mattress counter
Down By the River - 10.05.05
submitter: Smart Set
location:Brentford, London, UK
On this stretch of the Thames, with Kew Gardens on the far bank, there are a number of very large houseboats, some smart, some abandoned, so I wondered if there might be some mattresses in the river. The tide was out, so the river was reduced to a narrow, shallow channel with huge green, slimy mudflats on either side. The flats were littered with green, slimy, rotting boats of all sizes, usually with only the engine recognizable. Herons fished at the water's edge. I spotted this ancient mattress near a scary, derelict old houseboat. I've cloned in a close-up of the bottom corner to show the springs. I wonder what colour it was before it drowned.
category:The Untouchables!


wim commented on 05.04.11
I'ld suggest green

Smart Set commented on 10.13.06
Thanks. Ya know what, MM? I thought so too. (The "classic" part, that is, not the "prize" part.)

MattressMommy commented on 10.12.06
This one is classic! You should get a prize!