My mother stays in a eldery home, my son Jelle lives now with Becky and they could use some good furniture. So our parental house is allmost empty and is for sale ... the end of a periode in our live.
Mats on da Move
Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 11.14.10
Thanks my friend.
wim commented on 11.14.10
courage, my friend
wim commented on 11.14.10
at least she did not pass away alone in her sleep
Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 11.14.10
Thanks Wim, Horse she did have a good life and she realy enjoid the last 4 years in the eldery home. Wim she passed away like she lived, like a fine woman, and after I said her to make the greetings to my dad.
wim commented on 11.14.10
she was a very fine woman Jaak
Horse commented on 11.14.10
Sorry to hear about your loss Jaak. It's not an easy time.
Jaak Graaf van Stokkem commented on 11.14.10
Again a period is changing, my mother passed away, but not the memories, I'll gona mis her.