These two mattresses beneath the high overhang of a large barn beg questions.
wim commented on 08.17.08
I never miss a welcome
Rotten Scalyfish commented on 05.28.03
If you drive from Bellingham to Mt. Baker on the Mt. Baker Hwy, you'll drive though Deming...also through the town of Welcome...but if you happen to look at the clock, check your gauges, etc, you'll probably miss them both.
Rebecca commented on 05.27.03
Looks like Deming is near Welcome, Washington, somewhere on the edge of nowhere.
ChristineL commented on 05.27.03
Looks as though they built that funky overhang JUST for mattress protection from the elements. Hey Rotten--where in the heck is Deming, WA? Lived here my whole life, never heard of it.