This is awesum. I went out exploring the unknown regions of my town, and up way in the hills behind the businesses I found the entire home of a homeless man! :D There was closes and crap everywhere and a BUCKET! Here's a picture of the mysterious nomad's mattress. Pretty tight. I left a teaton on his stuff too before leaving. Muhahaha
So you guys are pretty hardcore mattress tracker people eh? Yeah I always keep an eye out for thems.
Yes teatons is this experimental give art to the world thing that is becoming a worldwide fa nama nam and stuff. HOORAY! The teatons project approves of streetmattress ;D
wim commented on 01.11.07
just keep it clean folks
robert k commented on 01.10.07
and #13741.
Chaf commented on 01.10.07
Reference #10553, 120938.
Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 01.10.07
Space matt, space ships, space cake why not, perhaps you can see them fly.
Sleepeasy commented on 01.10.07
Jaak! What a shocking suggestion.
Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 01.09.07
Perhaps the're some crumbs of space-cake.
Chaf commented on 01.09.07
The pattern on the matt is that of space ships and such.
Sleepeasy commented on 01.09.07
Help me out here Chaf, what's a space mattress? Is it to do with the pattern? Or its orbital capacities? Or something different?
Chaf commented on 01.09.07
But wait, all this teat talk and we've overlooked the important things...I do believe thats a space mattress, thoughts anyone?
Chaf commented on 01.09.07
So based on the definition, a "teaton" is a form of graffiti or a tag of sort.
Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 01.09.07
TEATON : See www dot teaton dot com for more explanation
Smart Set commented on 01.09.07
Googling "teaton" leads you to the Urban Dictionary and thence straight back to our matt-friend Jonny Roasta.
Sleepeasy commented on 01.08.07
Surely this matt should be in the category "sleepable"?