My adolescent nephew, Steven, said Hey Aunt Christine, there's a mattress that me and my friend have been dragging eachother on next door in the driveway.
So being the matt hunter that I am, I went out. Sure enough, next door is this matt laying there, complete with rope that they were apparently using to pull eachother around on. Cool huh?
wim commented on 01.15.11
as he is a grown up by now, he can take his own mattress pictures
Chaf commented on 11.07.05
Sort of like my children: Q;"What does your Dad do for fun?" A;"He takes pictures of mattress' in the garbage" Reply;"He does what?" Reply;"Never Mind!"
ChristineLarsen commented on 11.07.05
You know what, SS? I think you're right.
Smart Set commented on 11.06.05
I can just imagine your nephew saying, "Hey, my Aunt Christine is crazy. She'll come and take a picture of this mattress if I tell her about it!"