a few weeks ago, evening and a full motorway I spotted the thorn matt, drove to the right, drove backward against all traffic, got out of the ca, hurried for one picture and drove off before any other accident could happen; a very thrilling experience, but a fine mattress, or a "has been"
kerry commented on 03.13.08
i seriously thought this was a human skeleton. i need to sort out that contact lens direct debit!
Jim commented on 03.13.08
"simply the best" Wim, against the traffic--jeez mate--true grit--onya mate
wim commented on 03.13.08
it was worth a fine
Smart Set commented on 03.10.08
So you "drove backward against all traffic"? Respect!
Smart Set commented on 03.10.08
Oh, I guess you meant "torn", as sung by Natalie Imbroglio.
Smart Set commented on 03.10.08
Good pic, but what is a "thorn" matt?
Horse commented on 03.10.08
Great picture Wim.
robert k commented on 03.10.08
well worth the risk wim, but be careful out there.