mattress counter
Truck - 06.29.03
submitter: Rebecca
location:Santa Cruz, CA (west side)
We used to have so many old trucks on the west side...mine was one of them. This one knows how I feel about it and offers a futon in friendship.
category:Mats on da Move


Rebecca commented on 07.13.04
Aaw, thank you! You were very close, yes. That's so nice - you put a big smile on my face. There's nothing more sentimental than an old truck, is there?

wim commented on 07.13.04
My guess FOD, you were close. Could be interesting to know how many cancers we have, I know of 3 : me, art-chitect and rebecca (if you are close)

FOD40UK commented on 07.13.04
Ha-ppy birthday to you,ha-ppy birthday to you.Ha-ppy birth-day dear Re-becc-a,Ha-ppy birth-day to you!.....Thought i'd adopt one of your uncommented submissions as a kinda birthday gift(that and I dig pictures of old trucks)so many happy returns Rebecca(was I even close?)