I had taken a picture of the poster a few days earlier, just because I rather liked it;and then !!!kebengg!! a fine matt in fond of the same poster; I can only hope this is my #900 as there are several submissions astray
wim commented on 11.02.13
time to stop working today, good or a double prime, 173th, my 11th
Smart Set commented on 08.24.06
wim, I meant Steve is too busy etc.
Smart Set commented on 08.24.06
Hell oh, hell oh!
wim commented on 08.23.06
thanks thanks
Sleepeasy commented on 08.23.06
Oh Hell.
Oh Hell.
Sleepeasy commented on 08.23.06
Compliments on the matt; nice foxing on the corners there, nicely developed mould, good & saggy, well greased & attractively wrinkled.
Sleepeasy commented on 08.23.06
Compliments on the matt; nice foxing on the corners there, nicely developed mould, good & saggy, well greased & attractively wrinkled.
wim commented on 08.23.06
who is?
Smart Set commented on 08.23.06
I think he's just too busy with more important things.
wim commented on 08.23.06
amazing grace, but good for you, I wonder why Steve is not following at high speed
Smart Set commented on 08.23.06
I think I'm going to be two out on my #1700.
wim commented on 08.23.06
kebengg, I wanted to type
wim commented on 08.23.06
so it is not my #900, but sure is a
Smart Set commented on 08.23.06
Kebengg indeed, wim. I would say de Milo-worthy (though perhaps a bit less pavement would improve the composition).