mattress counter
Air bed - 10.25.05
submitter: Chaf
location:Martinsville VA
This was a scene at the camping area at the racetrack. Putting the inflatable into the tent.
category:Mats on da Move


wim commented on 02.09.11
you just entered an open door

Chaf commented on 10.27.05
A little Mattress Mambo perhaps?

Smart Set commented on 10.27.05
Looks like you got away with it, Dan.

DVD Dan commented on 10.26.05
Um yes but I think that is a bit shy of being an euphemism. I hope I didn't start something here.

FOD40UK commented on 10.26.05
Is that like parking the bus in the hairy garage?

DVD Dan commented on 10.26.05
"Putting the inflatable into the tent" what else?

Chaf commented on 10.26.05
What euphemism? (type slowly)

DVD Dan commented on 10.26.05
HEARD - never heard of that. Why are so many words getting lost on the way to the keyboard? I need to cut down on the Starbucks Ice Cream or something.

DVD Dan commented on 10.26.05
Never of that euphemism before ☺