mattress counter
Freo Matt - 09.20.06
submitter: JimmyLee
location:Fremantle, Western Australia
out for the count in freo
category:Beside the Point


JimmyLee commented on 05.11.07

Smart Set commented on 12.21.06
I say that all the time.

wim commented on 12.21.06
I did :"they couldn't restore the notorious lord george when they found him sleeping with a whore"

Smart Set commented on 12.21.06
It's "received pronunciation". Wiki it.

wim commented on 12.21.06
it is the "p" that bothers me, ravishing papa

Smart Set commented on 12.21.06
I don't speak Polish. One more guess.

wim commented on 12.21.06
real polish

Smart Set commented on 12.21.06
Please guess again, fool.

wim commented on 12.21.06
let me guess : rude politeness

Smart Set commented on 12.21.06
We freely admit it. I speak RP.

wim commented on 12.21.06
perhaps it means you have local dialects but do not admit it

Smart Set commented on 12.21.06
"Cholmondeley" is pronounced "Chumley". "Featherstonehaugh" is best not attempted.

wim commented on 12.21.06
I even went to watch them play football; but in holland they have the same problem, they say "gorkum" and write it "gorinchem"

Smart Set commented on 12.21.06
That's just silly.

wim commented on 12.21.06

Smart Set commented on 12.21.06
What did they say?

wim commented on 12.21.06
so do you, I once had to be in Doncaster and missed the train because I did not know what they were talking about

Smart Set commented on 12.21.06
Is he pointing? I like the way Aussies shorten everything: "Freo"!

wim commented on 12.21.06
good pointing by the fellow on the poster; western australia! I never knew they were divided.