The bed shop in Luton Road had another bed tied up and being tortured outside. I have a feeling they are making a habit of it. I'm not sure if it's suffering but it could run out of air trapped in that plastic bag.
*Mattress de Milo*
wim commented on 06.06.08
They never sell these poor citizens
Adam commented on 03.12.03
Nice work!
ChristineL commented on 03.10.03
Sorry for all the typos below, Kevin. It's late and this disturbing photo really got to me.
ChristineL commented on 03.10.03
My God, Kevin, isn't there some sort of Mattress Humane Center of Kent around there? May, you gotta do something. There may be laws in England for seeing this sort of thing and not reporting you. You'd been get on your telephone...and fast.