mattress counter
Classic - 11.02.06
submitter: Frosken
location:Oslo, Norway
Sånn. Min siste Matt. Nå føler jeg at jeg har gjort mitt for Norge. Adjø, sære hobby.
category:Dumpster Divers


wim commented on 11.24.13
mother oh mother, 639 frozen, no 15011

mother commented on 03.06.07
translation: That`s it. My last matt. I feel I`ve done my duty for Norway. Goodbye, strange hobby

wim commented on 01.19.07
I think he is leaving Norway, or he has lost his camera

Sleepeasy commented on 01.19.07
I can only speak Swedish but it looks like it. I think this says "This is my last matt. I have done with Norway. Adieu, dear hobby" Though I am not sure about the middle sentence.

Chaf commented on 01.19.07
It wouldn't translate on Babel-Fish.

Smart Set commented on 01.19.07
Can anyone translate? Is Frosken quitting SM?