mattress counter
MICHEL - 04.26.06
submitter: Jaak Graaf van Stokkem
location:Stokkem Belgium
Michel my neighbour is throwing out the old matt of his children and buying new ones.
category:People Keepin it Real


wim commented on 10.06.13
Jaak, there is no 13558, 597 missing

wim commented on 06.10.12
That doesn't mean I don't think of you

wim commented on 05.21.09
this makes it one, one with a strong man

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 06.01.06
SS I didn't know Art was that young :-p

ART commented on 06.01.06
yep, but here it's in large bottles and you can order it in most pubs, for your children ;-)

Smart Set commented on 06.01.06
I don't use MSN Messenger.

Smart Set commented on 06.01.06
We have that stuff, too, but it's called Actimel, I think.

Smart Set commented on 06.01.06
I know. I was just teasing him...

ART commented on 06.01.06
fristi is a drink based on strawberries and other berries, a bit like fluid yoghurt

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 06.01.06
SS it's cold enough to order hot chocolade and yes Art remembers Tri-X... I can confirm that.

ART commented on 06.01.06
are there hunters outthere who use msn messenger?

Smart Set commented on 06.01.06
Damn those cheeky waiters. What's a "Fristi"? (I think you missed my feeble pun on "bar" back there.)

ART commented on 06.01.06
no, liquid, I never drink alcohol so you have to be inventive to have some variaty in what you drink. I'm blessed with Maud, no I can order a "Fristi" without people laughing at me, they really do that, those waiters

Smart Set commented on 06.01.06
Not much, but the chocolate part sounds good. Was it a chocolate bar?

ART commented on 06.01.06
so he pulls me into a bar and pores me full with hot chocolade while I had to measure the hight of my staircase to know how many plexi I need...makes sence?

Smart Set commented on 06.01.06
Well, make the most of it. Tomorrow it's back to the grindstone.

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 06.01.06
My first all day since months.

Smart Set commented on 06.01.06
All day, or just après-midi ?

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 06.01.06
Today it's verry quiet .... it's my clossing day.

Smart Set commented on 06.01.06
Hi, Jaak. How's business?

ART commented on 06.01.06
hey Jaak, here I am, and so is SS. Jaak thinks I'm not spending enough time on streetmattress since I have a daughter...but I think many hunters seem to disappear, do they all have fresh babies?

Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 06.01.06
Jeans blue he's a country lover and cowboy dance lover. The poubelle is right behind his back.

Smart Set commented on 06.01.06
"Michel, poubelle!", sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble...

ART commented on 06.01.06
never guessed he wore blue