mattress counter
Motorcyle Madness Mattress - 12.10.05
submitter: Smart Set
location:Willesden, London, UK
I saw this guy, then I saw the mattress. I thought he might be persuaded to point for me. I stopped the car and walked over to him, just as he started the bike. He didn't notice me. He looked about 65 years old. He was talking into his lapel, as if into a radio, but there was no radio, no microphone. He was reeling off a string of numbers in a calm voice. I thought better of asking him to point. I went behind him and took this pic. I guess the poor chap suffers from some paranoid/delusional disorder, so it's a good job he didn't turn round and see me pointing and taking photos. I went back to my car and he rode away.
category:Seen Worse


Smart Set commented on 12.29.05
I'm fine, thanks, wim. Just taking it easy.

wim commented on 12.28.05
SS, are you sick or something? Do we have to send in the medics? 19 days without you....

wim commented on 12.24.05
to our great king, intended for all of you, merry X-mas, I have to start cooking

Vogon3 commented on 12.18.05
Maybe from the front he is realy wearing a Darth Vader helmet

Smart Set commented on 12.18.05
Not really, apart from the swastika. This guy would be regarded as a harmless eccentric.

Chaf commented on 12.18.05
Isn't anything German army related taboo in England?

psychobabble commented on 12.17.05
his head under the saucepan looks half-sized!

Chaf commented on 12.17.05
Does the bed roll on the bike count as a bonus matt?

FOD40UK commented on 12.17.05
Maybe he's MI5! See how he blends discreetly in with his surroundings.

DVD Dan commented on 12.17.05
Hey that guy does know the war is over, yes?

DVD Dan commented on 12.17.05
Congrats - the fourteens oh my.