mattress counter
Burlington Gardens - 09.22.05
submitter: Vogon3
Behind the bingo hall
category:Seen Worse


Smart Set commented on 06.08.07
Always remembering #10000 and Vogon3...

Vogon3 commented on 10.07.05
personaly i don't like porches much aston for me please

Smart Set commented on 10.07.05
Look at your matt total, V3: there's your Porsche.

psychobabble commented on 10.05.05
there's a porch on the left... so give him a deMilo!

Chaf commented on 10.05.05
In order to be a de milo, it needs a porsche

Vogon3 commented on 10.05.05

Salinger commented on 10.05.05
if it had been a de milo you would have won a porsche.

Vogon3 commented on 10.05.05
gimme my prize then

FOD40UK commented on 10.05.05
10,000-Wow! Knocks my 4,000 into a cocked hat. Congratulations one and all!

ART commented on 10.05.05
10000, SIS indeed, congrats to V3 and all the others

wim commented on 10.05.05
SIS : Speechless in Stokkem

Smart Set commented on 10.05.05
It would have been very appropriate if this picture had been entitled "Bingo!"

psychobabble commented on 10.05.05
10,000!!! Well done, V3 - Historical moment for Acton (and my fave Bingo Hall)

DVD Dan commented on 10.05.05
It seems to be making a slow break for it.

Smart Set commented on 10.05.05
Lucky man, V3, to have your submission scoop this historic position. I tried to stay awake to witness this submission going up but conked out about 10.30pm. I've now woken just before 6 a.m. so at leat I'm the third to comment on it. Yes, the counter does look so cool at 10000. Even though I missed it, I feel I can claim some distant connection with this event, as I got this mattress first (#10393)! :)

DVD Dan commented on 10.05.05
Wow 10k - way to go V3 and frankly the rest of us freaks.

Rebecca commented on 10.05.05