mattress counter
don't play between parked cars - 10.16.07
submitter: robert kershaw
location:west oakland, california
especially in a dark underpass
category:Seen Worse


robert k commented on 10.16.07
yes, i can get wrapped up in work related stuff. we should all take a break.

wim commented on 10.16.07
good for you Robert. I'll stop working for today. 13 hours should be enough for once. I am afraid I am a workaholic, but probably you are one too.

robert k commented on 10.16.07
BART passes three blocks away from our new place. It is all landscaped with both bike and walking paths and probably will not be as lucrative with respect to SMs. Although I did get a matt below the BART in my new neighbourhood this morning. Will begin posting my albany/berkeley matts soon.

wim commented on 10.16.07
you are going to miss the bart