mattress counter
Chugokujin - 05.27.03
submitter: Rebecca
location:Santa Cruz, CA
I was standing in front of my house staring at my car, when who should walk by but two Chinese people with a mattress on a shopping cart! WOW!
category:*Mattress de Milo*


Rotten Scalyfish commented on 05.28.03
I thought I was the only one who stood in front of the house staring at my car...

Rebecca commented on 05.28.03
"Chugokujin" means "those Chinese people need a volkswagen."

kirkk commented on 05.28.03
what's chgokujin? is that chinese for farfanugen, or however you spell that. (see volkswagon in background)

ChristineL commented on 05.27.03
Do you think they're using the mattress as a cover-up for stealing the cart?

Rebecca commented on 05.27.03
Yes but not that one! Mine is a Jetta.

wim commented on 05.27.03
do you drive a volkswagen ?