mattress counter
Built To Spill - Go listen now!
Camera Obscura - Both Adam and I are huge fans of this band.
Degree Confluence Project - I know this is kind of geeky but hey so am I.
Engrish - Does laughing at this make me a bad person?
FoundMagazine - This site is rad and gets the noonan seal of approval!
GRRL - Bonnie Burton is rad and so is her site.
Her Space Holiday - I dig it.
Its Peanut Butter Jelly Time - I have no explanation.(sound is an absolute must!)
Liquidbutter - Much like The Sword In The Stone.
Little People - People that are little!
Mirror Project - Somebody is thinking.
Official Blondie Website - Blondie is AWESOME.
Parking Spots - Nice!
Phototag - This is the coolest site I have seen in a while.
Pinback - This music must be heard.
RestroomArchive - Everything Restroom.
Salvador Dali Gallery - spend hours.
Saturn Cafe - If you're in Santa Cruz, eat here!
Scout - The best e-zine on the Web AND in print!
Slashdot - Best tech news site. You know, for nerds.
Smach The Pingu - One of the most addictive flash games on the net.
SomaFM - Get your dose (I like the pop rocks)
Think Small - I love this site. It's always introducing me to new music.
Thrift Store Art - How great is this for a website?!
Tikifish - One of our most talented submitters' website. Awesome! - Awesome band, awesome site! (and tabs are posted, yeah!)