mattress counter
matras-matelat - 06.03.03
submitter: wim rutten
location:Voeren-Fourons, Belgium
We have 3 official languages, most places are in only 1 linguistic region. Voeren-Fourons is not. Their native tongue is a sort of german dialect, they are surrounded by french-speaking neighbours, but the village belongs to a flemish province, without touching it, sort of a flemish island in french water.Foreigners have the right to vote, but most of them are dutch, such helping the flemish party to obtain a majority.And still they find time to throw away good looking matrassen-matelats.
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 10.04.11
I have always had the three in the family, 96 to stop, still not possible to finish the line of thinking

DIRTY STEVE commented on 06.06.03
looks good enough to take home