mattress counter
Proof - 02.22.06
submitter: Smart Set
location:Acton, London, UK
"1 BED FLAT" And to prove it...
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 09.14.12
good work

Smart Set commented on 09.14.12
I just cropped it and altered the white balance in Photoshop.

wim commented on 09.14.12
this really is a nice one. did you have to change it a bit SS?

wim commented on 09.13.12
blue blue blue, the best that ever happened, nice mdM!

wim commented on 10.07.09
they rent it all apart, the bed, the flat, the door, the matt

robert commented on 03.13.06
sign should read '1 bed not flat.'

Nancy Dumpling commented on 03.11.06
And here.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 03.11.06
Right now.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 03.11.06
Ooooh. You pretentious sod! I am standing in the light of knowledge. And it's quite dark.

psychobabble commented on 03.10.06
ND, enlightenment comes to those who have thrown off the shroud that veils reality to stand in the light of knowledge...

Nancy Dumpling commented on 03.10.06
As a blonde, I don't know what a blonde is! Sorry but now I do feel enlightened....

Smart Set commented on 03.10.06
The pic was taken under lurid orange street lighting, and in trying to restore some semblance of natural colour balance I made the passage light turn blue.

Vogon3 commented on 03.10.06
just wondered if it was sunlight

Smart Set commented on 03.10.06
6.37pm. Why?

Vogon3 commented on 03.10.06
what time was the pic taken SS

Vogon3 commented on 03.10.06
Nice one SS.... ND a blonde is a open front lamp normaly 1000w or 500w

Vogon3 commented on 03.10.06
ND a arri 20k is a lamp that is 20000w brightness used for film a deno is a bank of smaller lamps normaly used for lighting blue screen for matting shots

Smart Set commented on 03.10.06
As a "blonde" you should know this, ND.

psychobabble commented on 03.10.06
are you seeking 'enlightenment', ND?

Nancy Dumpling commented on 03.10.06
What is an Arri 20k or Deno please!?

Smart Set commented on 03.10.06
So it does. I went past there tonight and the bed had gone, the passage was in darkness and the little sign had mysteriously become "2 BED FLAT". They must have found another bedroom.

Vogon3 commented on 03.09.06
Looks like you got a Arri 20k or Deno down that passage