Distance Lends Enchantment - 08.27.07 |
submitter: | Smart Set |
location: | S. Acton, London, UK |
Not in this case. |
category: | Dumpster Divers |
comments: | 9 |
Smart Set commented on 09.02.07 | This was near Duninsane. |
Sleepeasy commented on 09.02.07 | Looks like East Berlin to me. English Asylums are set in leafy parks. In my experience. |
Smart Set commented on 08.28.07 | Wrong! I could clearly see the outsides through the bars of the van's windows. |
Chaf commented on 08.28.07 | That's because you only saw them from the inside. |
Smart Set commented on 08.28.07 | It looks like no asylum I was ever in. |
wim commented on 08.27.07 | a matt hunters asylym |
Chaf commented on 08.27.07 | looks like some kind of institutional building...asylum perhaps? |
wim commented on 08.27.07 | distance lends enchantment to the view, and robes the mountain in its azure hue |
robert k commented on 08.27.07 | makes me pine for greener pastures |