mattress counter
pebbly bed - 06.25.06
submitter: Sleepeasy
location:Acton, London, UK
one last zizz before it goes...
category:People Keepin it Real


Jonny Roasta commented on 10.18.06
He looks kinda dead

Sleepeasy commented on 08.13.06
Hi Wim, I mean pic #5902 is intriguing. AS for shoes, look how black the soles of his feet are; the kids shun shoes most of the time.

wim commented on 08.12.06
how can your own pics be intrguing ? You put away the kid's shoes

Sleepeasy commented on 08.12.06
If he's still sleeping on streetmatts when he's that age, I'd worry. Intriguing pic though!

Smart Set commented on 08.11.06
Compare and contrast #5902.

Smart Set commented on 08.11.06
Yeah, school of rock.

wim commented on 08.09.06
same school as your kids SS ?

Smart Set commented on 08.09.06
Is that like jet setting?

Sleepeasy commented on 08.09.06
I'm betting he's yet setting

Smart Set commented on 08.08.06
Is that vignetting?

Sleepeasy commented on 08.07.06
I hate it when I repeat myself. Don't you hate it when people repeat themselves?

Sleepeasy commented on 08.07.06
Very much so; lively, too!

ART commented on 08.07.06
is he still alive?