mattress counter
Anti Nazi-Matratze - 02.07.06
submitter: Vogon3
Nazis Out sprayed on bin


wim commented on 07.27.13
at least they lost the 12724, number 571

wim commented on 07.04.06
I think Germany just lost

Vogon3 commented on 02.28.06
What Duke

wim commented on 02.23.06
long live the duke

Vogon3 commented on 02.23.06
Wim it was in Munich, the street is called Herzogstrasse.

wim commented on 02.21.06
Vogon, could you be a bit more specific? it looks very former eastern germany to me. Striking as a stroke or 2.

wim commented on 02.21.06
wim 21, vogon 14, art 10 the others I don't know.

Vogon3 commented on 02.21.06
I did not check all the way down the list as I got bored but as far as I went you were top

wim commented on 02.21.06
I have to check that Vogon. Art does get around a lot too.

Vogon3 commented on 02.21.06
WIM sorry Typo

psychobabble commented on 02.21.06
who is 'Win', V3? All that flying may be interfering with the little grey cells!

Vogon3 commented on 02.21.06
I think I have the second most Win is the leader of the locations... coming soon though I have another previously unseen location...

noel commented on 02.21.06
london, india, germany? the man gets around