mattress counter
Whoa Nellie - 06.15.03
submitter: ChristineL
location:Port Orchard, WA
I chased down this man at illegal speeds. Wanted to get an action shot of his mattresses blowing in the wind as he tore down Pine Road. He disappeared for a short time. I turned a corner, and there he was, mounting the truck, trying to calm down the obviously terrified mattresses.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 07.03.03
does that man actually wants to drive the van, or was he just pushing too far and thus thrown out for harrassment

ChristineL commented on 06.22.03
That was beautiful, Frank. Thank you.

Frank commented on 06.22.03
How many roads must a mattres walk down
Before you call him a matt?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The mattress, my friend, is blowin? in the wind