mattress counter
Distance Lends Enchantment - 08.27.07
submitter: Smart Set
location:S. Acton, London, UK
Not in this case.
category:Dumpster Divers


Smart Set commented on 09.02.07
This was near Duninsane.

Sleepeasy commented on 09.02.07
Looks like East Berlin to me. English Asylums are set in leafy parks. In my experience.

Smart Set commented on 08.28.07
Wrong! I could clearly see the outsides through the bars of the van's windows.

Chaf commented on 08.28.07
That's because you only saw them from the inside.

Smart Set commented on 08.28.07
It looks like no asylum I was ever in.

wim commented on 08.27.07
a matt hunters asylym

Chaf commented on 08.27.07
looks like some kind of institutional building...asylum perhaps?

wim commented on 08.27.07
distance lends enchantment to the view, and robes the mountain in its azure hue

robert k commented on 08.27.07
makes me pine for greener pastures