is not too bad.

wim said on Wed Aug 13th 2003
their cooking is not too bad, I would not call it pissed, watery yes, but pissed ? no

DVD Dan said on Wed Aug 13th 2003
Or getting pissed (UK version)

Rebecca said on Tue Aug 12th 2003
Apparently he has been busy cooking.

Salinger said on Thu Aug 7th 2003
or he may have been caught up in a rigorous game of pole&tyre. records indicate that in the height of summer some games can last up to 8 weeks.

wim said on Wed Aug 6th 2003
perhaps someone shut a door, with poor Pablo inside a mattrass, somewhere in the UK. For after all, can one survive a month without a mattrass ?

Salinger said on Wed Aug 6th 2003
I had three Croatian matts too but I lost the photos.

DVD Dan said on Wed Aug 6th 2003
Okay we found Salinger
Now where's Pablo?

Rebecca said on Tue Aug 5th 2003
Good heavens, you must be leading the life of adventure...Slovenia??

wim said on Tue Aug 5th 2003
rebecca, he is back

Salinger said on Tue Aug 5th 2003
life's been turbulant. but I posted one for Slovenia!

Rebecca said on Fri Aug 1st 2003

wim's son said on Thu Jul 31st 2003
for those who believe in what they read : it's gonna be hot in Crete....I'm gonna miss you during that time!!! especially you dad!!

Rosie's uncle said on Wed Jul 23rd 2003
Hello Rosemary, what a fine idea to join the club. Some people already published london mattresses, but maybe it won't be that easy as for me, who shot already some nice specimens at less than 20 meter from my house.
Have fun

wim said on Wed Jul 23rd 2003
I am again at the biennale, in the arsenql, they hqve a qwerty wich gives strange results in typing, I leave the site on, perhaps this will encourage more fans to participate

DVD Dan said on Wed Jul 23rd 2003
thanks for the info. I can't believe I forgot to ask the doctor if it would affect mattress hunting.

Rebecca said on Wed Jul 23rd 2003
Well my submissions "Tenderloin" and "Mission" were taken after having had a similar type of surgery, just on a different body part (that's why I was looking for the painkillers).

ChristineL said on Tue Jul 22nd 2003
I don't have a gallbladder either and it doesn't impair my ability to take pictures of mattresses, if anyone was concerned.

wim's son said on Tue Jul 22nd 2003
i feel really bad today...i passed 2 matts in liege, frank's place but i wasn't driving and i had no camera with me...shame shame shame

Rebecca said on Tue Jul 22nd 2003
Well I'm the only one left in my family that even has one of those gb things left, you'll be just fine.