This is where Art is going to build, starting tomorrow. After tearing down a wall, we found this baby trailer with two matts upon it. So obvious, ,one of us noticed it at first hand. I thought I had submitted this picture, but apparently I did not, so good luck with the building son, and let us start rolling
Seen Worse
ART commented on 12.23.05
mmmm, no that I read it that way it makes sense
wim commented on 12.22.05
yes Art, Jef does work for Eric
ART commented on 12.21.05
do you?
Jef commented on 12.21.05
And now i ame the one who is going to fill that whole with bricks and concrete ! Why? Because i work for this contactor.
ART commented on 11.20.05
empty yes, for sale no, they wanted to built there someday something for themselves, a laywer-office but after 17 years they found out that that wasn't going to happen. The neighbourhood is satisfied that finally someone is gonna fill that whole
Chaf commented on 11.20.05
I can see why it was torn down. So that lot has been empty and for sale since '88?
ART commented on 11.20.05
the old building that stood there was tear down in '88, I'll put an old pic on frappr
Chaf commented on 11.20.05
Checked out frappr, very modern, very sleek. Did you buy it as a lot or did you have to buy an old building and tear it down in order to build new? I like the glass version...damn the government.
ART commented on 11.19.05
A 50m2 3 level house-workingspace between 2 houses and for privacy reasons no windows in the backwall. At first we wanted a total glass frontside but the government here decided otherwise. I'll put it on frappr...we'll keep you informed!Does that make it urban? I think so as Stokkem is a "city" and not some small farmerhole, humhum