But, by the time I figured this all out, it was too late; she moved on. And all I had to show for it was some foolish pride which then gave way to regret. She was the girl. I know that now. But, I pushed her away. So I've spent everyday since then chasing Amy. So to speak.
Seen Worse
wim commented on 08.29.10
a maiden youngster
Chaf commented on 03.15.07
Chaf commented on 06.09.06
Thanks for all your votes fellow hunters. I really appreciate it.
Brother Bill commented on 05.27.06
*De Milo*
Chaf commented on 05.26.06
Thanks PB. Anyone else care to help a brother out with a vote?
psychobabble commented on 05.26.06
hey, Chaf, it doesn't work if you vote for yourself, but it's a good story. Perhaps there's been an 'Amy' in all of our lives... mine was Fiona... gets my vote...*MdM*