mattress counter
Deal - 10.14.05
submitter: Nancy Dumpling
location:Clapham North
Check out this atmospheric fella....hanging out in the shadows of Clapham.
category:Seen Worse


Dirty Old Man commented on 10.20.05

? commented on 10.20.05
. --- . / \ |( ) ( )| (_ o _) | xxx | '-----'

o_O commented on 10.20.05

\(O | O)/ commented on 10.20.05

Rebecca commented on 10.20.05
What in tarnation is that?!

~V\۝/V~ commented on 10.20.05
I have no idea what that is.

Rebecca commented on 10.20.05
Here, "hooters" are something a little different, although I've often wondered at the term and found it distasteful. I think they have to be big before they get called hooters.

(¦-o commented on 10.20.05
Yawn. Goodnight!

Smart Set commented on 10.20.05
Hooter = nose.

Rebecca commented on 10.20.05
Big Hooter?? What?

¦:>( commented on 10.20.05

:> commented on 10.20.05

Smart Set ¦:>l commented on 10.20.05
That's a good one. Big hooter!

Rebecca commented on 10.20.05

Smart Set 8¬) commented on 10.20.05
There seem to be a lot of differences. I'd heard that US and UK keyboards differed. The Alt Gr stands for Alternate Graphic and I'm not sure why some keyboards don't have it. Google it for enlightenment. ¦:¬j

?¦:-)........?¦;-P......?¦:¬O.......?¦:¬y.....¦:¬u commented on 10.20.05
These look better when seen in bold on the main page rather than on the comments page.

Rebecca commented on 10.20.05
I can hit shift but the end of my A...L row just has ' and ", not #. That's above the 3. And what is an Alt Gr key? I have Alt but no Gr. The closest I can get is | which is above \. I'm thinking you must have a different keyboard.

¦:-D commented on 10.20.05

¦¬( .............. ¦:¬) commented on 10.20.05

$mart $et commented on 10.20.05

Smart Set ¦¬| commented on 10.20.05
Also on the ¬ key I can get ¦ by hitting the Alt Gr key.

§mart §et commented on 10.20.05
I have a ` there too, but hitting shift gives me ¬ . My ~ is got by hitting "shift + #" over on the far right of the ASDFGHJKL row. You could copy and paste the nifty nose from here. Give it a try.

Rebecca commented on 10.20.05
I have a ` and if I hit the shift key I have a ~.

Smart Set commented on 10.20.05
Oh, I don't know. He looks fine. Rebecca what key do you have to the left of "!" over at top left of the keyboard?

Smart Set ?:) ?:¬) commented on 10.20.05
?:) Just experimenting. Man with a quiff. That one looks good in the comments form but not so good when it appears on the page. ?:¬)

Rebecca commented on 10.20.05
I don't know how to do any special symbols and I sure as hell can't find that nifty little nose thing.

Smart Set commented on 10.20.05
Oh, it's in IE. Well, I've tried to enable it but nothing doing.

Smart Set commented on 10.20.05
Not a joke. I don't have autocomplete, or else it's not enabled. Where does it live?

Dirty Old Man commented on 10.20.05
(.)(.) ) ( ( \/ )

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
SS - is that a joke?? Obviously you have auto bloody complete or whatever it's called.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
< ...... as it's the only one I could find that looked silly on top of smiley and S:-) for your bloke.

wim commented on 10.19.05
I would not, SS, I would advise you "§1" with me as "§6"

wim commented on 10.19.05
my advantage is a short name "wim", only something like "vin" could beat that, but then I know of no one by that name, except Diesel, hence precious with rising prices of oilproducts.

§ commented on 10.19.05
I've thought about using that § sign as my "mark" to save typing "Smart Set" on every comment.

wim commented on 10.19.05
I would go for {§

Smart Set commented on 10.19.05
Which is the wig character? (And I don't mean Mr Ali.)

wim commented on 10.19.05
I know, a lot of signs to say "norealair"

wim commented on 10.19.05

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
???!!! How odd!

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
Why is that - just tried again!?

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05

wim commented on 10.19.05
my reserve is also slowing down, downunder is still far ahead

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
SS - I am trying to do a smiley with wig and SM won't let me......???

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
Ah - I see it!!!

wim commented on 10.19.05
ND, you'll need a few more to be on 24

Smart Set commented on 10.19.05
Shift + top left key (next to 1).

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
I submitted 4 tonight but no more in reserve....need a hunt.

wim commented on 10.19.05
ND, 2 more and you are #25, and one of the best is behind you (Ernesto)

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
Ok, I can't find the nose you just used.....

Smart Set commented on 10.19.05
You learn fast, ND ;¬)

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
and the more complicated :-] :@) (pig?) (:-) (bald man?)

Smart Set commented on 10.19.05
Just a colon and a close bracket for the simplest smiley :)

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.19.05
I wouldn't even know how to do a smiley without some serious inspection of the keyboard and SS's technique.

Vogon3 commented on 10.19.05
FOD i agree with that

FOD40UK commented on 10.19.05
I don't use smileys because I enjoy the little misunderstandings I sometimes provoke.Tho' I do apologise to anyone I may have offended with my lack of decorum............................see?

Smart Set commented on 10.19.05
I know what you mean, V3, and I used to hate them, but they do help reduce the number of misunderstandings. It's impossible to unambiguously convey "tone of voice" in writing.

Vogon3 commented on 10.18.05
smileys--- please don't all start using them

FOD40UK commented on 10.18.05
Careful, SS, it's a full moon (don't forget your medication)

Smart Set commented on 10.18.05
Then put a bloody smiley in next time :)

Chaf commented on 10.18.05
OK, OK, don't have a cow. I get the point, jeez, I was just playing!

Smart Set commented on 10.18.05
And Chaf, details are what we invariably discuss here on SM. My comment *was* lighthearted, hence the smiley - I don't really care whether or not Clapham North exists as an area. I thought some of the non-UK submitters might wonder why it was Clapham North and not North Clapham, so my comment was intended to clarify that infinitesimally small point.

Smart Set commented on 10.18.05
He's not interested in informing us, just in contradicting me.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.18.05
I did! Thanks (I agree, got nowt to do with anything but bless him, he's keeping us all informed)

Smart Set commented on 10.18.05
So there's a pub opposite Clapham North tube which thinks it's in Clapham North, V3. What does that prove?

Smart Set commented on 10.18.05
You wanted comments on this pic, ND!

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.18.05
Chaf - correct about the details. As for dodgy punter - it's someone looking shifty and buying drugs or stolen goods. In this context.

Vogon3 commented on 10.18.05
by the way this is aa great pic

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.18.05
SS, behave. You know what I meant you picky sod.

Vogon3 commented on 10.18.05

Chaf commented on 10.18.05
Lighten up on the details SS, what's a dodgy punter?

Smart Set commented on 10.18.05
Just to be pedantic for a moment on the subject of geography, ND, Clapham North is a tube station, not a geographical area. :¬}

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.18.05
Thanks Rebecca. Not sure what's around the corner but probably some dodgy punter....

Green Egg Mule Robba commented on 10.18.05
Chaf - anything you like....give it a go. (This name was created from typing "Dealer Matt" into a web gangsta name obscure!)

Rebecca commented on 10.18.05
Well I liked it when I saw has a moody sort of feel, like you can hear your footsteps echoing. And what's around the corner?

Chaf commented on 10.18.05
Don't feel bad ND, I'm totally out of pics and the pickings have been pretty slim around the hood lately.

Chaf commented on 10.18.05
Anything? I need a power steering vacuum hose for a 91 Nissan Sentra S-ER. Can you hook me up?

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.18.05
"Deal" because it's waiting to do one. On a street in Clapham N where you can buy anything. If you know what I mean.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.18.05
I am just feeling a little out of it and this has been my only recent contribution and I didn't even find it....thanks to my colleague, Alex. Have few on my phone but yet to be Mum's running away with it...

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.18.05
I didn't even take it.

Smart Set commented on 10.18.05
Look! Someone disagrees with me! Oh, it's FOD.

FOD40UK commented on 10.18.05
Look!a fine example!

Smart Set commented on 10.18.05
Sadly, ND, people don't always comment on our pet favourites. It's a heartbreaking fact of SM. It's a technically good pic, but maybe it's too plain to catch the eye when there are so many going up? Maybe someone will disagree. BTW, why have you called it "Deal"?

Nancy Dumpling commented on 10.18.05
I thought this was a fine example! Somebody talk to me about it?!