mattress counter
Matt Fever - 08.25.05
submitter: Smart Set
location:Shepherd's Bush, London, UK
I couldn't believe it when I saw the Travolta silhouette. What a find! Held the pic back from yesterday to be my #1000.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 08.18.09
according to history this is your # 1000, just like horse : MdM!

Smart Set commented on 09.30.05
Well, I could change my name to Xaarfraabzzzz21. It's because the phrase "Smart Set" is not unique to me, as "Vogon3" is to you.

Vogon3 commented on 09.30.05
SS I seem to top the google position Vogon3 place 1 page 1 SS page 6 now there is a chalange for you to somehow try and get to the top now you are going to have all that spare time on your hands

DIRTY STEVE commented on 09.30.05

Donavon commented on 09.30.05
Outstanding!!! I feel like dancing. Disco inferno baby!!!

Rebecca commented on 09.30.05
I see I neglected to offer proper congratulations on your astounding accomplishment - 1000 mattress is a hefty number for anybody, much less a relative newcomer. I am deeply impressed.

pb commented on 09.30.05
not nice

Smart Set commented on 09.30.05
Thanks for that, pb. Now 4k off, eh?

pb commented on 09.30.05
not been on for a while and see you've only got to 1k, SS, thought you'd be at least 2k by now...

Vogon3 commented on 09.28.05
Ok if it was just a normal person LOL

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Then yes, it would!

Vogon3 commented on 09.28.05
Olivia Newton John

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
I don't know. What do you look like?

Vogon3 commented on 09.28.05
oh come on SS would that have got a de milo if i was pointing for you rather than John

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
There was nothing set up about the matt itself. Having JT there is really no different from having a real person pointing in the pic.

Vogon3 commented on 09.28.05
I hunt them where ever I go

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
So you don't go on mattress hunts?

Vogon3 commented on 09.28.05
I wouldn't have had the time

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Sorry, V3. I should learn to keep quiet. But would you have been able to ignore a pointer like JT?

Vogon3 commented on 09.28.05
you just needed the guy to put his hand up for a masterpiece

Vogon3 commented on 09.28.05
Maybe SS but it has taken the edge of your pic for me knowing it was set up a bit still good though.

noel commented on 09.28.05
wonderfull story Smart, thank you for sharing it with us, for once the mystery behind the picture is solved.

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Waht happened was this: I saw JT standing with some other trash by a wall. "He could point at a mattress for me," I thought in my head, thinking. I tried to wrestle him into the boot, but he was too wide, so I put him back as I found him. Drove on about 400 yards and saw the matt - up high! Took a few angles on it, and then thought, no it needs JT. (I was actively looking for a suitable #1000 image, you see.) So drove back to JT and put him in the boot, put the lid down (but not shut) and drove off very slowly. At the first speed bump the bootlid went boiinnnggg!, but I continued. After I'd taken a few pics, I put JT on the back seat, folded in half, and returned him whence he'd come, but I threw him down flat lest V3 or pb spot him. You really can't be too careful. And that's the story.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
Her house is still pretty full of collected nonsense (what a wonderful phrase by the way!)

noel commented on 09.28.05
I can agree with your mum, getting rid of collected nonsense is a wonderfull feeling. Except of course the record collection, which is why I had to get rid of the rest I suppose

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
Well, it definitely would not have fit in my car. Glad you tried! (did you really!?)

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
It was very heavy. The figure was backed with a kind of hessian material. It wouldn't fit properly in boot of my Merc - the lid wouldn't shut.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
Mum used to be as bad as me when it comes to useless belongings but she's had a ruthless year or so. The family heirlooms I have had to try and buy from her on Ebay. Shocking.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
If it was in a decent enough state and didn't need too much work and if I had some wheels with me in which it would fit. Yes. Then Mum would have come round to my house, inspected it, told me I have too much stuff and then binned it at a later date. It would then take me between 2 months and 2 years to realise it had gone.

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Seriously, would you have taken it home and mended it and switched it on in your bedroom window or something?

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
The thrill would be in finding something like that...I get bored of projects to make stuff like that....

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Why don't you have a go at making your own JT fairy-light installation? It wouldn't set you back more than a tenner.

Rebecca commented on 09.28.05
No, I never much liked him really. Not until I saw Pulp Fiction.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
Of course...I kind of forget about the mattress time warp.

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Well, he was in Hadyn Park Road at the Askew Road end, but this was over a month ago - I'm sure he's history now.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
Shame. The mention of fairy lights nearly sent me into a full on frenzy of excitement that would inevitably lead to a tour of She' Bu' to find John. But if he's fractured....

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
It was fatally fractured above his raised digit and below his left foot. It had fairy lights behind it - you can see the wire.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
I want that.

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
No, cos I put him back where I found him.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
Travolta still any chance?

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Did you like John Travolta back in the days when you saw SNF more than once, Rebecca?

Rebecca commented on 09.28.05
A dumpling after my own heart. :)

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
I'm a terrible junk merchant. Have a house full of stuff I don't need. Went through an ebay spell but didn't seem to be able to part with much....!

Rebecca commented on 09.28.05
I also agree that it's fantastic but I'll leave Travolta to you, ND.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
Travolta would have been coming home with me.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 09.28.05
Oh this is just sooooo fantastic. SS - how do you do it?!!

Rebecca commented on 09.28.05
Well honestly I'd have a hard time maintaining it because the nature of my job has shifted to a more administrative role, meaning I leave the office and travel to California dirt towns less often. But I wouldn't mind. If I can pull myself out of my blue mood I might just get the motivation together. I still have some tricks up my sleeve.

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Thanks for your kind comment about the stick, Rebecca. So you want to be Queen again someday?

Rebecca commented on 09.28.05
Thanks that would be.

Rebecca commented on 09.28.05
No thinks for the once and future Mattress Queen I see....

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
wim, noel, ART, my brother Steve - thanks.

DIRTY STEVE commented on 09.28.05
well done brother!!!!!!

ART commented on 09.28.05

noel commented on 09.28.05
nothing less than utter respect to you smarty.

wim commented on 09.28.05
Congratulations, superb #1000 and far out fot #1500, sory I missed the chat, I had too much to do about nothing (work)

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Thanks, V3. What a night last night! I enjoyed our comment-fest; you should stay in more. Dan, no elements of this scene were transposed or phiddled in Photoshop, but I'm sure you're just "yanking my chain" in FOD's stead. Rebecca, the mattress needed no encouragement from me - in fact he had a whole bunch of sticks back there.

Rebecca commented on 09.28.05
I like the way you got the mattress to also point skywards with his little stick.

Vogon3 commented on 09.28.05
well done on your 1000 matt count even tif some of your pics are boring.......but not this one

DVD Dan commented on 09.28.05
Damn you're really good at that Photoshop. Congrats on the last matt of the first matlenium.

Smart Set commented on 09.28.05
Thanks. I stayed up late just in case.

Nancy Dumpling's Mum commented on 09.28.05
#1000 and a de Milo! Fantastic pic, well done SS.