mattress counter
Don't look back in anger - 07.22.03
submitter: Christophe Labiouse
location:Sofia, Bulgaria
Nice shot in front of what it looks like a diplomat's house


wim commented on 12.25.08
do you by now, Christel?

Christel commented on 07.25.03
Thank you Frank. I will join you as soon as i will have a camera and a mattress at the same time ;-)

Frank commented on 07.25.03
Christophe: mes sincères félicitations matelas 2000. Très heureux que ce soit un Liégeois qui a atteint cette honneur.

Frank commented on 07.23.03
Christel, there's nothing more easy than to join or community. Just take a nice mattress icture once in a while and publish it here. Quite soon you'll be addicted. And… you have pointing talent!

Christel and Markus commented on 07.23.03
You are so rude Christophe, you don't even introduce us !! Moreover I (christel) want to enter in the community of mattress-hunters.