Once away from the awful heat of Florida, and back into the chilly breezes of Washington state, I spot a familiar site. And yes, I realize I need to clean off the dash board.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 04.25.11
all of them airborne people?
ChristineLarsen commented on 10.10.05
Yes--he's safe and sound in good ol' USA now. Thanks for asking. :)
FOD40UK commented on 10.10.05
Well its good to see you back.Hope the family are all ok (is hubby back from you-know-where?)
ChristineLarsen commented on 10.10.05
No, didn't get the window fixed...just a different car. This one has a cracked window too but it's a bit lower so harder to see. Hey Sal baby! Jungle live has been a bit stressful lately, getting ready for the winter and all.