mattress counter
Red 9 - 10.02.05
submitter: Smart Set
location:Acton, London, UK
I had to pop out tonight to take a rented DVD back. I was intending to go straight home, but something drew me to this regular matt-spot, and lo! - it was this rare, blood-red beauty.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


jim commented on 09.28.07
a period piece?

Smart Set commented on 03.30.06
Communist writers are always read.

wim commented on 03.29.06
I 'm of to bed, to read some communist writers. Red makes me active.

psychobabble commented on 03.29.06
well done, SS, a worthy "MattoftheMoment" -even if it was last years model..

Nancy Dumpling commented on 03.27.06
Mr Truffle - loving your site! Funny, funny, funny...

Smart Set commented on 03.26.06
Thanks, all. Mr Truffle, I see you've kindly put this pic up on your site (theslipperytruffledotcom). Cheers. If you really want a big copy for your wall I'll gladly send you one.

wim commented on 03.26.06
it sure is, steve

DIRTY STEVE commented on 03.26.06

MrTruffle commented on 03.26.06
I want this photo haning on my walls!

Rebecca commented on 10.09.05
And a blood-red de Milo. See.