mattress counter
Maggot mat - 10.13.07
submitter: sleepeasy
location:Acton, East Churchfield Road
This matt put me in mind of a giant writhing maggot.
category:Seen Worse


Sleepeasy commented on 10.17.07
White Matt with matte black rainpipe.

Jim commented on 10.17.07
Onya my matt possums- the matter!!!!is resolved

robert k commented on 10.17.07
i'm in agreement with SS and Jim. MaTT is how I pronounce it.

Smart Set commented on 10.17.07
Chacun à son goût. I've always felt that matt was the logical abbreviation, although I have occasionally written mat, but when I speak it I always say matt.

Jim commented on 10.15.07
no it's matt--Americanisation of the English language is taking over and it stops right here--can't even get chips--gotta be "fries"--no ==it's bloody chips and matts-

wim commented on 10.14.07
i'd prfer mat, as in doormat, on the other hand a mattress is a bit more than something to swipe your feet, hence i'd be in for a double t, hence matt

Sleepeasy commented on 10.14.07
Too right, SS. I'd say the abbreviation for mattress should be mat. But I often write matt as you guys seem to do so all the time. Tell us what the rule of thumb is, SS

wim commented on 10.14.07
are we on the same lenght of thinking the other way round?

Jim commented on 10.14.07
enter the early bird possum

Smart Set commented on 10.14.07
SE, gotta sort out the mat/matt question.