OK, I know this mattress is the star of "Red 9", but this view does at least show the base that was with it, and anyway it's such a different shot that I thought I'd submit it. It was an 8-second exposure during which a car being parked nearby happened to illuminate the matt with its headlights.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 05.18.11
indeed, the communist writers are read
Smart Set commented on 05.18.11
wim commented on 05.18.11
what other?
Smart Set commented on 05.18.11
Thanks, wim. The other pic was already a de Milo, though.
wim commented on 05.17.11
mdM post factum, howbout this idea, a picture of wonder
Smart Set commented on 10.09.05
Could have done with one, but the camera was resting on a rather rough wall.