This one was located in a unnamed local woodland spot where kids play. I was particularly pleased with my first real pointing attempt, I think I might try this more.
*Mattress de Milo*
Rebecca commented on 05.08.03
It's one of those things...I do it to maintain continuity, and it makes it a streetmattress photo rather than just any old photo of discarded stuff. Plus when you see my hand you can tell it's one of mine, and I really was in all those different places taking pictures of mattresses!
Kevin37uk commented on 05.07.03
Thanks for the hand comment Rebecca, I'd been saving it for somethign special, well if the truth be known I never liked the idea of pointing but I'm sold on it now.
wim commented on 05.07.03
thank you very much, I'm dazzled with the explanation, I tought it was a fake word (sorry)
Rebecca commented on 05.07.03
Very nice hand, Kevin.
Rebecca commented on 05.07.03
Also the word "dappled" is commonly used to describe animals with a spotted coat.
Kevin37uk commented on 05.07.03
Wim, dappled is the spotty shaded effect under the tree. It's due to some light being filtered out by the branches and leaves.