mattress counter
Pointing Caitlin and Matt - 11.12.05
submitter: Salinger
location:Shakespeare Street, Southport, north of Liverpool
We found these minutes before arriving at the British Lawnmower Museum, which is well worth visiting if you find yourself in Southport. Or if you're planning a weekend in the north west. (
category:Beside the Point


wim commented on 12.30.10
next time visit the sandcastle waterpark in blackpool, great fun, especially with caitlin

Salinger commented on 11.15.05
FOD, we went on the morning of the 5th. This mattress was indeed photographed on the corner of Eastbank and Shakespeare Street. I wan't sure what the address of the Furniture shop was but as the Lawnmower Museum was on Shakespeare Street, I thought I'd list the mattress as being spotted there.

FOD40UK commented on 11.15.05
Small world!I was there just last week (fri.4th)You weren't the guy stood in the rain halfway down Eastbank st. (not Shakespere st.) taking pictures of mattresses by any chance? (I didn't have my camera) By the way, the geezer who just bought my house is current (2yrs running) World champion lawnmower racer (group 3).......apparently.

Chaf commented on 11.15.05
According to Google, The British Lawnmower Museum is the only one. It's so hokey it's cool! We do have lawnmower racing in the states also.