mattress counter
Ooh La La! - 06.24.03
submitter: tikifish
location:Boul. St. Michel, Paris, France
It was my last day in France, and I was a little bummed that I still had not seen a Parisian streetmattress, when my friend and I came across this lovely menage a deux.
category:*Mattress de Milo*


wim commented on 01.13.13
and 111 for the one with the best site

wim commented on 01.13.13
a menage à deux allows 1954 to be missing

evc commented on 06.26.03
tres sassy

Jacques Offenbach commented on 06.25.03
Fermons les yeux
Ne gênons pas les amoureux!"

(We close our eyes and don't disturb the lovers)
from: La Vie parisienne

tikifish commented on 06.24.03
Yes! She is the same one who is similarily dismayed in one of my previous shots, 'Art Installation'.

DVD Dan commented on 06.24.03
Is that your friend that seems appalled by the public display of that yellow stain?

Rebecca commented on 06.24.03
Mats aren't the only thing that's scarce there, as I recall.

wim commented on 06.24.03
why didn't you tell us you crossed the ocean? Anyway,you know by now that mats are scarse in paris