mattress counter
Sunbath in the plants - 07.17.03
submitter: Christophe Labiouse
location:Sofia, Bulgaria
Waw, I had to wait seven days to take my first mat in Bulgaria
category:Seen Worse


wim commented on 12.06.08
I agree, it took a while for me to find sofian matts

paul b commented on 02.14.05
re yuka's comment, I think you may find this is the mid mat rollover often adopted by worn out mattresses, the desired effect being to look cleaner on the outside to increase the chances of being taken home to a loving family.

Frank commented on 07.23.03
But, what a beauty, a superb still life, worth a trip to Bulgaria.

ChristineL commented on 07.19.03
It's probably like those "potato bugs" we have around here in Washington State; they roll into a ball when they're scared.

yuka commented on 07.18.03
All I'm wondering in the pic is that it looks like it's rolled up or bound up but I can't see any rope or tie around the mattress..