mattress counter
On every street - 08.28.05
submitter: ART-chitect
location:Brussels, belgium
Came home from the sea, girlfriend a sleep, as usual, had to wake her up to make this picture, shutterspeed 1/30 to make it extra 'moving'
category:Mats on da Move


wim commented on 09.27.09
this one does fine, wit a new word in it for me, pigeonholing, and the explanation given by rebecca, it does not frighten me, she says where other people decide they now how you think, it does not imply they know how you think, hence the concerned victim stays free as a bird in both minds

Rebecca commented on 09.29.05
Thank you for the apology, it bothers me to be typecast according to my nationality which is, after all, merely an accident of birth. You'll see us more clearly if you drop the preconceived ideas. :) Now your explanation makes more sense to me, too. For all the driving we Americans are known to do, somehow I missed that she was asleep in the car, not in her own bed.

Smart Set commented on 09.29.05
Matt #10101. Great number. Binary, too.

ART commented on 09.29.05
mmm,maybe my feeling for the english language isn't good enough, but I give you some details anyway: I don't know that car with the matt, I drove 100km/h around our capital with Gwen sleeping next to me in the passengerseat, I wanted to take a good picture so I ordered Gwen to make this one, explaining her what to do, therefor she needed to be woken...sorry rebbeca, no intentions in pigeonholing you, like the word, sounds like some strange pinhole-camera

Rebecca commented on 09.29.05
p.s. A pigeonhole is a little box where other people decide they know how you think.

Rebecca commented on 09.29.05
I think you have mistakenly pigeonholed me. I didn't think she was sleeping in the back on that mattress, I thought she got out of her normal bed in the house and was driving while you took the picture.

ART commented on 09.29.05
PS: she can makes pictures as well, maybe that's the detail you're missig

ART commented on 09.29.05
hehe, that's the American way of Rebbecca, I wasn't driving some giant mobilhome where way at the back Gwen was asleep, this is my small car and I had my new camera with me so I could try something with that shutterspeed, it was on the main circle around Brussels so not the place to make pictures right from you at 100km/h

Rebecca commented on 09.29.05
I like the way it seems like the mattress is the only thing in focus. But I don't quite understand why you had to wake her up to take this picture...did you actually make her get out of bed and start driving?