Late at night.Sundaymorning I had to attend a meeting and missed the matt. I saw her, but could not stop, due to traffic. Late at night I came back home, drove to the next exit of the motorway, drove back, hoping to find her. There she was, waiting, with an unfullfilled unknown desire.I made several pictures, flashing against the traffic, with the traffic, on a forbidden place, freezing cold, red hot emotions, lines of light, a beautyfull mattress.
*Mattress de Milo*
wim commented on 12.26.05
hey son, if my counting is correct, this one is our combined # 1000
Rebecca commented on 12.02.05
This is certainly beautiful and lonely.
Chaf commented on 12.01.05
Beauty is in the eye of the Bed-holder.
wim commented on 12.01.05
thank you for the "de milo" I spotted the matt accompanied with a venus
noel commented on 12.01.05
Is a mattress a she? If not I think he should be.
Smart Set commented on 12.01.05
A lovely pic, wim. I was going to say de Milo, then I saw she was.