A guy saw me take this pic and asked if I was going to send a copy to the council. I said yes and he said, "Nice one!" I felt a bit of a fraud.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 03.04.11
we all are, I pretend to be at work bit I win time on SM
DVD Dan commented on 10.18.05
Rebecca you been smoking something on the island? The last thing Acton needs is MORE streetmatts. I think we should create our own councils over here. Maybe that is the missing ingredient.
Rebecca commented on 10.16.05
That would really be counter-productive, wouldn't it? We need to be encouraging mattress-dumping. Call the council and complain that there aren't enough mattresses on the street.
Smart Set commented on 10.16.05
Of course not. If people are really that bothered, all it takes is a phone call to someone like Salinger's dad.
ragnhild commented on 10.16.05
Not the first time you made such a promise, SS (matt #10772). Have you sent them yet?
Smart Set commented on 10.16.05
I was just glad he was the friendly type.
Rebecca commented on 10.16.05
Well I guess so! Why didn't you tell him you were going to send it to his mother?