...up the alley, alley-o. (One of my better skip pics.)
Dumpster Divers
wim commented on 02.01.11
I don't even know what FOD46UK by now is talking about, it is very derogatry, I have missions like that ( sometimes)
Smart Set commented on 11.05.05
I meant that the pic is broadly symmetrical, not totally. It did actually occur to me to shift the name over, but I thought it wasn't worth the trouble.
FOD40UK commented on 11.05.05
Derogatry!!!I can't even spell it!
FOD40UK commented on 11.05.05
I think it loses symmetry points with the D O'SULLIVAN being so far off-centre.(I'm surprised you did'nt photoshop it straight, SS!)
D O'Sullivan commented on 11.04.05
Looks more like an oncoming skip to me
Chaf commented on 11.04.05
It's not a bad shot... I guess. It could use a TV or maybe some baby furniture to complete. The potty is nice, you could submit to restroom archive as well.
Smart Set commented on 11.04.05
I'm not getting exited, V3. I just made a comment on a quiet night in order to draw attention to a pic I liked, and it attracted derogatory remarks from our FOD, so I replied. I like the pic because of the colours, the symmetry, and the way the skip fills the frame and looks a bit like an oncoming ship.
FOD40UK commented on 11.04.05
Only thing missing is 'the point' (tee-hee!)
Vogon3 commented on 11.04.05
SS I don't see why you are getting that exited over this pic am I missing something.
FOD40UK commented on 11.03.05
Au contraire!....A blurred finger, sneaking into shot is the very essence of streetmattress!It would've elevated this mediocre skipsnap from so-so to not bad.(anyway, I'd never stoop so low as to submit a photo with a secondhand WC in frame)
Smart Set commented on 11.02.05
You cannot be serious about your #3993. Preferable hand aside (and I prefer to exercise some judgement when it comes to pointing, rather than slavishly following what is only a "serving suggestion") it can't hold a candle to this fine photo. A blurred finger obtruding into the frame would have spoilt its beauty and symmetry. Think on.
FOD40UK commented on 11.02.05
I must say I prefer my #3993.It has all the fundamental values of a good streetmat submission, including the all important "preferably with someones hand pointing in the frame" Something sadly lacking in most of your 'snapshots'
Smart Set commented on 11.02.05
But not done better, eh, FOD?
Smart Set commented on 11.02.05
Why, that it's fantastic, V3.
FOD40UK commented on 11.02.05
Seen better!
Vogon3 commented on 11.02.05
notice what
Smart Set commented on 11.02.05
This is fantastic! Oh, it's mine. Well, it's still fantastic. Am I the first to notice this?