mattress counter
rush hour - 03.18.06
submitter: Robert Kershaw
location:west oakland, california
a contrast between stress and rest
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 09.26.10
I was not looking at the bart, but at the nice row of houses

Smart Set commented on 04.16.06
Maybe the BART train was going about 200mph.

Nancy Dumpling commented on 04.07.06
Robert - lovely shot. Like it loads!

robert commented on 04.07.06
canon powershot 410 has a manual flash setting with a regual sutter speed for daytime use.

DVD Dan commented on 04.07.06
How'd ya get the slow shutter speed then?

robert commented on 04.06.06
nope, just a little point and shoot digital

DVD Dan commented on 04.06.06
Somebody has a fancy camera.