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Home Sweet Home - 10.09.05
submitter: ChristineLarsen
location:Port Orchard, WA
Once away from the awful heat of Florida, and back into the chilly breezes of Washington state, I spot a familiar site. And yes, I realize I need to clean off the dash board.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 04.25.11
all of them airborne people?

ChristineLarsen commented on 10.10.05
Yes--he's safe and sound in good ol' USA now. Thanks for asking. :)

FOD40UK commented on 10.10.05
Well its good to see you back.Hope the family are all ok (is hubby back from you-know-where?)

ChristineLarsen commented on 10.10.05
No, didn't get the window fixed...just a different car. This one has a cracked window too but it's a bit lower so harder to see. Hey Sal baby! Jungle live has been a bit stressful lately, getting ready for the winter and all.

Salinger commented on 10.10.05
So how's the jungle been treating you?

FOD40UK commented on 10.09.05
So you finally got your windscreen fixed!

Rebecca commented on 10.09.05
I noticed that.

FOD40UK commented on 10.09.05
Hey,great minds think alike.

FOD40UK commented on 10.09.05
Christine!!-You're back!!

Rebecca commented on 10.09.05
Christine! So nice to see you.