mattress counter
Appearance - 10.17.06
submitter: Rebecca
location:San Francisco, CA
Hi everyone, I thought I'd make an appearance... This was taken on my way to see Bauhaus, in keeping with my "on my way to" San Francisco tradition. Special thanks to my lovely guest pointer, who shall remain unnamed.
category:People Keepin it Real


FOD47 commented on 01.09.11

psychobabble commented on 03.01.07
FOD40(43now) thought it was a while since you last commented but didn't realise it was THAT long!

FOD40(43now-Gulp!)UK commented on 02.28.07
Aw, she's kinda cute, and a little bit sexy (unless, of course she's a minor, then she's just kinda cute) X

Rebecca commented on 01.27.07
Hey, you're lucky said guest pointer broke with tradition and wore a color to the aforementioned Bauhaus event - otherwise she'd have been just one big shadow!

wim commented on 01.10.07
let us call her "angel" because she brought you back on the site

Smart Set commented on 01.08.07
And almost unseen.