And so, we conclude our whirlwind tour with these lovely blue beauties...observe the dark stain creeping upwards from their bottom edges. Observe the typical placement, half hidden behind the half wall of the dingy apartments. I guess mattress neighborhoods are the same everywhere. I know there are many others here, but sadly we must move on to better things.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 03.19.11
they all like sundancing
Rebecca commented on 10.14.05
Hmm...upon closer examination, it is simply hard to tell. I generally use a pretty low-resolution setting for mattress pics, unless I find them strikingly scenic or something. But it does appear to be similar, although the lines between the squares are not as well defined. It's also hard to tell whether the street-facing side is comprised of squares or rectangles - if they were rectangular, I'd say that makes more likely cinder blocks.
DVD Dan commented on 10.14.05
Hey Rebecca can you tell if that wall the matts are against is block and of the same "tile" pattern as the houses?
Rebecca commented on 10.14.05
Hmm, that reminds me of something she said about they build houses out of cinder blocks there. Maybe that's what it is. Doesn't seem like they'd hold up all that well in an earthquake, does it.
Chaf commented on 10.14.05
Probably no tile in a plaster sense but a cement composite.
Rebecca commented on 10.14.05
Yeah but it's not all that big, hard to tell. It looks like tile - most unusual.
DVD Dan commented on 10.14.05
Well it does look like tile, but you have the original pic yes?
Rebecca commented on 10.14.05
I don't know but do you think that's tile on the outside of those apartment buildings?
Rebecca commented on 10.14.05
It's only 10:14 at night.
FODS40UK commented on 10.14.05
Hey you guys!Isn't it past your bedtime?
DVD Dan commented on 10.14.05
Is that a Begonia?
Rebecca commented on 10.14.05
No but I met Burnout Bob the wahine hunter.
Chaf commented on 10.14.05
Did you at least get to meet Dog the Bounty Hunter?