mattress counter
Hiding From The Cleaners - 09.27.05
submitter: Vogon3
Lucky that safety rail is there
category:Find The Mattress


Vogon3 commented on 10.08.05
Hey SS thats not you driving that its a four year old boy check it out in close up

Smart Set commented on 10.08.05
Meaning what exactly?

Vogon3 commented on 10.08.05
SS you don't half go on and before you say it .........pot kettle

Smart Set commented on 10.08.05
How do we know it's a different matt? We can't see either of them properly!

Vogon3 commented on 10.08.05
one again SS your attempt to spread the rumour that I would put up a double subbmission (apart from the Birkbeck road skip error) will not bother me in the least as i Know this is a different matt and I know you know this is a different matt and I know that you know I know that it is a different matt. and you are probably annoyed that I managed to get a picture of you in your new truck out matt hunting and how I laughed when I saw you drive away while the matt was looking down upon you laughing aswell. he he he

Smart Set commented on 10.08.05
I recognise the location - it's the same as in #6668, another classic V3 "Find the Mattress" from February, but is it the same matt?

wim commented on 10.08.05
smart now has his own borough, ntor